
Colorado Rules!

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

U.S. CONST. amend. XIV, § 3.

So! The Colorado Supreme Court booted (for now) traitor trump from the primary ballot based on the 14th Amendment. Finally, one court had the courage and the proper legal reasoning — that, mind you, Judge Sarah B. Wallace in an inferior court failed to attain — to confront the burning question: Did traitor trump engage in an insurrection, and, in so doing, is he barred from running for the presidency again given the language of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America? Their abridged answer is, Yes! But this post is not an analysis of the ruling by the Colorado Supreme Court, for I have not read the opinions yet, but I will. Instead, I’ll take this time and space to fast forward to the only court that matters: SCOTUS. As usual, I remind morons of America that when it comes to legal questions, the sole opinion that matters is that of the highest court in the land. In short, WWSD?

I will cut to the chase. The radical uber-conservative RepubliKKKlan supermajority wing of SCOTUS will reverse Colorado’s decision because deep down inside, they want dictator traitor trump in office to end our democracy. Full stop! First, they will make permanent Colorado’s own administrative stay so that by the 5 January deadline, the secretary of state will be forced to keep traitor trump on the ballot. That’s the easy, quick move by SCOTUS. After that, the six radical conservative justices can take their time bending over backward to parse and contort every verb, adjective, noun, comma, and prepositional phrase of the Amendment in an attempt to conform their textualist and strict originalist theories to arrive at a predetermined result, and that outcome is this: Keep traitor trump on the ballot. Instead of reading the Amendment in the most straightforward and obvious light, they’ll find every misplaced punctuation mark, word, and irrelevant historical “fact” to bolster their “reasoning” as to why an insurrectionist should be permitted to run for president again. One can already hear the rumblings of RepubliKKKlans, especially traitor trump’s primary “opponents.” They claimed within minutes of the Colorado decision being released — their timing evinces none of them read the opinion — that the courts should not be barring traitor trump from the ballot; it is up to the voters to decide. With this feeble and illogical perspective, I begin my discussion in earnest as I think it is this line of “reasoning” SCOTUS will use in their decision-making to protect traitor trump.

Thus, we begin with the notion that the voters should decide. This, of course, is the coward’s way out of having to make a difficult legal decision that cuts against traitor trump, and it will be the way of SCOTUS. But putting the onus of such decisions on the shoulders of the voters is to make Section 3 of the 14th Amendment utterly inoperable and pointless, which I’m sure those who amended the Constitution in 1866 (ratified in 1868) never intended. No amendment is ever proposed and passed — by a very high standard, I may add — to be ignored and not used, especially when legislation could be enacted in the alternative. Fear not, though! SCOTUS will “fix” any controversy. And don’t get me started on how the Liberal justices will vote, for SCOTUS will insist upon a unanimous decision, which can only happen if Kagan, Sotoymer, and Jackson cave. In an attempt to show consensus and solidarity on this matter, the Liberal justices will help the pro-insurrectionist justices throw the Constitution into the trash heap of history all in the name of “can’t we all just get along.” On the most crucial Constitutional question of our time concerning an insurrectionist candidate trying to re-enter the White House to finish the job of ending America’s democracy, the justices will fail in line to make sure traitor trump gets his “fair” shot. I have no doubt!

Since the 14th Amendment is an eligibility requirement — akin to the age requirement for a president — it is not up to the voter to decide eligibility, for it is attaining the pre-requisites that get candidates on the ballot in the first place. Determining eligibility is not a “decision” to be made by the voters in the voting booth. Nowhere on a ballot does it instruct (has never instructed) a voter first to consider if a candidate has met the constitutional requirements to be on the ballot before casting a vote. Granted, the minimum age requirement, for example, is clear-cut compared to determining if someone engaged in an insurrection against the government, but that’s what the courts are for, and two Colorado courts found that traitor trump had, indeed, encouraged and condoned an attack on the Capitol to remain in office.

Thus, SCOTUS will defer to the “let the voters decide” outcome, but they will also attempt to legitimize their “reasoning” by claiming, no doubt, that the 14th Amendment does not apply to traitor trump. Instead of interrupting the Amendment as intended initially — insurrectionists can’t f***ing run for office — they’ll weasel their reasoning into something that resembles the following: The president isn’t explicitly mentioned as being barred, and this Amendment really only applies to those who engaged in the Civil War. The intended consequences of such an interpretation are this: Traitor trump and all subsequent candidates can legally attempt to overthrow the government and run for office to finish the job because the Constitution does not bar them from doing so. These six pro-insurrectionist justices will turn the 14th Amendment into the “insurrectionists get a free pass” amendment because, of course, they will. Makes total sense. Naturally, this is what the drafters of the 14th Amendment and those states that ratified it intended. Of course, it is only logical that these same people never considered future insurrectionists should be barred. Oh, no. History could not possibly repeat itself. Civil wars are a one-and-done event! Ugh! I live in stupid f***ing hell. Mark my words, f***tards! Traitor trump always wins because Americans are too f***ing G.D. stupid to stop him. And the courts enable him. The only question remaining is what will be the magnitude of improvement in traitor trump’s polling numbers as a result of the Colorado decision. And the polls will go up because no one f***ing cares about the Constitution or democracy, and I live in the dumbest f***ing country on the planet. Welcome to stupid America. The end is here, and SCOTUS is icing on the cake!


RepubliKKKlans (and Voters) Hate Children!

From Axios, “Sixty percent of kids who have lost Medicaid coverage this year came from just nine states, all of which are Republican-led, according to new data from the Biden administration. And the 10 states refusing the Affordable Care Act’s expansion of Medicaid to low-income adults have disenrolled more kids than all of the expansion states combined, the administration also reported. … Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra sent letters to Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Montana, New Hampshire, Ohio, South Dakota and Texas on Monday urging them to better protect kids from losing Medicaid. … States with the smallest decreases in kids’ enrollment were largely blue states. Enrollment actually increased slightly in New York, Oregon, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Washington, D.C.”

Ya know, at some point, you just have to step back to look at the whole picture and come to realize that this country and the states are exactly as people want them to be. There really is no other explanation for the state of the union, and child welfare in this country is a prime example of a nation that — on the whole — either hates children or is entirely indifferent to their well-being because voters keep electing conservative politicians to ensure the status quo never changes. Sadly, RepubliKKKlans, more often than not, remain in office and get re-elected to hurt children, although they sure do love the fetus to the point where they’ll trap women in their states and force them to death’s doorstep to prevent an abortion. RepubliKKKlans and voters have no problem with those tactics, but keep children out of poverty and provide healthcare? Hell f***ing no! RepubliKKKlans constantly tell voters what they plan on doing, which is to take America back to the 1850s. And they live up to their word. Yet, voters routinely elect them like clockwork. At some point, one must conclude that Americans want to live in a retrograde country. Oh, well. Welcome to stupid America! Dumb and lost!


‘Poisoning the Blood of Our Country’

According to NBC News, “Former President Donald Trump said immigrants coming to the U.S. are ‘poisoning the blood of our country,’ a remark on Saturday that quickly drew a rebuke from his chief Democratic rival as President Joe Biden’s campaign likened the words to those of Adolf Hitler. ‘They let — I think the real number is 15, 16 million people into our country. When they do that, we got a lot of work to do. They’re poisoning the blood of our country,’ Trump told the crowd at a rally in New Hampshire. ‘That’s what they’ve done. They poison mental institutions and prisons all over the world, not just in South America, not just to three or four countries that we think about, but all over the world. They’re coming into our country from Africa, from Asia, all over the world.’”

Of course! I expected nothing less from a fascist, but do you know what’s more unnerving? No one f***ing cares. Mark my words, f***tards. Morons of America don’t care for a couple of reasons. First, the average idiot doesn’t know their history, so they have no idea that America is going down the same road as Nazi Germany. Indeed, we are sleepwalking right into the end of our democracy, and citizens are too stupid to apprehend this. And second, f***tards of America actually agree with traitor trump. That is the true threat, more so than the unmitigated ignorance of Americans. Citizens believe “foreigners” are poisoning the “pure blood” of “Americans.” Moreover, there are too many African-, Hispanic-, and Asian-Americans who support traitor trump. It is incomprehensible to see, all too often, Black, Hispanic, and Asian supporters standing behind traitor trump at his rallies as he says this sh*t, but you know what? They love. Never underestimate the capacity of people to self-loathe. Traitor trump literally lists the nations and ethnicities of people who are corrupting the blood of Americans, and those same targeted groups stand behind him utterly unphased by his words; they stand there holding their MAGA signs with a straight face as traitor trump puts a target on their backs. Un-f***ing-believable! How f***ing obtuse can you be? But, again, I’ve written about this countless times: These minorities, who support traitor trump no matter what he says, always think that he — and other MAGA morons — are talking about those other minorities, never themselves. Funny how Black, Hispanic, and Asian traitor trump supporters always seem to see themselves as being excluded from or above their minority kindred. You can’t make this sh*t up. Oh, well. These people are going to have a rude awakening when traitor trump gets re-elected and all these minority groups become the target of violence. (There are Jews who voted for Hitler.) People get the government they deserve and desire, including minorities. Welcome to stupid America. The stupidity is endless.


America: The Land of F***tards!

According to The Hill, “The Harvard CAPS-Harris poll found that 56 percent of those surveyed at least somewhat agree that Trump, who is the clear front-runner for the GOP nomination, will act like a dictator if given a second term, including almost 40 percent who strongly agree. The poll also found that 59 percent of voters believe Democrats are unfairly trying to scare voters over Trump by saying he wants to be a dictator. … Pollsters found that Trump leads President Biden in a hypothetical head-to-head match-up by 5 points, 47 percent to 42 percent, with 12 percent undecided. With the undecided voters required to choose, Trump’s lead narrows to 4 points, 52 percent to 48 percent. … The survey is an online sample drawn from the Harris Panel and weighted to reflect known demographics. As a representative online sample, it does not report a probability confidence interval [emphasis added].” I added the italics because online samples have a notorious self-selection bias that is difficult to overcome, but the results, nonetheless, still serve as a window into the psyche of moronic America!

While I am not one of those poll deniers that pervade the dumbass Democratic Party who seem hell-bent on ignoring reality, these survey results say more about the utter stupidity of the average American giving the answers than the state of the presidential race; however, these numbers track perfectly with other surveys. When you read the complete report, it spells doom for Biden because, as I have repeatedly said, people will sell this country’s democracy down the river for a few more bucks in their wallets. But I’m not writing this post to analyze the head-to-head poll results; I’m writing because I found an interesting internal “contradiction” in the answers. And I put the word in quotes because it’s probably less of a contradiction than it is an unintentional revelation about what f***tards of Americans want for this nation. The apparent contradiction is this: 56 percent think traitor trump will act like a dictator if re-elected, and a plurality would prefer traitor trump over Biden as the next president. When viewed one way, the 47 percent who favor traitor trump are all MAGA morons, which now subsumes the RepubliKKKlan Party. So, it makes sense that the 47 percent who said they would vote for traitor trump include all those in the 56 percent who said he’d act like a dictator. The Venn diagram of these two groups overlaps completely. They love and want a dictator. Or we could go the other way. The 56 percent are Democrats or Democrat-leaning voters who fear a traitor trump dictatorship, and the balance are MAGA voters who “don’t see” his dictator tendencies and blow off his comments. But we’ll never know because the survey does not report the number of people who simultaneously called traitor trump a dictator and who would vote for him. They could have. They’ve got the information.

What’s more unnerving is the 12 percent of undecided voters when they are forced to choose. This is where the paradox of America’s stupidity shines the brightest. When the “undecided” individual must choose, they still prefer the dictator wannabe over Biden. Un-f***ing-believable! America is over, f***tards! How many times must I say it? How many f***ing times?!?! Americans are just too f***ing G.D. stupid to keep their democracy. Nah! Americans don’t want a democracy! And this poll appears to prove it, for it is the only survey I’ve seen that poses the questions side-by-side about traitor trump’s dictator tendencies and the choice of who they want for president. America cannot be saved at this point, morons. Mark my words! The end is here. Welcome to stupid America! You heard it here first — years ago!

MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

Words Written 50 Years Ago Sound Familiar

A huge, blind excitement fills the streets.  The Republicans have come to power in a land tortured by unemployment, embittered by loss of control at the southern border, demoralized by political weakness.  Perhaps this will be the new beginning.  Most people think MAGA a little absurd here, too obsessive there.  But perhaps the time for thinking is over.  Trump did not seize power.  He was offered it just as his relevance was declining.  The politicians who made Trump argued, We are hiring him.  Their figurehead was the ancient Mitch McConnell.  Republicans and Democrats tried to take Trump coolly.  This wouldn’t last, they said.  Never-Trump conservatives took comfort from the fact that McConnell, still head of the Senate, was known to despise the vulgar little reality T.V. star.

With mock solemnity, Trump and his lieutenants walked to the Capitol for ceremonial Inauguration Day.  MAGA’s strength had been built up by revolutionary violence.  They had never imagined that they could take office legally.  When protesters took to the streets, Trump seized his chance to suspend all civil liberties.  His followers could hardly believe their luck.  The old GOP, the symbol of apparent continuity, presided as they turned office into power by acts of sham legality.  When Congress voted to allow Trump to govern with impunity, the GOP leadership made no comment.  The legal president marched irresistibly into the role of the legal dictator.  Trump proclaimed the new America, and meant it to last a thousand years. 

The new America began to round up its enemies — Democrats, Independents, impertinent journalists, even disloyal Republican deputies.  They bullied more than they murdered.  From the first moment, Trump unleashed his promised campaign against minorities.  MAGA organized boycotts of minority-owned shops.  The real point was to encourage the American people to think and act bigoted as a matter of course.  The outside world was horrified, but there were those, including many American minorities who thought the anti-minorities campaign the work of MAGA extremists, something Trump would put a stop to when he felt more secure.

There was to be a cultural revolution, too.  American culture would be purged of the progressive taint.  Books flew into the fire.  Many of those who flung them were students and teachers.  And, as the sparks rose, the intellectuals fled — writers and scientists — to give their talents to Western Europe.  A hundred years before the German-Jewish poet Heine, whose books now went into the fire, had warned:  “Where one burns books, there one eventually burns people.”

Does the above sound familiar? (Actually, I doubt it does to idiot Americans because the average moron living in this country doesn’t understand history, not to mention that these words, the original of which I used as a base, were written 50 years ago. And we all know for the benighted youth and the vast majority of adults out there that five decades ago is ancient history and before the time of TikTok; therefore, in essence, history has not begun yet, for if it’s not in people’s timeline, then it — whatever it is — never happened.) Below is the original version from episode one of “The World at War” (BBC, 1973). Narration by Sir Lawrence Olivier.

A huge, blind excitement fills the streets. The National Socialists have come to power in a land tortured by unemployment, embittered by loss of territory, demoralised by political weakness. Perhaps this will be the new beginning. Most people think the Nazis a little absurd here, too obsessive there. But perhaps the time for thinking is over. Adolf Hitler did not seize power. He was offered it just as his voting strength was declining. The politicians who made Hitler chancellor argued, We are hiring him. Their figurehead was the ancient President von Hindenburg. Communists and Socialists tried to take Hitler coolly. This wouldn’t last, they said. Conservative anti-Nazis took comfort from the fact that their old war leader Hindenburg, still head of state, was known to despise the vulgar little corporal.

With mock solemnity, Hitler and his lieutenants walked to the ceremonial opening of parliament. The party’s strength had been built up by revolutionary violence. They had never imagined that they could take office legally. When the old Reichstag building was mysteriously gutted by fire, Hitler seized his chance to suspend all civil liberties. His followers could hardly believe their luck. The old Hindenburg, the symbol of apparent continuity, presided as they turned office into power by acts of sham legality. ln March, when the Reichstag voted to allow Hitler to govern without parliament, Hindenburg made no comment. The legal chancellor marched irresistibly into the role of the legal dictator. Hitler proclaimed the new Germany, and meant it to last a thousand years.

The new Germany began to round up its enemies — Communists, Socialists, impertinent journalists, even Reichstag deputies. They bullied more than they murdered. From the first moment, Hitler unleashed his promised campaign against the Jews. The SA organised boycotts of Jewish-owned shops. The real point was to encourage the German people to think and act anti-Semitic as a matter of course. The outside world was horrified, but there were those, including many German Jews, who thought the anti-Jewish campaign the work of Nazi extremists-something Herr Hitler would put a stop to when he felt more secure.

There was to be a cultural revolution, too. German culture would be purged of the Jewish-Bolshevist taint. Books flew into the fire. Many of those who flung them were students and teachers. And, as the sparks rose, the intellectuals fled — writers and scientists — to give their talents to Western Europe and America. A hundred years before the German-Jewish poet, Heine, whose books now went into the fire, had warned: “Where one burns books, there one eventually burns people.”

The World at War (BBC, 1973)

All I did was swap out the nouns and other minor wording to make them relevant to today, but the connotations are exactly the same. I originally completed this exercise nearly seven years ago when traitor trump first came into power — before his complete takeover of the RepuliKKKlan Party — and not much in the passages’ meaning has changed. Indeed, if the ease with which this description of a horrific past can be re-applied to the present doesn’t terrify you, then we’re in even worse trouble than I thought. The question remains: Did what I write five years ago better describe the past or what is yet to come? Welcome to stupid (fascist) America! We are so f***ed. And no one cares! Mark my words, morons!


Can’t Make This Sh*t Up!

So, let me see if I can get into the mind of the average f***tard American correctly. All things being equal, Americans prefer RepubliKKKlans over Democrats. Despite the booming economy and stock market under Biden; despite Biden’s legislative wins; despite Biden’s leadership on the world stage; and despite the leader of the RepubliKKKlan Party being indicted multiple times at the state and the federal levels; despite traitor trump’s impeachments and leading an insurrection against our democracy; despite his blatant and careless mishandling of our nation’s most sensitive secrets; despite RepubliKKKlans rolling back women’s rights to bodily autonomy; despite traitor trump proudly claiming credit for ending Roe and calling for punishment against women getting abortions; despite RepubliKKKlan politicians in states and in the Congress intent on banning abortions without exceptions across the country; despite RepubliKKKlans’ clear mismanagement of the House that has brought us to the brink of defaulting on our debt and shutting down the government — and it could still happen under their “leadership”; despite RepubliKKKlans’ inability to select a Speacker of the House for weeks, a first in American history; despite traitor trump’s threat (promise) to end ObamaCare; despite RepubliKKKlans and traitor trump cozying up to dictators; despite RepubliKKKlans’ and traitor trump’s promise to sacrifice Ukraine to Russian imperialism; despite traitor trump flat-out telling the country that he intends to become a dictator on day one while RepubliKKKlans condone his proclamation by their silence and denials; despite all these things and more, morons of American want RepubliKKKlans to have greater control! F***tard Americans want that party in charge again! Un-f***ing-believable! Whatever! I give up! Americans are too f***ing G.D. stupid to keep their democracy. And it’s apparent that Americans really don’t f***ing care about democracy at home and elsewhere on the planet. I can’t anymore. I just f***ing can’t with this sh*t-for-brains country. Welcome to stupid America! The stupid cannot be reversed, and the country cannot be saved from itself!


Infant Mortality Up in Texas

From an article on CNN from July 2023 that caught my eye, “Texas’ abortion restrictions – some of the strictest in the country – may be fueling a sudden spike in infant mortality as women are forced to carry nonviable pregnancies to term. Some 2,200 infants died in Texas in 2022 – an increase of 227 deaths, or 11.5%, over the previous year, according to preliminary infant mortality data from the Texas Department of State Health Services that CNN obtained through a public records request. Infant deaths caused by severe genetic and birth defects rose by 21.6%. That spike reversed a nearly decade-long decline. Between 2014 and 2021, infant deaths had fallen by nearly 15%. … The increase in deaths could partly be explained by the fact that more babies are being born in Texas. One recent report found that in the final nine months of 2022, the state saw nearly 10,000 more births than expected prior to its abortion ban – an estimated 3% increase.”

Oh, well! This is what f***tards of America wanted. This is what our “great” nation has become: A place proud to have an increasing infant mortality rate in one of the largest states! How f***ing embarrassing. Only in a RepubliKKKlan America! Only RepubliKKKlans demand that women carry to term babies that have a zero percent chance of viability. Only RepubliKKKlans demand that families bear the added medical expenses of delivering a baby, only having to watch their baby inevitably die, which probably incurs additional expense as doctors are forced to provide some measure of life-saving and palliative care. Only in Texas must people be forced to accept the extra cost of giving birth to a D.O.A. baby. Yup! Only in Texas. But this is what people want. This is what they voted for! Again, oh, well. I certainly don’t care. People can always move to another state that actually treats women equally, but they won’t because I think deep down inside, the women of Texas want to be dominated. I have yet to see a political uprising of women protesting in the streets. And I don’t mean small, sporadic protests here and there; I mean large, sustained civil disobedience protests ala the Civil Rights Movement. Why has there been such apathy from Texans? Because abortion rights are always someone else’s problem. How many f***ing times must I say it before people believe me? Other people simply don’t care.

And as a final thought, how many of the 10,000 more babies born in Texas will end up in poverty? These are the long-term consequences of abortion bans. Women and families are being forced to have babies they can’t afford and otherwise would have been terminated early into the pregnancy. Of course, these adverse effects won’t be felt for a couple of years as statistics begin to catch up with reality. So, Texas will be known for increasing infant mortality rates and worsening child poverty. Fan-f***ing-tastic. How utterly American! As usual with RepubliKKKlans, they love the fetus and hate the child. Oh, well. I guess I may be convinced otherwise when I see women rising up in the streets to re-claim their bodily autonomy, but I’m not going to hold my breath. Only in stupid America! I expected noting less.


I Just Assumed…

According to The Hill, “Congress has approved legislation that would prevent any president from withdrawing the United States from NATO without approval from the Senate or an Act of Congress. The measure, spearheaded by Sens. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) and Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), was included in the annual National Defense Authorization Act, which passed out of the House on Thursday and is expected to be signed by President Biden. The provision underscores Congress’s commitment to the NATO alliance that was a target of former President Trump’s ire during his term in office. The alliance has taken on revitalized importance under Biden, especially since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.”

Wait! Whaaaaa?!?! I just assumed that a president could not withdraw from a treaty unilaterally when two-thirds of the Senate must ratify all treaties; Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution reads, in part: “He [the President] shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur.” I said as much (incorrectly) in a previous post. (Yes, I admit when I’m wrong, and perhaps I should have researched my misunderstanding first.) So, I Googled my query and found out that President Carter unilaterally withdrew from the Sino-American Mutual Defense Treaty as part of normalizing relations with China. Unbelievable! How can this be?!?! You know, I thought America was founded on the notion of not having a king, yet the president seems to acquire more and more kingly power with each passing era. I can’t believe the Founding Fathers would have been so careless as to require significant buy-in from the Senate before a president could enter into international treaties yet leave the mechanism to exit one entirely unchecked. Maybe I should not be that surprised since many Founding Fathers were actually copacetic with the notion of an American king because why not? Christ!

Moreover, it is pretty clear that a majority of Democrats and RepubliKKKlans take traitor trump’s threats to leave NATO seriously if they felt the need to enact legislation to prevent him from doing so. Yet, these same RepubliKKKlans will vote for him next year, knowing the danger he brings to our democracy and the world. Traitor trump may have been prevented from technically existing NATO — assuming RepubliKKKlans don’t pass legislation to reverse course during his next term when traitor trump demands they do so — but he could still decide not to act when required by the tenets of the treaty (Article 5) thereby leaving the organization in effect. Last I checked, Congress can’t force the commander-in-chief to command. And RepubliKKKlans will not impeach him over his failure to live up to the treaty’s requirements. In the end, traitor trump will simply ignore the spirit of the compact.


The End Is Here!

Hot off the presses! Look, f***tards, the end of America is already here; morons of America just haven’t realized it yet. I’ve been saying this for years — years! Biden is merely the intermission to the end of our democracy, and all the polls point in that direction. This Morning Consult poll is yet another bit of evidence. I don’t have access to the crosstabs of this new poll, but reporting covered on MSNBC highlights the same grim story: Biden is losing the youth and minority vote, which were key to his election win. And third-party candidates (RFK, West, and Stein) are hurting Biden more than traitor trump. And so much for abortion rights being a driving force, as dumbass Democrats keep (incorrectly) predicting. Make no mistake, abortion will be illegal everywhere when traitor trump wins, but no one cares. That’s the first right people will lose under total RepubliKKKlan control starting in 2025. This is just one hot-button culture war issue that these polls indicate voters are willing to ignore. Again, no one cares! And how many times must I say it? How many times? Abortion rights are always someone else’s problem.

And if I have to hear one more f***ing G.D. dumbass Democratic politician or liberal commentator try to play down all these polls that keep telling the same story, then I’m going to lose my f***ing G.D. mind. Typical liberals who want to bury their heads in the sand by discounting the polls. It is equally infuriating that these same moronic liberals point to one or two polls that show Biden besting trump while discounting dozens of polls showing the opposite. Funny how they want to ignore unfavorable polls as being unreliable, yet favorable polls for Biden are trustworthy. It is akin to sticking their fingers in their ears and chanting, “I can’t hear you!” Un-f***ing-believable. Dumbass Democrats need to wake the f*** up and understand that Biden is going to lose at this rate. And while the polls may not be precise, they all say the same thing. (Liberals constantly point to the failure of polls to predict races in the past, notably the margin of victory by RepubliKKKlans in the House last year, but the polls accurately predict Democrats would lose control — that part of the narrative idiot progressive commentators ignore. And once again, only dumbass Democrats think they’ve won because they lost by less! Kill me now!) Also, let me clarify something while I’m at it: Traitor trump will never win a majority of the vote, and it’s possible he may not win a plurality of the national vote. Sadly, winning the popular vote is not how our f***ed-up system works. All traitor trump needs is a few thousand more votes in three swing states to win the election. And as I have also been saying, it’s not Biden who will be the demise of his own election; it’s all the third-party candidates. Their absence in the 2020 election helped Biden win; their re-emergence in 2024 will be the end of Biden and our democracy because this sh*t-for-brains country can’t think straight or vote accordingly. It is absolutely conceivable traitor trump wins by attaining no more than 40 to 45 percent of the national vote. Wow! Trying governing over a country where 60 percent don’t want you. But fear not! Dictators do it all the time! Oh, well.

Progressives will kill our democracy because they’re mad at Biden, so they’ll show him by voting third-party or by staying home. People’s third-party vote is a vote for traitor trump. And a failure to vote is a vote for traitor trump. Full stop! But whatever. No one cares! I guess morons of America think traitor trump will be better for minorities (e.g., Palestinians and Muslims). Good luck with that, f***tards! Given all that people know (or should know) about traitor trump, they’re willing to reelect him. I can’t help the stupid anymore. So, get ready, f***tards! Our democracy is history; we’re in the countdown to the end. Mark my words, morons! Americans get the government they deserve and desire, and people want to throw away democracy in favor of a dictator con man. Welcome to stupid America! At best, a civil war is coming to regain our democracy. At worst, people capitulate. You heard it here first! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


A New Closing High for the Dow Jones Industrial!

If it’s a day that ends in “y,” then I woke up in the dumbest f***ing country on the planet because I live in stupid f***ing hell! According to CBS News, “The Dow Jones Industrial Average surged to close at more than 37,000 points for the first time as investors applauded a statement from the Federal Reserve on Wednesday that it could cut its benchmark interest rate next year. The blue-chip index jumped 512 points, or 1.4%, to end the day at 37,090, topping its prior peak of 36,799 in early 2023. The broader S&P 500 rose 1.4% and is within 1.9% of its own record. The tech-heavy Nasdaq composite added 1.4%. Fed officials also left their short-term rate unchanged for a third straight meeting amid signs that their aggressive push to subdue inflation is working. With the price spikes that slammed Americans during the pandemic now receding in earnest, Fed Chair Jerome Powell said in a news conference that the federal funds rate is projected to fall to 4.6% by the end of next year, from its current range of 5.25% to 5.5%.”

Once again! Biden is f***ing up this economy left, right, and center! I can’t believe people keep failing to apprehend this. Clearly, everything sucks in this economy. Just ask stock investors! They can’t stop bidding up stock prices. Oh, wait! This new high-water mark evinces one more paradox that I’m at a loss to explain with reason, which leaves the only remaining possibility: Americans are a bunch of f***tards. At this point, given all the evidence and economic news, it is the only rational explanation. I have consistently said that the average American moron judges the whole of the economy based on their feelings and scant economic evidence, that “evidence” usually being gas prices and their 401K balance. Well, now we have more proof that this sh*t-for-brains country seems to be ignoring all economic and fiscal measures and sticking strictly with their distorted feelings as the beacon of rationality. All things being equal (i.e., people did not touch their retirement funds), any average person (or, more importantly, voter) should be able to look at their 401K balance objectively and conclude it’s never been higher. (I did, and it is.)

I suppose this is all Biden’s “fault” because the opinion polls sure do suggest as much. So, I guess that theory of mine is blown out of the water; retirement balances don’t matter after all. Apparently, they did under traitor trump. Of course, he never let you forget it — admittedly a savvy marketing tactic. I’m sure Biden will mention this new market achievement once or maybe twice at most. Never underestimate dumbass Democrats’ ability to f*** up a good political opportunity. Biden should be touting these record market highs daily, but he won’t because the guy is still lost in the belief that moronic Americans can “figure it out” (i.e., the good news) themselves. He’ll probably be reluctant to take credit for the Dow’s new high because the president has nothing to do with market vicissitudes, and he’s absolutely correct, but moronic Americans don’t understand this. Hell, they think Biden has his figure on the “higher inflation, please” button sitting on the Resolute Desk. Oh, sure, I get it. “Bidenomics” messaging failed, but that probably had more to do with how the message was conveyed; when Biden has to hold rallies or White House staff must conduct MSM interviews with long-winded explanations of how well the Biden economy is working, then you’re losing. They failed the K.I.S.S. method of salesmanship, which traitor trump mastered because — well — because he’s a simpleton and his MAGA moron followers are all f***tards. Biden should be out there daily — just like traitor trump was — saying the market is higher, 401Ks are higher, and gas prices are lower. If you say it often enough and long enough, then morons (a.k.a. Americans) will eventually believe it. Forget about describing what roads and bridges are being fixed in someone else’s state or town; no one cares. It’s all about “What have you done for me lately?” Nothing more, nothing less. Eh, none of this matters because I fear Americans have reached a new threshold of stupidity, and there is no turning back to rationality or intelligence. Welcome to stupid America! No one cares!