What Else Is New?

According to a Politico article, “And after mostly brushing off deficit concerns while pushing through a costly tax-cut plan, the White House now plans to reposition itself as an unlikely enforcer of fiscal responsibility led by its new top budget official, a veteran of the conservative group Heritage Action.” What else is new? This is stupid America! Time after time RepubliKKKlans gain the presidency and run up the national debt or worse (i.e., the Great Recession). Then a Democrat has to come into office to clean up their fiscal disaster, yet RepubliKKKlans are always considered the party of fiscal responsibility. This country is so f***ing stupid it hurts. It seriously hurts to think about the level of idiotic hypocrisy that keeps getting RepubliKKKlans re-elected on the “fiscal responsibility” argument. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer under RepubliKKKlan leadership, so naturally, MAGA morons can’t wait to re-elect traitor trump. Welcome to f***ing G.D. Scheiße-for-brains stupid America!

America’s Pariah

From a headline on Axios: “Sanders vows to defeat ‘most dangerous president’ in history.” So, Bernie “Bros” and his supporters still have no clue just how anti-Semitic this country is at its core. Listen here, morons: if you think this country is racist, misogynistic, homophobic, etc., then you haven’t seen anything yet when it comes to America’s anti-Semitism undercurrent. If he becomes the Democratic nominee, then he will absolutely lose because RepubliKKKlans will make his religion (which he doesn’t really practice) the centerpiece of an attack campaign, and it will work. There is no way idiot “Christians” (Catholics, Protestants, Evangelicals) in this country will allow a Jew to head the government. Hell, they not-so-subtly accused Hillary of being a Jew (or being Jew-tolerant) when clearly she is not Jewish, but that didn’t stop them. Can you imagine the attacks on an actual Jew at the top of the ticket? Jews have been the pariah of Western civilization for 2000 years; this election cycle is not going to change that! Mark my words, morons. Welcome to stupid America!

Diseases Are Good

From Politico, “We still get messages that say these diseases are good for you. And that old ‘What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger,’ said Oregon state Rep. Mitch Greenlick, who is pushing for stricter vaccination requirements. He has introduced a bill, OR HB3063, to eliminate all vaccine exemptions except for those based on medical grounds.” And this is what a stupid country looks like. Welcome to stupid America!

Welcome to the Scheiße Show

Politico reported, “The rollicking two-hour-plus appearance at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference in Maryland offered the president a brief respite from an otherwise miserable week[.] … Trump, basking in the adoration of the crowd, largely glossed over the North Korea summit’s collapse, instead reviving several of his greatest hits, from rehashing the 2016 election to obsessing over the crowd size at his inauguration.” This entire presidency is one long shtick meant to entertain f***tards. So, a stupid electorate comprised of MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans voted for idiot traitor trump to be president and this is what a stupid country looks like. It is a good thing for traitor trump supporters that breathing is an autonomic body function lest they suffocate otherwise for being so G.D. stupid. Welcome to stupid America!

Between Biden and a Hard Place

From the headline of a recent article by CNN’s Chris Cillizza, “Joe Biden said something nice about Mike Pence. Big mistake.” I like what he has to say; it’s usually spot on, and in this case, his analysis does not fail. It was a big mistake and just underscores how out of step these old Democrats are with the times. Yet, I cannot decide if Biden is the savior of the party or yesterday’s news. On the one hand, my gut feeling is the last thing this country needs is another old white guy as president. Moreover, the last thing the Democratic Party needs is another frontrunner that wants to play nice with RepubliKKKlans. I seriously don’t think I can handle another Democrat that will let RepubliKKKlans walk all over him (or her–though I’m far less inclined to believe a woman would put up with such Scheiße from RepubliKKKlans). On the other hand, I think Biden has the best chance of defeating traitor trump, especially with a female (e.g., Kamala Harris) as a running mate. It’s vote blue no matter who, but there are those dumbass Democrats that just can’t fall in line, and apparently living under a RepubliKKKlan regime is more preferable than not getting what they want–Bernie!

Brilliant Deal Maker

CNN reports, “The United States and South Korea are expected to announce in the coming days that annual military exercises between the two nations are to be scaled back, according to a US defense official.” Oh, so I guess Kim did get something for nothing after all (two things actually). Un-f***ing-believable. Traitor trump walks away from the meeting looking more like a dotard (that is literally a Kim Jong Un description of traitor trump before the bromance if one recalls) than someone negotiating from a position of strength. If he actually knew what the f*** he was doing he would have understood that the preliminary negotiations were failing completely. So, what? Did he expect to swoop in and fix things because he’s actually a stable genius? Traitor trump did fix a couple of things on Kim’s list: he forgave him for murdering an American and he scaled back these military exercises. What did we get in return? Nothing! Thank you so much MAGA morons for bringing us this national nightmare. Welcome to stupid America!

Dumbass Democrats

CNN reports, “‘I am now writing a final time to request your voluntary cooperation with this investigation,’ Cummings said. “‘I ask that you begin producing all responsive documents immediately, and I request that you begin scheduling transcribed interviews with each witness identified by the Committee.’” OMG! Why? Why? Why? Why are Democrats so f***ing weak all the time? What part of never ask but only demand from RepubliKKKlans and traitor trump do Democrats always fail to understand? Like I have said before, Democrats have no idea how to use what little power they possess. Instead, Democrats needlessly try to be “polite.” Well, f*** that! Seriously, just stop! They are wasting time and energy. Hello, dumbass Democrats! The only things they should be delivering to the White House are subpoenas. Surrounded by MAGA morons and dumbass Democrats. Welcome to stupid America!

Where Your Taxes, Bitch?

NBC reports, “The top tax-writing committee in the House is readying a request for years of President Donald Trump’s personal tax returns that is expected to land at the Internal Revenue Service as early as the next few weeks, according to congressional aides involved in the process. And Democrats are prepared to ‘take all necessary steps,’ including litigation, in order to obtain them.” WTF! And this request for traitor trump’s taxes was not completed on 3 January because why? Thank you, Democrats, for once again proving your weakness and inability to prioritize. His taxes are the key to everything! You start there! You don’t need to establish a predicate for doing so except that it’s traitor trump. Welcome to stupid America!


From a CNN report, “Harper has his record deal, with the $330 million topping the $325 million Giancarlo Stanton got in his November 2014 pact with the Miami Marlins. The Phillies have their star, the type of player they absolutely had to sign after owner John Middleton began the offseason promising to spend ‘stupid’ money.” Well, I guess if you want to understand where the priorities and interests of a stupid citizenry reside, then look no further than the sports page. This country bitches about not enough money for universal healthcare, underemployment, homelessness, child poverty, etc., but morons of America are willing to pay more money than they can afford for tickets to a sporting event that pays their players tens to hundreds of millions of dollars. Hey morons: sports stars will not fix society’s problems, but you pay them as if they do. This is truly stupid f***ing America. Greed over everything is the rule, not the exception!