Classified Documents Used as Scrap Paper

The end is here, f***tards! The! End! Is! Here! I’m telling all you idiots out there this is what’s happening. Mark my words! I think I will start shifting this blog’s purpose into a documentary of the end of America’s democracy because that’s all I see around me. One story after another evinces me that America, as a democracy, is ending — and no one f***ing cares because I live in stupid f***ing hell! Americans are simply too f***ing stupid and apathetic to care, and, not to mention, most Americans really don’t care about democracy. We are at the fuck-around-and-find-out stage of democracy. And! No! One! F***ing! Cares! Oh, well!

This latest story from ABC says everything one needs to know, “One of former President Donald Trump’s long-time assistants told federal investigators that Trump repeatedly wrote to-do lists for her on documents from the White House that were marked classified, according to sources familiar with her statements. As described to ABC News, the aide, Molly Michael, told investigators that — more than once — she received requests or taskings from Trump that were written on the back of notecards, and she later recognized those notecards as sensitive White House materials — with visible classification markings — used to brief Trump while he was still in office about phone calls with foreign leaders or other international-related matters.”

This! This from a guy who led chants of “lock her up” for Hillary’s mishandling of electronic classified documents. Yet, traitor trump has such little regard for handling classified documents that he steals them and then uses America’s secrets as scrap paper for honey to-do lists. And no one f***ing cares because traitor trump is still tied with Biden — pick a poll, any f***ing poll — after all his indictments. This is what riles me up more than anything. America is just too f***ing G.D. stupid to survive. Whatever! And if I have to hear one more f***ing G.D. moronic MSM political pundit — or dumbass Democract — claim that these polls are still too “early” to be reliable, then I’m going to lose my f***ing G.D. mind! I don’t give one G.D. f*** how early these polls are or how little attention these political pundits claim people are paying to the presidential race at this point. The timing doesn’t matter. People are still making choices in these polls based on — I assume — their experience and “knowledge” at the moment. And voters consistently keep indicating that they don’t f***ing care; Biden and traitor trump are the same to these morons of the highest f***ing order despite four years of living under the traitor trump administration’s chaos and nearly four years of traitor trump’s criming after he’s been out of office. Un-f***ing-believable!

It is incomprehensible to me that given everything traitor trump has done over the last seven years, MSM and political pundits claim voters are “tuned” out enough not to fully comprehend the consequences of electing him again. I don’t buy that argument. They know and don’t care, or, worse still, they really don’t know and don’t care to know, so they’re willing to re-elect the traitor. This is what a dying country looks like, f***tards. I f***ing give up. I wake up hating the citizens of this country more and more every day, for Americans are too stupid to learn anything. Mark my words! And mark them well. I promise you America’s days are numbered because Americans genuinely don’t want a democracy anymore. Wake up, morons! Wake the f*** up! War is coming because I promise you that when we wake up the day after Biden loses, half of Americans won’t want to live under another traitor trump presidency! Welcome to stupid America! You’ve been warned!

More Evidence of the End Times — for America

According to the Texas Tribune, “The Texas Senate on Saturday acquitted Attorney General Ken Paxton of 16 articles of impeachment alleging corruption and bribery, his most artful escape in a career spent courting controversy and skirting consequences of scandal. No article received more than 14 of the required 21 votes to convict. Only two of 19 Republican Senators, Bob Nichols of Jacksonville and Kelly Hancock of North Richland Hills, voted in favor of convicting for any article — a stark contrast to the more than 70% of House Republicans who impeached the attorney general in May.”

Eh, did we expect any other outcome? What this acquittal really evinces is that the RepubliKKKlan Party — indeed half the nation — is not only incapable of holding rogue actors accountable, but they embrace, welcome, and condone RepubliKKKlans who abuse their power and pose a threat to our democracy. Yet this is what people want, especially in Texas. Paxton has been under federal indictment since the beginning of his first term, but he was easily re-elected nonetheless. And I have no doubt he will get elected to a third term after this, despite all the evidence of his criminality. But no one cares. RepubliKKKlans love the lawlessness as long as politicians sufficiently hate the gays and other minorities, and Texas voters don’t care either for the same reasons. This is what a dying country looks like: Corrupt leaders persist, get re-elected, and become more popular. The end is here, f***tards. Welcome to stupid America! No one cares!

F***ing Weak, Pathetic, & Loser Schumer

So! I was watching Morning Joe on MSNBC this morning, as usual, and they had Chucky Cheesy Schumer on with some other RepubliKKKlan senator, whose name I didn’t bother to learn, talking about A.I. But what really caught my attention was Joe Scarborough’s question to the two of them about Tommy “I’m Just a Dumb Football Coach” Tuberville’s hold on military promotions. Naturally, Scarborough got right to the heart of the problem when he asked f***tard Schumer why he wasn’t forcing votes by keeping the Senate in session (continuously) until every single nomination was passed. Schumer gave some moronic, p*ssy non-answer answer. This, of course, is something I suggested dumbass Democrats should have done months ago when football-coach-turned-military-hater Tuberville first put the holds into place. Scarborough articulated the same threats I did: Lock the senators in the chamber, start the voting process, and don’t stop until every nomination passes. No one is going home. They’ll be sleeping in the chamber or their offices. Bathroom and meal breaks only. If it takes weeks and weeks, then so be it. Wheel Senator Feinstein in on a gurney hooked up to I.V.s and have a team of doctors and nurses standing by if that’s required to get the job done. I don’t f***ing care.

This is the type of political hardball tactics that dumbass Democrats should be employing! But no! They don’t because Schumer and the whole lot of them are f***ing G.D. weak p*ssies of the highest m*****f***ing order who have no f***ing clue how to play the political game. This is why and how they keep losing — and by losing, I mean not winning all the time. Scarborough and Molly Fong-Fast, who was also on the show, suggested that dumbass Democrats need to start playing politics with a f*** ton more ruthlessness. Everything I’ve been saying for months, of course. This is why I hate Schumer, besides his overuse of “shame” as a term to admonish RepubliKKKlans. Shame? Really? They have no shame. Has he learned nothing? (Apparently.) But I digress. He’s the weakest f***ing leader of the Senate — ever — and naturally, he keeps playing by the old gentlemen’s rules while Rome is burning down. So f***ing typical of dumbass Democrats! God! This is why I hate the party at times more than RepubliKKKlans. I’m so f***ing sick and tired of the nice guy routine with Democrats. Our democracy is in peril, and all they want to do is play by antiquated rules to avoid rocking the boat. Hello, f***tards! The ship is sinking! F***ing do something. Whatever! I give up! As I keep saying, RepubliKKKlans want to destroy America’s democracy, and dumbass Democrats will let them because they’re too afraid to stand up to the insurrectionist party — and RepubliKKKlans know it. Oh, well. This is what a dying country looks like. Welcome to stupid America!


Is it just me, or does McCarthy pronoun ‘inquiry’ weirdly? He has an unusually strong emphasis on the EYE part. That aside, this latest maneuver by RepubliKKKlans to begin an impeachment inquiry is what a dying country looks like, and this was all utterly predictable when f***tards of America decided to give RepubliKKKlans control of the House. What did Americans expect? Did morons of America truly think splitting control of Congress would somehow foster cooperation and negotiation? Hello, idiots! Have you f***tards been asleep for the past 20 years? Of course, RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, QAnon kooks, and the like don’t want to cooperate or govern. They just want to destroy, yet this country of f***tards decided to give them the keys to the House of Representatives anyway. I live in stupid f***ing hell!

And let’s be absolutely clear about the point of this impeachment inquiry, which I can summarize in one word: Benghazi! This is the exact same tactic RepubliKKKlans used on President Hillary Clinton. Oops. Wait! Senator Clinton. (You get my point, right?) And guess what? It will work because — again — I live in stupid f***ing hell. The purpose of this “inquiry” is to muddy the waters. RepubliKKKlans want voters to conclude Biden and traitor trump are the same, so who cares? Why bother voting? Or just elect the guy who had lower gas prices (aka traitor trump). As usual, it’s RepubliKKKlans’ attempt to force idiot voters to rely on their lizard brains to make election decisions. Plus, RepubliKKKlans are out for revenge. Pure and simple. I promise.

This is the end of America, which officially began when morons of America elected traitor trump in the first place. But Americans are too stupid to apprehend that they doomed the country six years ago and are certainly too stupid to fix it. I keep hearing pundits and other MSM political commentators declare that Americans don’t want the chaos seen in government and between the political parties, yet this is precisely what Americans keep voting for, so I have no f***ing idea what these people are talking about when they make such claims. And let’s not kid ourselves into thinking this witch hut against Biden will rile up dumbass Democrats, who keep believing Americans know better and have the intelligence to see through this RepubliKKKlan impeachment charade. This is the same population of “intellects” that think today’s economy under Biden is the worst ever. I give up! Americans get the government they deserve and desire, which is why RepubliKKKlans control the House. This is what a dying nation looks like. And how many times must I say it? Biden is merely the intermission to the end of our republic, and we’re about to realize that Americans really don’t want to live in a democracy. Welcome to stupid America, where every four years is impeachment season!

Three Books to Read

Over the summer, I finished three books I only read when I treat myself to breakfast at a favorite local pancake house on the weekends. Needless to say, I don’t read as much as I should.

  • Nine Black Robes: Inside the Supreme Court’s Drive to the Right and Its Historic Consequences (Biskupic, J., 2023)
  • The Shadow Docket: How the Supreme Court Uses Stealth Rulings to Amass Power and Undermine the Republic (Vladeck, S., 2023)
  • Worse Than Nothing: The Dangerous Fallacy of Originalism (Chemerinsky, E., 2023)

I just so happened to have read these books in increasing order of interest and significance. The first book by Biskupic was interesting, but I didn’t learn much new. Oh, sure, some of the backgrounds of the justices and the intrigue among the nine that she examines was elucidating, but all in all, it was mostly information with which I was already familiar — or lived through. The author is a legal journalist for CNN, so she wrote a book in the journalist mode, not offering much of an opinion or having much of a perspective on the justices and the issues. Moreover, it was more biographical than I would have liked, not diving into the legal intricacies of the high-profile cases she discusses. The book was written for the layman. If you are interested in the law and don’t know much about SCOTUS, then this would be an appropriate primer. But if you can name all nine justices, identify the chief justice, recognize the most consequential case names, and could only choose one of the three to read, then it would not be this one.

Vladeck’s book was far more fascinating and enlightening because it covered a subject I had some knowledge about beforehand but not much. Plus, he goes into the history of the shadow docket, and anyone who knows me understands that I prefer to read about economics, the law, and history, so a book about the law and history is always a winner for me. This author definitely had a point of view coinciding with my own, namely that RepubliKKKlans have abused and distorted the shadow docket by using it to significantly alter society without judging the merits of cases. Instead, they have relied on the shadow docket to set law through technicalities or, worse still, through orders that provide no reasoning or rationale. Often, some of the most important questions of law are allowed to take effect with little more than a paragraph of “explanation.” Think of Texas’ S.B. 8, whereby the Court allowed the law to take effect through the shadow docket before hearing the merits of the case when common practice would be to enjoin the law while contemplating the merits. See Chapter 7, which is ironically titled “‘Read the Opinion.'” Ultimately, the Court did rule on the merits of Whole Woman’s Health v. Jackson a few months later, but the fact that they allowed the law to take effect is the entire point for demonstrating SCOTUS’ abuse of the shadow docket.

Last, I come to Chemerinsky’s work, which is a must-read. For those interested in judicial theory, this is a great starter, and the subject matter could not be more germane to the state of SCOTUS today. As the title suggests, the author warns of the dangers of originalism being used by the conservative justices on SCOTUS. One point in particular — among others — is that conservative judges and justices abuse originalism to meet their desired ends, using it when necessary and abandoning the theory when it leads to unwanted outcomes. I have long suspected that this collection of six theocratic justices begins with the end in mind when adjudicating a case; indeed, they have the end in mind by virtue of the cases (issues) they select for certiorari. Once the case has been taken up, then they twist the facts, laws, and legal theories to achieve their judicial ends. This book is proof.

Democrats Are Weak and Killing Our Democracy

Let me preface my forthcoming rant by reminding readers that I have never knowingly voted for a RepubliKKKlan in my life, and I never will. I’m not an idiot. And I understand that when faced with a choice between two evils — which Biden versus traitor trump is not, but many f***tards believe it to be — then always select the lesser of the two evils. So, no matter my polemics against Biden and Democrats, I would sooner put another hole in my head than not vote for Biden. But I will say this, though. Democrats (and Biden) never seem to pass up the chance to f*** things over for their political party and the country. This is nothing I haven’t already said on numerous occasions. Needless to say, Democrats are still playing politics the old way and losing. But of course!

I think Charles Blow states the case well when he writes in The New York Times, “But not only are most of Trump’s Republican rivals avoiding attacking him over his various indictments, so is his Democratic one. Joe Biden refuses to comment on them. He and his campaign have chosen to keep their distance from the chaos and not feed into Trump’s false assertion that his legal woes originate from political animus. This idea of a dignified silence has a long political history, but its utility and efficacy is unclear in a modern context. It feels a bit like a ‘Happy Days’ nostalgia in a ‘Walking Dead’ reality. And yet the Biden campaign plows ahead with it. Just last week, the Biden campaign co-chair Cedric Richmond reiterated the strategy: ‘We’re not going to focus on Donald Trump’s legal problems.’ But Trump’s legal problems aren’t about parking tickets or child support payments; they’re about an ongoing assault on our democracy, and it is hard to square having the candidate who is campaigning on protecting our democracy not address the great threat to that democracy. And that threat isn’t simply about what has happened, but what could yet happen. … Still, Biden adheres to a dignified silence approach, clinging almost religiously to the notion that voters will recognize and appreciate the difference between a restorer and a destroyer. That may well be the case. The continuity of the Republic as we know it may hang on it. But it’s perfectly reasonable to question the wisdom of that approach and to be apprehensive about it. … During a Labor Day speech, one that some saw as the president beginning to ratchet up his attack on Trump, Biden didn’t even mention his predecessor’s name, instead repeatedly referring to him as ‘the last guy.’ Most of Trump’s opponents, both Republican and Democratic, are placing a risky bet, one that completely depends on the discernment of the American voter. That may, in the end, prove to be a brilliant tactical assessment, but I worry that it’s just as likely to be a tragic miscalculation.”

Bingo! Bingo! Bingo! Once again, dumbass Democrats continue to sleepwalk into losing because they are weak and still have no f***ing clue how to fight. One thing that absolutely drives my bat-sh*t-crazy with Biden is his refusal to call out traitor trump by name. This “last guy” routine is so f***ing frustrating and annoying. How can you take on someone if you can’t say their name? You can’t. I’m not sure why f***tard Democrats can’t apprehend this. And then there is this notion from dumbass Democrats — Biden in particular — that the “average” (idiot) voter can discern between saving democracy by voting for Biden versus voting for traitor trump, who, in his own words, wants to destroy our form of government. I’m here to tell you Americans are not smart; do not trust them to make the right decision, let alone twice in a row. That’s how we got traitor trump in the first place. In 2016, the choice was between an eminently qualified candidate in Hillary Clinton or a “businessman” who became a household name through a reality T.V. show. It should have been an easy — dare I say no-brainer — choice. Look what happened. I will never trust f***tard Americans to consistently make the right choices again, especially when our democracy is on the line. Yet dumbass Democrats seem to be resting assured that voters are intelligent enough. Again, this is the party of morons who somehow convinced themselves they actually won the House because they lost by a much slimmer margin than expected. I can’t! I just f***ing can’t anymore with the stupid. Maybe I’ll change my tune when I see Dark Brandon on the campaign trail every day, but that will never happen because Democrats are just f***ing weak, and Biden doesn’t have the fire in his belly. Welcome to stupid America! The end is here! Get ready!

America Is Too Dumb to Survive

From CNN, “Most Americans say they think President Joe Biden was involved in his son’s business dealings with Ukraine and China while he served as vice president under Barack Obama, according to a CNN poll conducted by SSRS. A majority, 61%, say they think that Biden had at least some involvement in Hunter Biden’s business dealings, with 42% saying they think he acted illegally, and 18% saying that his actions were unethical but not illegal. Another 38% say they don’t believe Joe Biden had any involvement in his son’s business dealings during his vice presidency. Just 1% believe Biden was involved, but did not do anything wrong. A 55% majority of the public says the president has acted inappropriately regarding the investigation into Hunter Biden over potential crimes, while 44% say that he has acted appropriately.”

Granted, this poll has an oversampling of RepubliKKKlan and RepubliKKKlan-leaning Independents, which is manifest in the results. And let’s not even get into CNN’s purposefully wandering into RepubliKKKlan talking points. Nonetheless, a country this f***ing G.D. stupid cannot survive! I read poll results like this, and I hate Americans all over again. I don’t even know where to f***ing begin, but I will reiterate that America is very truly and most certainly the dumbest f***ing nation on the planet. A country of unadulterated f***tards. America is the essence of stupidity. It is an idiocracy boiled down and refined to its purest form. I would love to understand how and why morons of America think Biden is corrupt — that’s the real underlying question intended by this survey. What proof exactly has convinced people that Biden was involved in Hunter Biden’s business dealings? RepubliKKKlans have been trying to dig up evidence since January. And what have they found? Not a f***ing G.D. thing! And they won’t because it doesn’t exist. Yet, people believe what they “feel” because RepubliKKKlans have achieved precisely what they intended to do all along — sully Biden’s reputation based on nothing but smoke and mirrors. They are taking a page right out of Russia’s propaganda playbook. Just like with Hillary Clinton in 2016, it is a smear campaign. And guess what? It’s working. It’s working because Americans are morons of the highest f***ing order and believe anything. Just ask traitor trump. Speaking of whom, if Biden’s “corruption” was so f***ing blatant, pervasive, and damaging, then why didn’t traitor trump discover it while he was president? Why didn’t his Justice Department prosecute Joe Biden’s underhanded dealings? Because there wasn’t anything to investigate and prosecute.

And how exactly has Biden “acted inappropriately regarding the investigation into Hunter Biden over potential crimes?” Last I checked — thanks (not!) to idiot-boy Garland — Hunter Biden is facing prosecution on frivolous gun charges. Lord knows what investigations and prosecutions the special prosecutor will be allowed to unleash on Biden’s son — again, no thanks to Garland. I guess this hands-off approach by Biden is inappropriate in the eyes of f***tards. Are you f***ing kidding me with this sh*t? This country is just f***ing lost and stupid beyond repair. If the average American can’t discern fact from fiction, fact from opinion, and fact from feelings, then there is no hope left. The end is here, and this poll result is just another data point to support my thesis. The plan by RepubliKKKlans has always been to turn the public against President Biden as they did with Hillary to get traitor trump elected, and right on cue, it’s working because Americans are f***tards! I live in stupid hell with no way out! Once again, America will sleepwalk right into another traitor trump presidency, and the end of our democracy will be complete. And no one f***ing cares. Oh, well! Welcome to stupid America!

Proud Boys Will Get Away with Their Criming

From Salon, “At the sentencing hearings for the five Proud Boys convicted for some of the most serious crimes related to the January 6 insurrection, the crocodile tears were flowing. Perhaps hoping for mercy from the Donald Trump-appointed federal judge, Timothy Kelly, one member of the neo-fascist gang after another claimed to have seen the error of their ways and promised to walk a better path from here on out. … There’s plenty of reason to be skeptical of a single word of remorse offered by any of these men, however. Pezzola, after getting sentenced to 10 years, raised his fist in the air and yelled ‘Trump won!’ While the other Proud Boys were less dramatic, it was also not so hard to see how few, if any, genuinely feel bad about what they did. After being sentenced, Biggs called into a vigil held by pro-insurrectionists outside the jail and declared that his 17-year sentence was ‘insanity,’ even though it was half what prosecutors had asked for. ‘They can kiss my ass. We’re still fighting all the way to the end,’ he told the crowd, imploring them to ‘never give up.’ He also called into ‘Infowars’ to insist, ‘We didn’t do anything wrong. … Tarrio’s sentence of 22 years — so far, the longest of any January 6 insurrectionist — speaks to how skeptical the judge was of his ‘remorse.’ This lack of real contrition is the norm with insurrections top to bottom, from Trump to the lowliest window-smasher.”

This is what a dying country looks like. To be sure, this traitor trump-appointed judge uniformly gave sentences less than half of what prosecutors asked for with these convicted insurrectionists. These traitors to the country were found guilty of taking up arms against the government in the hopes of overthrowing it to install a dictator, yet their prison sentences were merely slaps on the wrists. The absolute length of time does not matter; it’s the difference between what was asked for and what they received. When a judge determines that time in prison should be half of what the government believes is justified, then the single to the rest is that the crime — these criminals — is not as bad as one should perceive it to be. All these guys could be back on the streets after serving 85 percent of their sentences and still be young enough to plan and participate in another insurrection.

Furthermore, these guys who cry in front of the judge while begging for mercy and then turn around to reassert they’d do it all over again in public should be hauled back into court and their sentences revised upward — it can be done. But not with this traitor trump judge. His leniency and looking the other way only empower enemies of the state and, in a way, condones their behavior. Mind you, Tarrio’s sentence included a terrorism enhancement of what? Four years? Pathetic. Perhaps I’m being too optimistic altogether. Traitor trump will pardon all these people during his inauguration speech anyway. So, I guess none of this matters, for in the end, the population will totally forgive all these guys’ actions because I live in f***ing hell, and no one cares! I always thought we executed traitors to prevent these problems from re-occurring. Drug dealers go away for life, while enemies of the state get another chance to do it again. Whatever! Welcome to stupid America! The end is here; you morons just haven’t realized it yet.

Flori-DUH People Love Their Dictator

According to Florida Politics, “For the moment, Florida voters still support the job Gov. Ron DeSantis is doing — including his war on Disney. New polling from the Florida Atlantic University Mainstreet PolCom Lab shows Floridians remain positive about DeSantis’ work as Governor. About 54% of voters say they approve of ‘the way Ron DeSantis is handling his job as Governor of Florida.’ A strong plurality, 41%, say they strongly approve. By comparison, 43% disapprove of his job performance, with 34% of voters strongly disapproving.” That poll is from July, and there is no reason to believe opinions have changed since.

Then there is this from Politico, “President Joe Biden is offering one of his White House challengers hundreds of millions of dollars to spend in his state. The only problem: that opponent is refusing to take it. The Inflation Reduction Act makes Florida eligible for some $350 million in energy efficiency incentives. But Gov. Ron DeSantis has rejected the funding and other measures, creating the most prominent blockade by any Republican governor against Biden’s economic agenda. … Through a veto of his legislature’s request, DeSantis turned down $5 million to set up the rebate program for consumers who buy energy efficient appliances and retrofit their homes. It also effectively blocked $341 million to fund the program because the state would need the administrative money to apply for the program, according to people familiar with Florida’s budget process. However, federal Energy Department rules allow a state to accept the second pot of money even if they don’t take the first. If Florida doesn’t apply for the full $346 million by next August, the law allows DOE to provide Florida’s money to other states.”

Look, f***trads! This is what people want; this is what they voted for when they re-elected DeSantis, and they love him for it because why not? People love their a**hole dictator governor who makes their lives worse as long as the gays are punished. Make no mistake, idiots! This is an intentional snub to own the libs and Biden at the expense of Flori-DUH residents (as well as any other red state refusing to participate in the IRA programs). And one wonders why idiots of America can’t seem to feel the economic benefits of Biden’s policies and legislation. It’s all part of the plan by RepubliKKKlans to evince morons of America that Biden has failed on the economy. Yet, people eat up conservatives’ B.S. hook, line, and sinker no matter how much Biden touts (repeatedly) the strong economy. People are too dumb not to believe their lying eyes. Moreover, Americans’ dim view of Biden’s success regarding the economy is just more proof that f***tard voters always punish Democrats for cleaning up RepubliKKKlans’ (traitor trump’s) economic and fiscal messes. It never f***ing fails! Every f***ing time! Welcome to stupid America! I give up!

A Consequence-Free World

From CNN, “Russian and Belarusian swimmers and divers will be allowed to compete at World Aquatics events as individual neutral athletes after new criteria was set by the sports’ governing body on Monday. In a statement on its website, World Aquatics said a maximum of one neutral athlete from Russia and one from Belarus would be allowed to compete per event. Athletes will not be permitted to show active support for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, nor be represented by the country’s flags or national anthems. The new rules align with the International [Olympic] Committee’s recommendations to allow for athletes from the two countries to compete, paving the way for Russian and Belarusian swimmers and divers to take part in the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.”

Nothing matters! There is no such thing as consequences. People are never punished. Countries and their citizenry are never held accountable. In the world of sports, it’s business as usual, and let’s just all get along. Never mind the athletes from countries that illegally invaded and took land from another sovereign nation. It’s all good. Everything is fair game in today’s world. It’s appeasement all over again. And we all know how that turned out. I live in stupid f***ing hell!