Iran said Israel has crossed a red line with its ground operation pushing into the Gaza Strip, and as I predicted, nothing is happening in response. I anticipated that this Israel-Hamas war would not spread, and it looks like I was right. The time for Iran and its proxies (e.g., Hezbollah) to get involved has passed with nothing more than a bit of b*tching and empty threats from them. Look, f***tards! The governments of Arab nations just don’t care enough about Palestinians to do anything to help them. They never have. (The streets of these same Arab countries are a different story as the protests evince.) For example, Egypt took weeks to finally open its border to allow aid, and they still refuse to let refugees into the country. Wow! Talk about Muslims stiffing their own. Ouch! I’d say this is pretty typical for Muslim nations: Keep Islamic terrorists (and the poor) out of Arba nations, but let them do their dirty work in non-Arab countries. Fan-f***ing-tastic! Par for the course, I’d say. No one is coming to help the people in the Gaza Strip, least of all other Islamic countries. The world just needs to understand this and accept it. Just like every other conflict in the Middle East involving Israel, the world will protest and yell and admonish, but Israel will do its thing and win. Then, the region returns to a Cold War-like tension until the next dustup. I’ve seen this movie countless times over the last 75 years, and it always progresses and ends the same way, just with fewer Muslims when all is said and done.
Help for Israel for 30 Pieces

According to The Hill, “The effort to pass an emergency defense spending package through Congress is turning into a mess. Senators say that new Speaker Mike Johnson’s (R-La.) demand to separate Israel funding from Ukraine and offset the $14.3 billion in Israel aid with cuts to the IRS budget isn’t going anywhere in the Democratic-controlled Senate.” As I said from the start, watch what Johnson does, not what he says. So, what is his opening act as Speaker? Hold emergency funding for Israel hostage by demanding funding for the IRS be eliminated in equal proportion. Right on cue, RepubliKKKlans insist on spending money only if they can hobble the one department in charge of collecting taxes to pay for said spending. It is baffling circular thinking, but not so circular if RepubliKKKlans want to protect the wealthy at the expense of everyone else. Whatever! I thought this “Christian” wanted to help our strongest ally in the Middle East fight terrorism. I guess this “unconditional” help comes with a quid pro quo that helps only the richest in America! As usual, all RepubliKKKlans are hypocrites and antisemites, without exception! Go figure! This is the government and backward logic this sh*t-for-brains country wants running the government. America is doomed because it’s just too f***ing stupid to survive. If this is Johnson putting his best foot forward as a first example of his governing philosophy, then God help us after he gets warmed up. Welcome to stupid America! I expected nothing less.
Have Americans Gone Soft?
If I have to hear one more MSM anchor, pundit, “expert,” or guest call out the deaths of civilians as anything other than unfortunate, then I’m going to lose my f***ing G.D. mind! What part of war do these f***tards not understand? War is war. Innocent people die. It’s just a fact of life, and to think when one nation attacks another that the ensuing conflict will somehow be a sterile and precise endeavor whereby bad guys get killed is beyond naive. It is downright delusional and, dare I say, dangerous. I wish the MSM would stop with their bothsidesism. It is damaging the Israeli cause. I don’t recall the MSM taking both sides when Al-Qaeda flew two planes into the World Trade Center and when we invaded Afghanistan. I guess it’s only a problem when Jewish people are on the attack. Then, all of a sudden, war is overreach. I guess antisemitism is alive and well in America, and the MSM is showing its true colors.
Moreover, I think Americans have grown soft and coddled by peace. (Ugh! I sound like a conservative!) But let’s be honest. There is a certain kind of passivity in the mainstream of liberal thought that makes Democrats and the American citizenry unable to apprehend a necessary fight when they see one. This is why the Proud Boys, evil evangelicals, QAnon kooks, MAGA morons, and the like are ready to fight while dumbass Democrats try to negotiate with domestic terrorists, evinced by their misguided and incessant call for a ceasefire. The bombing and war will end when Hamas has ended, and that is not some nebulous notion expressed by Israel. This “What does the end of Hamas mean?” is another idiotic question posed by the MSM. The end of Hamas is just that: No more Hamas fighters in the Gaza Strip. Did the press question the meaning of “unconditional surrender” of Nazi Germany during World War II? Did the press question the morality of firebombing Dresden and Tokyo? How the majority of Americans and the MSM perceive the Isarel-Hamas fight is a direct reflection of Democrats’ (and the public at large) passivity and feebleness to meet an enemy with the necessary force to defeat terrorists who use civilians as human shields. I’m sorry innocents are in the way, but such is life: Brutal, unfair, and short! Ignoring a fight (aka war) or calling it shameful because innocent people die will not make it disappear. But whatever! Welcome to stupid America!
Walffalling and Losing Credibility
From The Hill, “A federal judge reinstated a narrow gag order on Sunday preventing former President Trump from making public remarks that target prosecutors, potential witnesses or staff of the court. U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan – who is overseeing the federal case relating to efforts to interfere in the 2020 presidential election – posted the decision on the public court docket on Sunday, but her reasoning was not immediately available because of a reported ‘glitch’ in the computer system. The contours of the reinstated gag order were not available either.”
All these judges fear traitor trump. They all do, and I don’t care who they are. State judge or federal judge. It does not matter. They are afraid of him, and he is above the law because these judges confuse justice with trying not to look biased. (FYI — Following the law and treating every criminal equally is not biased.) And he knows it. This is why said judges keep tip-toeing around the orange dictator-wannabe. This is why judges waffle (e.g., Chutkan) and drag their feet (e.g., Cannon) with orders and judgments, making them look weak, intimidated, and confused. As for Chutkan, I have no idea why she stayed her own gag order after she put it into effect for a couple of weeks and then reversed her stay a week after that. One would think that a judge makes a deliberate and well-considered ruling in the first place. If the judge wants to put an administration hold on the ruling while a defendant appeals, then that is one thing, but to put a ruling into effect and then not and then on again only makes her look weak and intimidated by the defendant. Not to mention, doing so makes it look like adjudicating matters is entirely beholden to the fickleness of a judge. God forbid a judge woke up on the wrong side of the bed on the day you must show up before him or her. Granted, judges are only human, but it is their professionalism, experience, and holding true to the law that is supposed to temper the vicissitudes of their emotions. Whatever! It is the small fissures that traitor trump exploits to great effect. Yet people haven’t seem to have figured this out — still!
But none of this matters because traitor trump never faces any consequences. It’s not like any judge is going to jail him. (See my First Axiom.) And these monetary fines are ridiculous. A judge can fine him all he or she wants; when the fine gets high enough, he simply won’t pay it. The last fine of $10,000 was actually disbursed by his attorneys, who naively think they can bill traitor trump for reimbursement. Morons! Once the fines get to $100,000+ (if they ever do), they will merely go unpaid by the attorneys or traitor trump. Then what happens? Nothing! Not a single f***ing thing! In a normal world or a situation involving an average person, someone who fails to pay a fine would go to jail. But not with traitor trump. Again, see my First Axiom. Ain’t no judge in this country is ever going to send him to jail. Never ever! He knows it. They know it. So he keeps getting away with everything because America is a cowardly nation that never holds its crooked presidents (e.g., Nixon and traitor trump) accountable. This is what a dying country looks like. Welcome to stupid America!
Time to Start the Killing

From RawStory, “He’s now the most powerful elected Republican in the nation, second in line to the presidency, and the third most-powerful elected official, but just five years ago Mike Johnson was a freshman U.S. Rep. from Louisiana who had made a name for himself as an attorney fighting for far-right Christian causes. In 2018, U.S. Rep. Johnson was scheduled to deliver the keynote speech at a Bible conference hosted by infamous ‘Kill the Gays’ Pastor Kevin Swanson. Swanson, who supported Uganda’s ‘Anti-Homosexuality Bill’ that called for LGBTQ people to be executed or face life in prison, made headlines in 2015 for saying gay people should be put to death. As Right Wing Watch has reported, Swanson has called AIDS’ God’s retribution.’ He has ‘defended Uganda’s kill-the-gays bill, warned that the Girl Scouts, women’s soccer and movies like “Frozen” turn girls into lesbians, and accused gay people of causing devastating floods and hurricanes.’”
Rise up, people! Rise up! I don’t know how many times I have to keep repeating myself on this matter, but it is time to just start killing these people. I’m not sure why the LGBTQ community doesn’t have its own version of patriots that goes around eliminating these people by clandestine operations. These haters are a danger. Believe them! It is kill or be killed!
And So the Beguiling Begins!
For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.
2 John 1:7 (KJV)
And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
Revelations 12:9 (KJV)
According to The Hill, “After receiving criticism for his previous comments on same-sex marriage, new Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-La.) said he wanted to be clear on his stance: he is ’a rule of law guy.’ ‘I made a career defending the rule of law, I respect the rule of law,’ Johnson said on Sean Hannity’s show on Fox News Thursday. ‘When the Supreme Court issued the Obergefell opinion, that became the law of the land, okay.’… ‘I respect the rule of law and also genuinely love all people, regardless of their lifestyle choices,’ he said. ‘This is not about the people themselves.’ Johnson noted that while he is a ‘Bible-believing Christian,’ he doesn’t have an agenda ‘other than what’s best for the American people and to defend the rule of law.’ Johnson’s comments are notable as he has a history of being opposed to same-sex marriage and a record of using anti-gay language and fighting against gay rights.”
Everything Johnson said in the interview about protecting LGBTQ rights was a lie! One must read between the lines. Does anyone really think this guy who spent his entire life trying to relegate the LGBTQ community to second-class citizenship and criminalize being gay has suddenly had a change of heart? No, of course not! When he says he’s a “rule of law guy,” what he really means is that he’ll follow the law right up until he’s able to get it changed. Or, better still, SCOTUS reverses Obergefell. This is his (and all evil evangelicals’) desire. Make no mistake, f***tards! These Christo-fascists have been playing the long game for decades, and all their deceitfulness is finally paying off under the nose of a supremely stupid, zombie-like population that doesn’t even understand what the Speaker of the House is or does. After decades of biding their time and inching their agenda forward — election win by election win — they finally captured SCOTUS by installing an uber-conservative supermajority. And now they have seized the speakership, who, may I remind morons, is second in line to the presidency. Watch what Johnson does, not what he says! Welcome to stupid America!
I was 75% Right!
From The Wrap, “MSNBC reporter Ali Vitali dubbed Mike Johnson ‘Jim Jordan with a jacket and a smile’ after the ultraconservative Louisiana Republican was elected Speaker of the House on Wednesday.” And then there is more from The Washington Post, “If you are feeling any sense of relief that Jim Jordan won’t be the next House speaker, stop and worry again. The new speaker, Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.), might be more dangerous than the firebrand Ohio Republican. For Jordan’s shirt sleeves demeanor and wrestler’s pugnacity, substitute a bespectacled, low-key presentation, a law degree and an unswerving commitment to conservative dogma and former president Donald Trump. This is not an upgrade. It is Jordan in a more palatable package — evidently smoother, seemingly smarter and, therefore, potentially more effective. … Running for Congress in 2016, [Johnson] described himself as ‘a Christian, a husband, a father, a lifelong conservative, constitutional law attorney and a small business owner in that order, and I think that order is important.’ Johnson said he had been called to legal ministry and I’ve been out on the front lines of the ‘culture war’ defending religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, and biblical values, including the defense of traditional marriage, and other ideals like these when they’ve been under assault.’”
I had initially predicted that Jordan would get the speakership. Allow myself to quote myself, “Of course, Jim Jordan will become speaker of the House. What part of the RepubliKKKlan Party evinces that they’re not crazy? … And do not believe these ‘holdouts’ or never-Jordan folks. They don’t exist. They never existed, just like never-trumpers don’t exist. … [B]ecause these so-called moderate RepubliKKKlans are morons and easily duped. They all fall in line eventually. … RepubliKKKlan dysfunction is actually ensuring that they elect the most extreme speaker. They understand that they can’t proceed any longer without a leader, so they will select Jordan to end the impasse just for the sake of moving on. … Electing pro-insurrectionist Jordan will be yet one more step to advancing the end of our democracy because no one f***ing cares. F***tards of America keep electing morons to office, and this is precisely the outcome: A RepubliKKKlan Party that can’t govern, doesn’t want to govern, and only cares about destroying the government.”
So, I got the name wrong, but the core of Johnson’s beliefs are just as dangerous (more so, actually) than Jordan’s. I also accurately predicted that the “moderates” would all fall in line to elect the most extreme speaker. And right on cue, that is precisely what they did. Nay, RepubliKKKlans went further. They elected a theocrat as speaker! Because, of course, they did! This is just one more step to Christians ruling the country! Theocracy-loving justices dominate SCOTUS, so they will ensure the most conservative and Christian-based laws are upheld. Make no mistake, f***tards. MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks are gaining more power! And make no mistake, Matt Gaetz was absolutely correct when he said MAGA is ascending. The person second in line to the presidency is vehemently anti-gay (he literally wants to criminalize being gay), anti-abortion, pro-white Christian nationalist, pro-misogynist, and anti-democracy. Never mind that he has virtually no experience in government. But whatever. F***tards all across this benighted country elected the least experienced person in the history of America to be president — traitor trump.
And do not be fooled by Johnson’s speeches or his demeanor. He may come off as a mild-manured guy who loves everybody and wants to do his best for most Americans. Don’t be fooled! He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. In his mind, the “majority” of Americans are only white, straight, cis Christian males and nobody else. Ignore what he says if he comes off as bi-partisan or reasonable, for he is lying simply to deceive — as all Christians do; they lie and beguile as easily and as frequently as breathing. Instead, watch his actions! And do not be comforted and sanguine by the fact that Democrats control the Senate and the White House, so no extreme legislation under Johnson will make it into law. That is beside the point, for at this stage of the game, whatever bill Johnson puts on the House floor to be voted on is only intended for signaling. That is to say, show voters where he (and RepubliKKKlans) want the country to go in the future if they should gain total control. This excites the base and engenders them to get out the vote, while dumbass Democrats continue in their obliviousness and apathy, blindly believing that America can’t go backward. How foolish these ignoramuses! So, when Johnson puts a bill on the floor to undo marriage equality — whether it passes or not — the purpose has already been fulfilled by telling the country that gay rights are the new target. This is but one example. He’ll do the same to single RepubliKKKlans’ intentions to ban abortions nationwide, which will go unnoticed by voters because, of course, it will. He might introduce a 15-week abortion ban bill, which may sound reasonable and innocuous, but these are the emerging baby steps to lull people into not caring or to miss RepubliKKKlans’ larger goal. This is how they won SCOTUS to overturn Roe. Do you think idiot Americans will learn? Never! Not to mention — as I have repeatedly said — abortion rights are always someone else’s problem, so these subtle, failed moves to ban abortions are overlooked by voters. Mark my words! Mark them well!
Let me end with a finer point that I promise this sh*t-for-brains country has yet to apprehend. Johnson is an election denier, and now he leads the House. So, game this scenario out. Biden wins in 2024, and RepubliKKKlans retain the majority in the House. Do you know who certifies the presidential election? (I know this might be too much civics learning for the vast majority of morons of Americans.) It would be the election-denying Johnson who leads the certification. How do you think that will end? What could possibly go wrong with Johnson in control?!?! Do you think he would allow the House to certify Biden’s second win when he specifically voted against Biden’s first election win? I’m f***ing telling you that all the pieces are falling into place for traitor trump to return to the White House by hook or by crook. And guess what? No one f***ing cares. This is where the country is headed, being led by a minority of the population who will steal the next election, and no one f***ing cares. I’m telling you f***tards, the end is coming — if not already here. And Americans don’t care because people are just too f***ing stupid to care. No one is paying attention — everyone go back to your TikTok. Again, this is what a dying nation looks like, morons. How many times must I say it? You’ve been warned! Welcome to stupid America. I give up.
Another Mass Murder Shooting in ‘Merica
(No one cares because nothing ever changes! People, rather than taking to the streets to demand a safer nation, do absolutely f***ing nothing, or worse still, they elect idiot traitor trump as president, who then packs SCOTUS with justices who will mandate AR-15s must be legal everywhere. Mark my words on this, morons; test cases are in serval states and tailor-made to be argued before SCOTUS. I give a couple of terms at most before the justices of death miraculously discover that weapons of war are constitutionally protected and would have been condoned by the Founding Fathers — had such weapons existed, of course! The country is going in the wrong direct thanks to RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks, and no one gives a good G.D. f***! Oh, well. Welcome to stupid America! Dumber and more deadly than ever! People get the government they deserve and desire, and apparently, they desire a death cult country! Thoughts and prayers, f***tards. “Thoughts and prayers.” Nothing matters.)
America: R.I.P.
According to The Hill, “House Republicans nominated Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.) for Speaker Tuesday evening, making him the fourth GOP lawmaker to win the conference’s nod — and its second nominee within a day after House Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R-Minn.) dropped out of the running amid GOP opposition.” Looks like RepubliKKKlans have reached down into their E-string line-up of players to elect a Speaker of the House. I follow politics more closely than the average American moron, and I don’t even know who this Johnson guy is other than being an election denier — I expected nothing less.
But you know what? None of this matters. Nothing matters at this point. The world is on fire, RepubliKKKlans can’t (don’t want to) govern, and traitor trump is incomprehensibly tied or ahead of Biden in polls. (Again, let me assert that traitor trump — in a normal country — should not be anywhere close to Biden in the polls; Biden should be 10 points ahead at all times in every poll.) But this is what people wanted; this is what they elected when they gave control of the House to RepubliKKKlans. This is what happens when idiot voters elect pyromaniacs to “govern.” The Middle East catches fire (as Ukraine has been), and RepubliKKKlans are more than happy to let America and the rest of the world burn with it.
People are just too f***ing stupid or simply don’t care. If anything, the average idiot kinda relishes the chaos. What other explanation can there be for the polls and how people vote? I keep hearing f***tard MSM pundits and dumbass Democrats try to convince me that polls don’t matter, that it’s too early for polls to be reliable, that voters aren’t paying attention to politics, and that they’ll come around (to their senses) by election day. And I keep telling you that Americans don’t have any sense. They love the chaos. And I’m not the only one to hold this belief. I was somewhat surprised that Hal Sparks echoed my perspective in his last show. Sparks is an exceedingly intelligent guy, so you can imagine my pleasure when he offered a theory for the current state of politics that comports with my own. He was a bit more polite in his analysis, but the gist was the same: Bored Americans like the sh*t-show in the House and America more generally. (This is the burn-it-all-down faction of Americans, which, as it turns out, is a solid 40 percent of the population, along with another 10 percent who say: Eh, sure, why not? What could possibly go wrong?) Just like The Apprentice, people elected traitor trump because they saw him on a f***ing G.D. reality T.V. show, and nothing has changed since then. People are stupid and don’t care, but they do care about being entertained — pick your social media platform — and lacking anything good (or more likely, they’ve seen it all already) on Twitter, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and the like, they turn to the biggest social media platform in the country: The traitor trump show. And people love it! Too many people want him back — 50 percent of Americans. They can’t get enough. (Of course, hate plays a big part in traitor trump’s popularity; he hates all the right people, so that as a contributing factor should not be understated.) What else explains a moronic four-time indicted and anti-democratic candidate becoming more popular with every controversy? (And let’s face it, Biden is boring, but the American President should be boring! Yet, it would seem boring is killing Biden’s popularity and job approval.) How many times must I say it before people start to believe me? How many f***ing times? This is what a dying country looks like. Bored morons of America look around at the incompetence of the RepubliKKKlan Party and traitor trump and say, more of that, please! Un-f***ing-believable! Oh, well. No one cares. Just remember, when our democracy dies, you did this to yourself. Mark my words! The level of stupidity in this country cannot undone, nor can it be saved at this point. Welcome to stupid America!
Oh, my f***ing God! I can’t anymore! I just f***ing can’t! If I have to watch one more CNN block cover the individual trials and tribulations of people in the Israel-Hamas war, then I’m going to lose my f***ing G.D. mind. Yesterday was exceedingly terrible because they would not stop covering the release of two f***ing hostages. I swear to f***ing God, over the course of the day, every CNN anchor took turns interviewing every relative and neighbor of Yocheved Lifshitz. It is no secret that I support Israel in the abstract but not Netanyahu, which at times has caused me to reconsider my support for a nation that knowingly elected a war-mongering crook. But I digress. Back to my point: I care about the war, but I don’t f***ing care about the minutia of each and every f***ing person’s perspective and lived experience of it. Jesus f***ing Christ on the m*****f***ing Cross! Sadly, CNN has more continuous, one-the-ground coverage of the war than MSNBC, so I get stuck flipping back and forth. But yesterday, I had had enough of the constant personal interviews. Yes, we get it. War is bad! War upends peoples’ lives! War is tragic! Innocent civilians are hurt and displaced! I get it! CNN doesn’t need to harp on the doom-looping of war as they have been and report on the obvious. It makes the channel unwatchable.