Ignoring SCOTUS

According to NBC News, “Alabama Republicans rejected calls to draw a second majority-Black congressional district this week, instead creating maps that Democrats and advocates say completely ignore a recent ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court. A federal court ordered the state to redraw its congressional map last year to include two districts where Black voters make up voting-age majorities, ‘or something quite close to it.’ The Supreme Court affirmed the ruling this year, prompting the Legislature to call a special session to redraw the map this week. But on Friday, the Republican-controlled Legislature is poised to pass a map with just one majority-Black seat.”

So, RepubliKKKlans are doing something that I actually said Democrats need to start doing: Ignore SCOTUS rulings with which they disagree. I am not going to be a hypocrite and condemn RepubliKKKlans for taking my advice, but this is where the two parties evince their political chops, namely that RepubliKKKlans always play political hardball with ruthlessness, while dumbass Democrats are still approaching politics as pathetic wimps who are stuck on a “can’t we all just get along” mentality. I’m getting ready f***ing sick of Democrats always playing by the rules and then getting out-maneuvered by RepubliKKKlans. This goes way back to Obama, during whose administration Democrats completely dropped the ball and lost 1000+ seats in state legislatures. We are still trying to recover from this, which is why Alabama can get away with what it’s doing by refusing to redraw the maps to add one congressional Black district.

And to remind f***tards out there, SCOTUS has absolutely no enforcement mechanisms — there is no SCOTUS police to force people and government to abide by their rulings. Their power is entirely derived from their legitimacy, which is weakening, given their rulings and scandals. Indeed, SCOTUS must rely on lower courts to sanction parties breaking the law, but even then, what will lower courts do? Sanction lawmakers for not creating an additional congressional Black District? Hold them in contempt? Throw them in jail? None of that sh*t is going to happen. So, in effect, RepubliKKKlans can and will continue to disenfranchise Black voters with impunity. And guess what? No one can do a f***ing thing about it except keep suing, in which case the state will continue to ignore whatever the courts say. And no one cares. Look, f***tards! As I have repeatedly and frequently said on countless occasions, RepubliKKKlans have reached critical mass — especially in the South — whereby red states are completely immune from the dictates of the courts and the ire of their voters. Eh, but whatever. It’s already too late. Welcome to stupid America!

Holy Sh*t: Fat Rittenhouse

According to RawStory, “Around 100 people braved the relentless Michigan summer sun Wednesday for a rally in defense of gun rights in Michigan following months of new gun control bills being signed into law and ahead of a full ban on firearms at the state Capitol. ‘Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and her anti-freedom cohorts are hellbent on shredding Second Amendment rights for law-abiding Michiganders,’ Rittenhouse told attendees, advising them to work on a local level to change things in Michigan and work against any other gun reforms coming down the pipeline.”

Never mind Rittenhouse’s message and the fact that no one is listening or cares to listen to him. He’s getting fatter by the day. Holy sh*t! In that picture, his chin is getting lost in his neck, which is getting lost in his rotund gut. Dare I say he’s not coping with his acquittal very well? The poor, pathetic fatso will never find love looking like that. Fat Rittenhouse is just another incel in the making. And what is it, more generally, with RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks being fat f***tards? These cult idiots sure do love their deep-fried foods, deep-dish pizzas, chips, and Ho Hos. Aren’t these people supposed to be the Master Race? Yet, they are a far cry from the Adonis-like leaders imagined by the Nazi SS that they lovingly admire. (So much for imitation being the highest form of flattery.) But, then again, this is White Nationalism American-style, so, of course, they have to put their fat spin on the movement because Whitey will always be true to form: Lazy, bitchy, aggrieved, moronic, and constantly shoving food in their pie-hole. I expected nothing less. Welcome to stupid America! (Stupid and fat!)

Rogue U.S. Soldier

According to NBC News, “Pvt. 2nd Class Travis King is in North Korean custody after crossing the heavily fortified border ‘willfully and without authorization,’ Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told reporters Tuesday. King, who had recently been released from a South Korean prison, had been escorted by the military to Incheon International Airport outside Seoul, the capital, for possible further disciplinary action in the United States.” Biden should not waste a single f***ing ounce of political capital on North Korea by trying to repatriate this f***tard King guy. I don’t care if he is (or was) a soldier. I don’t care if he’s a U.S. citizen. I don’t care if he’s mentally unstable. It is pretty evident that this moron did not wander into North Korea; he made a conscious, deliberate decision to enter the Hermit Kingdom. I assume because that’s where he wants to be. If this f***tard wants to give up his freedom to languish and die in a totalitarian state’s prison, then who am I to question King’s actions? So be it! But America should not rescue him. He made his bed, so he can die in it. This goes for all those other idiot citizens residing or visiting enemy nations such as Russia and Iran. Get the f*** out now. We are not coming for you! We’re not going to waste a f***ing prisoner swap on you. We are not putting another “Merchant of Death” back on the streets to bring an American defector home. I’m tired of America having to save morons from themselves. Welcome to stupid America.

Another Target Letter — And No One Cares

So, traitor trump is about to get arrested and indicted — for a third time. This time it’s related to his involvement in trying to overturn the 2020 election. Unfortunately, no one cares! They can pile up all the criminal charges against traitor trump they want, and he will be just as viable a candidate tomorrow as he was yesterday because I live in stupid f***ing hell. Do you remember when traitor trump “quipped” that he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and he wouldn’t lose a single vote? Remember that “joke” the pundits brushed off as absurd bravado? People laughed off the comment to their detriment. Do you know who wasn’t laughing? Me! The reason I wasn’t laughing is because traitor trump didn’t mean it as a joke. I apprehended this immediately. He was serious, yet idiot Americans have misunderstood traitor trump since the second he descended the escalator. Not me! He showed himself to be the person he is from the very beginning. And I believed him the first time! This is what Maya Angelou warned. Most f***tards ignored (and continue to ignore) her sage advice.

This most recent impending indictment is no different. This is precisely the type of person the RepubliKKKlan Party, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks want to represent them. Mark my words, f***tards. The party will defend traitor trump at all costs, and supporters will not shed a single vote for him nor a single percentage point in the opinion polls. They love their criminal. It’s that f***ing simple. They loved the criminal back in 2016, and they love him even more now. They want a criminal as president because, in their minds, only a criminal has the savvy and balls to “fix” America and re-make the country into their desired vision of a White nationalist country. To RepubliKKKlan voters, it takes a criminal to fight against the criminal “deep state.” And therein lies the rub! Anything that “attacks” traitor trump is the work of the “deep state.” So, how can you win when everything RepubliKKKlans don’t like is blamed on the “deep state” (aka everyone who is not a RepubliKKKlan, MAGA moron, evil evangelical, or QAnon kook)? How do you win over these people? You can’t! Mark my words on this, idiots. Mark them well! The end is coming because America cannot endure when it is RepubliKKKlans versus the “deep state” — again, this is code for everyone else who believes in American democracy. And no one cares! I promise you! No one cares! Why do I keep saying this? See the FiveThirtyEight polling below. No! One! Cares! Welcome to stupid America!

The End Is Coming — In Plain Sight

Donald J. Trump and his allies are planning a sweeping expansion of presidential power over the machinery of government if voters return him to the White House in 2025, reshaping the structure of the executive branch to concentrate far greater authority directly in his hands.

Their plans to centralize more power in the Oval Office stretch far beyond the former president’s recent remarks that he would order a criminal investigation into his political rival, President Biden, signaling his intent to end the post-Watergate norm of Justice Department independence from White House political control.

Mr. Trump and his associates have a broader goal: to alter the balance of power by increasing the president’s authority over every part of the federal government that now operates, by either law or tradition, with any measure of independence from political interference by the White House, according to a review of his campaign policy proposals and interviews with people close to him.

Mr. Trump intends to bring independent agencies — like the Federal Communications Commission, which makes and enforces rules for television and internet companies, and the Federal Trade Commission, which enforces various antitrust and other consumer protection rules against businesses — under direct presidential control.

The New York Times

The end is coming, f***tards! This is what we’re up against, and voters are completely clueless and checked out when perceiving the threat to our nation. Not to mention, people really don’t care about their democracy; Americans have been slowly giving away their freedoms for years. Witness citizens giving more and more power to RepubliKKKlans over the years and allowing SCOTUS to become a 6-3 uber-conservative supermajority. (Oh, yes! Americans allowed it to happen by electing traitor trump. He advertised — in plain sight — during the 2016 presidential campaign that he would re-make SCOTUS if given the opportunity, and the voters said go for it!) As I’ve been saying for years, Biden is merely the intermission to the finale of America’s fading democracy. And no one cares! Get ready for American fascism. Mark my words, f***tards. Mark them well! America has now reached peak stupidity and peak apathy that will readily welcome this American Mussolini back into office. I don’t know how often I must say, write, or shout it. Americans just don’t f***ing care enough to save their democracy. Voting is too hard. Citizens caring about the government under which they live is too taxing on their brains. Understanding politics is too boring. (More memes, please!) In the absence of an enlightened, attentive, and vigilant electorate, fascism flourishes. This is why 40 percent of Americans love what traitor trump stands for, another 5 percent are indifferent but will vote RepubliKKKlan nonetheless, and another 1-3 percent are completely clueless, which means they vote blindly like their friends or family members. This combined 46-48 percent will get traitor trump re-elected in 2024, especially with the rise of all these third parties willing to help destroy America’s democracy because I live in stupid f***ing hell. Mark my words, morons!

To be sure, 2024 will not be like 2020 for many reasons, which I will explain presently at the risk of sounding like a broken record. First, this whole “re-match” that Democrats keep talking about is a f***ing fantasy. Democrats need to wake the f*** up and stop thinking that if Biden beat traitor trump once, then he can do it again. Not so fast, Sparky! The only reason traitor trump lost the 2020 election is because of COVID. Full stop! He was well on his way to being re-elected despite everything else that happened during his presidency, which I will not regurgitate because it’s pointless. (No one cares, and morons of America have no memory. What corruption and incompetence in traitor trump’s first term? What insurrection? What mishandling of COVID?) All this has been flushed down the memory hole, so we start the 2024 match-up de novo.

What people do remember is the alleged “booming” economy and stock market under traitor trump, which brings me to my second point: This misperception by idiot voters that RepubliKKKlans are better for the economy compared to Democrats is something they will have no difficulty “remembering” because, as usual, voters love to punish Democrats for fixing the messes that RepubliKKKlans invariably leave behind. This is especially true when it comes to matters of the economy. (To be clear: Traitor trump’s economic performance, excluding the impact of COVID, was mediocre, but you can’t convince f***tard Americans of that fact.) It never f***ing falls. RepubliKKKlans always botch their governance, and then voters elect Democrats to clean up the shambles only to have the same voters put RepubliKKKlans back in office once Democrats solved the problems or are in the process of solving them. Nonetheless, voters take their frustrations out on Democrats if they haven’t fixed things fast enough. (Americans are an impatient bunch.)

Third, traitor trump can do no wrong. In the eyes of 45 percent of this country, he is their white knight in shining armor. I refer to old and recent poll numbers to support my claim. Almost from the very beginning of Biden’s presidency, traitor trump has remained a competitive opponent when matched up against Biden. In various polls over the years, sometimes Biden is ahead, sometimes traitor trump is ahead, and sometimes it is a split decision. Given everything surrounding traitor trump, Biden should be ahead — by far — in every poll. Yet, this is not the case. Too often, people are more than willing to give the criminal traitor trump another chance at the presidency. This is incomprehensible and only confirms my belief that America is just too f***ing G.D. stupid to endure. I find it mind-blowing that Americans, when allowed to evaluate the two men, conclude: Sure, why not traitor trump again? I can’t! I just f***ing can’t anymore with this idiot country anymore! Anytime I see poll results where traitor trump bests Biden, I think America is on borrowed time. If Americans can’t discern a criminal president who wants to replace our democracy with fascism from a president who wants to preserve our democracy, then there is no hope for America! In no universe or alternate universe should traitor trump be ahead or even with Biden in a poll — ever! But I live in stupid hell!

Last, third-party candidates will elect traitor trump. Mark my words on this. Third-party contenders always hurt Democrats more than RepubliKKKlans — always! To be clear: Traitor trump will never — never — win the popular vote in a presidential election, and, indeed, most people don’t like him, yet that really doesn’t matter when it comes to American elections. People vote for candidates they don’t like all the time, especially regarding RepubliKKKlans, for those voters place a higher value on the party rather than the candidate’s competency. And we, in America, don’t elect presidents by popular vote. Oh, no! We use the Electoral College whereby RepubliKKKlans routinely win without achieving a majority of the popular vote, but Democrats can’t hope to win in the Electoral College if they don’t also win the popular vote. Funny how that’s always a one-way street for Democrats. It’s always an uphill battle for Democrats to win the presidency. And third-party candidates make the hill steeper when they have absolutely no chance of ever winning. Yet that doesn’t deter f***tards like West from running on the Green Party ticket or the likes of No Labels from running their campaign. When our Democracy is at its greatest peril, these third-party morons think it’s a good time to challenge Biden and the “system.” Un-f***ing-believable! This is what a dying country looks like. When will these f***tards apprehend that third parties take votes away from the Democratic candidate at the margins when the margins make all the difference? How many f***ing times must I repeat myself? To remind morons of America, in 2016, ~70,000 votes in three key swing states determined a traitor trump victory over Clinton, and in 2020, that margin was ~30,000 votes in three key swing states. So, forget the 150+ million popular vote in the last election. Forget the opinion polls. Forget the statistics. Forget the political analysis. America’s democracy hinges on 30,000 – 70,000 swingy Independent or squishy Democratic voters in a few key states. That’s the only thing that matters. All you need is some third party to siphon off a few thousand votes from Biden here and there, and presto! America becomes a fascist state. What could possibly go wrong? People get the government they deserve and desire, which, apparently, is fascism. Welcome to stupid America! No one cares! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It seems to me another bullet needs to seek out a Kennedy. (Too soon?) I have never understood the fascination with the Kennedys, the so-called Camelot administration, or the Kennedy name. To be sure, the family has been a powerful force for advancing progressive ideals, especially Ted Kennedy — The Lion of the Senate — but to mythologize or, worse still, coronate the family dynasty because of their tragedies is a bridge too far for me. Needless to say, I never got into them. And now we have the black sheep of the family, RFK Jr., who is the Manchurian candidate for the RepubliKKKlan Party.

Reporting from USA Today, “Organizations advocating for Jewish and Asian people immediately criticized presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. after he spread a conspiracy theory at an event last week about the groups and COVID-19. Kennedy during a dinner in New York last week said there is an ‘argument’ that COVID-19 is ‘ethnically targeted,’ falsely saying COVID-19 is ‘targeted to attack Caucasians and Black people’ while sparing Ashkenazi Jewish people and Chinese people.”

And then from NPR, “Since Robert F. Kennedy Jr. launched his campaign challenging President Biden for the 2024 Democratic presidential nomination, he has given hours of interviews to podcasts, magazines and TV networks. He paints a dark, conspiratorial picture of the world, bristling with debunked theories, misleading claims and outright falsehoods. Wi-Fi causes cancer and ‘leaky brain,’ Kennedy told podcaster Joe Rogan last month. Antidepressants are to blame for school shootings, he mused during an appearance with Twitter CEO Elon Musk. Chemicals in the water supply could turn children transgender, he told right-wing Canadian psychologist and podcaster Jordan Peterson, echoing a false assertion made by serial fabulist Alex Jones. AIDS may not be caused by HIV, he has suggested multiple times. … Among Democrats, Kennedy’s poll numbers range from 8% to 20%. To what degree that represents actual support versus affection for the Kennedy family name, appetite for a candidate who is not Biden and the very early stages of the presidential contest is up in the air [emphasis added].”

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a f***ing wack-job! How and why the Democratic Party allows this f***tard to put a “D” next to his name is incomprehensible, especially given RFK is a closet RepubliKKKlan. But I expected nothing less from Democrats; it’s just more f***ing weakness on their part. Just to remind f***tards out there — and members of the Democratic Party in particular — political parties are private organizations; they are not extensions of the federal, state, or local governments. “Representative democracy in any populous unit of governance is unimaginable without the ability of citizens to band together in promoting among the electorate candidates who espouse their political views. … Consistent with this tradition, the Court has recognized that the First Amendment protects ‘the freedom to join together in furtherance of common political beliefs,’ Tashjian, supra, at 214-215, which ‘necessarily presupposes the freedom to identify the people who constitute the association, and to limit the association to those people only,’ La Follette, 450 U. S., at 122. That is to say, a corollary of the right to associate is the right not to associate.” (See California Democratic Party v. Jones, 530 U.S. 567 [2000].)

In short, the Democratic Party must kick RFK Jr. out of the party! This is one part of the big tent that Democrats can do without; they don’t need moronic conspiracy theorist candidates in the party, making the rest of the membership look like f***tards. Yet, I have no doubt that the Democratic Party is too stupid, too fearful, too weak, and too feckless to police its ranks by purging the party of not-so-secret MAGA moron RepubliKKKlans. But whatever. I live in stupid hell. Welcome to stupid America!

This F***tard!

Some people just want to destroy America, and American voters are too f***ing stupid to stop it from happening because I live in stupid hell. From The Hill, “[Cornel] West, a philosopher, Ivy League academic and leftist, recently announced he is newly registered with the Green Party as he seeks to challenge Biden and the eventual Republican nominee for the White House. … Seven years ago, when Hillary Clinton lost to former President Donald Trump, many in her orbit blamed Green Party nominee Jill Stein as a factor that contributed to her defeat. Heading into 2024, Democrats worry West could emerge as a similar spoiler by earning just enough votes to fracture the coalition Biden needs to win. … While Democrats continue to be haunted by what happened in 2016, there are some notable differences between then and now. Clinton was, in millions of voters’ minds, a highly flawed candidate with a family history and political track record that made many uncomfortable. Some of those voters in key battleground states found Stein, who ran twice on the Green Party ticket and is now advising West, an appealing alternative.”

Democrats should be terrified because we’re about to repeat 2016 all over again. Allow me to remind the f***tards out there just how close the 2016 and 2020 elections were. The total number of votes that separated traitor trump from Clinton in the three closest swing states was approximately 75,000, meaning that had those three states flipped to Clinton, she would have won the presidency. As Vox notes, “In Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, one could plausibly blame third parties for the outcome. In Michigan, Clinton lost by less than a percentage point, a deficit she could have recovered from with half of Stein’s votes. Again in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, where Clinton lost by one point, Jill Stein’s votes would have covered her loss. Had Clinton won all three states, she would have won the election.” The Vox article correctly stipulates that it is impossible to know how third-party voters may have voted (or not voted) had Stein or Johnson (from the libertarian right-wing) not run. Still, the margins are too close in the 2024 election to keep experimenting with idiotic third-party runs.

How close? Well, let’s return to the 2020 election results to evince the morons out there. Again, the total number of votes from the three closest swing states (not the same states as in 2016) that separated Biden from traitor trump for the win was how many? Anyone? Anyone remember? Anyone at all? Don’t be shy. Spit it out! Approximately 30,000 votes. Less than half of Clinton’s margin. So, as much as people like to say Biden won by a greater margin in the popular vote, the election was much closer in 2020. Plus, we don’t elect presidents by the popular vote — incomprehensibly. For all the sh*t that traitor trump put this country through in his four years as chief grievance officer, more people loved him in states where it counts. (This is why America is a dead country walking.) Biden nor traitor trump had any meaningful third-party candidates in the 2020 match-up, but that all changes with West now in the game, and history is about to repeat itself because — again — Americans are just too f***ing dumb to know better. West may as well be wearing a “Blacks for [T]rump” shirt. He is exactly the same: An unaware moron who apparently doesn’t own a mirror and thinks he can win. (Of course, there will be no third-party 2024 candidate from the right to take votes from traitor trump because RepubliKKKlans are politically ruthless — and dare I say “smart.” They know better than to siphon off votes from their nominee. Only liberals are this dumb.)

And does anyone find it convenient that Stein is helping West to run? Does this look or sound familiar? It should. This is Russia meddling in our elections. Stein is a Russian mole who was put into play to thwart Clinton’s chances, and it worked. Now Stein and West are the Russian moles called upon to get traitor trump back in office. It’s fair to say that Russia backed off in the 2020 election, given the warnings from America over 2016, but now, with Putin losing in Ukraine, he needs to stir the pot again. Hence, enter West. Putin needs traitor trump in office to end the war. This is all clear as day, and I have no faith that f***tard Americans will not make the same mistake again, for we all know that Americans love to punish Democratic presidents for not saving America fast enough. Just as Gore (after Bill Clinton) and Hillary (after Obama). In both those cases, a Democratic president and the party were elected to clean up RepubliKKKlan messes, and, naturally, Americans thanked them by voting in RepubliKKKlans — Bush II who gave us 9/11 and traitor trump who gave us COVID. It never f***ing fails, and this sh*t-for-brains country is about to do it again with traitor trump part two. But whatever! I live in stupid f***ing hell! Welcome to stupid America! The end is coming!

Ukraine’s NATO Membership

Let me just say from the outset: I’m 100 percent behind Ukraine, and we should end Russia as a nation. But I understand that admitting Ukraine into NATO automatically and instantly triggers Article 5 of the NATO charter, which would throw the West into a war with Russia and probably China. Not to mention admitting Ukraine into NATO is like buying homeowner insurance as your house is burning down. Even I understand there is no way it will happen, so people can bitch and moan and groan all they want about why Biden et al. are against Ukraine’s accession to the group, but Biden is right on this. Ukraine can’t be a part of NATO until the war is over, so the West should do more to ensure we reach this point instead of the B.S. piecemeal approach to arming Ukraine with the military hardware and resources to win. That is NATO’s true failing. They have been reluctant to provide Ukraine with what is actually necessary to win quickly, so everyone should stop focusing on the question of NATO membership and start flooding Ukraine with weapons, hardware, and ammunition because whatever NATO is currently doing is clearly not enough.

Tuberville Hold-Up

From NBC News, “For the first time in more than 150 years, the Marine Corps is operating without a Senate-confirmed commandant. The position was vacated Monday when Gen. David H. Berger, who assumed the top role in July 2019, stepped down from the post, which is limited to four years. The Senate’s attempt to vote on a nominee to succeed him was blocked Monday by GOP Sen. Tommy Tuberville of Alabama, whose monthslong opposition to the Defense Department’s abortion travel policy has held up dozens of military nominations.”

I honestly don’t know who is worse: Tuberville or Schumer. Tuberville is a RepubliKKKlan, so by definition, he is already a vile human being, but it could be a close second with Schumer, who I’ve said from day one is a f***ing complete disaster as majority leader of the Senate. He’s f***ing weak, weak, weak. And he has no f***ing clue how to play hardball. Tuberville has been holding up military promotions for months over a MAGA position on abortion, and in so doing, he is wrecking America’s military readiness. (So much for the party of a strong national defense.) This one Senator has been holding up promotions for months. And then we have Schumer, who is equally complicit because, I guess, he’s too f***ing lazy to do his job; instead of passing these promotions by the usual unanimous consent method, Schumer would rather do nothing by forcing these promotions to the Senate floor because it will take too long. It could take months. Oh, you mean the months that Tuberville has been holding up the ~250 promotions while Democrats (and other RepubliKKKlans) complain that nothing is happening. This is a classic example of why I hate Democrats more than RepubliKKKlans at times because I can’t stand their f***ing weakness anymore. What Schumer should have done (months ago) is lock the Senators in the chamber and say: “Ok, folks! We’re doing this now, and no one leaves until everyone is promoted. And you can thank Tuberville for this.” I bet Senators will quite easily vote to change the rules to avoid all the procedural delays. But no! Schumer is a weak and stupid fool who is still playing by the old rules, hurting our military in the process. I expected nothing less. Whatever! No one cares! Welcome to stupid America!

Cry Me a River

According to CNN, “All Heather and Nick Maberry wanted to do was hold their dead baby, but strict Kentucky abortion laws meant they couldn’t. They were ‘furious’ that the laws meant they never got to kiss or cuddle their daughter, Willow Rose, or tell her goodbye, Heather said. … The family’s ordeal started in April, when Heather was nearly five months pregnant and they found out their daughter was missing a major part of the brain, a condition called anencephaly. They say their doctors told them she would either be stillborn or die very quickly after birth. The Maberrys wanted to terminate the pregnancy, but a near-complete abortion ban in their state doesn’t have exceptions for birth defects – even severe ones like anencephaly. The Maberrys went out of state to end the pregnancy, but their insurance, Kentucky Medicaid, wouldn’t pay for it.”

Oh, where to begin?!?! First, I see the MSM still (no pun intended) feels it necessary to run these stories that pull at readers’ heartstrings. Needless to say, I am unpersuaded. Second, these Medicaid recipients (read: poor White trash) from Kentucky (read: poor White trash RepubliKKKlans) are upset that abortion laws in their state made a non-viable pregnancy difficult to receive proper healthcare. To which I say: Good! Cry me a f***ing river. This is, no doubt, what they voted for, and if they failed to vote, then this is what their political indifference wrought. Of course, these red-state residents had to travel to a blue-state city (Chicago) to get the necessary medical abortion — for free, I might add. I am absolutely against this for reasons I’ve articulated in many other posts, but in short, I think people should live according to how they voted (or failed to vote, in which their indifference helped create their circumstances). Am I certain that this couple didn’t vote for Democrats? No, but I’m pretty sure they voted for RepubliKKKlans — always and often. One of the failings of all these types of stories is that reporters never seem to ask for whom these people voted. Writers should make it a point to understand the political views of their subjects and put it at the beginning of the article so I know just how little I should care about these people. Because as much as this is a “human interest” story, it is also a story that was directly impacted by politics, so there is no such thing as just the “humanity” side in the retelling of events, for these circumstances would have been much different if abortion was still a constitutionally protected right. But whatever!

Last, and probably the most important point, modern-day American society has become a victim of its own medical success. People have come to expect every pregnancy to be a success, and consequently, parents-to-be put an excessive amount of emotion into the viability of their unborn baby. Idiots should be reminded — in a more dispassionate way — that conception and fetal development is a biological process, and like everything in biology, things go wrong — often! There is no such thing as a flawless biological process or biological certainty. And people should not be mourning a natural process that goes wrong anymore or less than a biological process that goes right. It’s f***ing nature, f***tards! Sometimes it works, and sometimes it does not. How or why people get attached to a thing that is not fully alive (i.e., not viable) is beyond me, but then again, people are morons, so, in a way, I expected nothing less. Welcome to stupid America!