
Not Even I Saw This Coming

According to CNN, “Alabama’s Republican attorney general said in a court filing that he has the right to prosecute people who make travel arrangements for pregnant women to have out-of-state abortions. In a court filing Monday, attorneys for Attorney General Steve Marshall wrote that providing transportation for women in Alabama to leave the state to get an abortion could amount to a ‘criminal conspiracy.’… ‘Alabama can no more regulate out-of-state abortions than another state can deem its laws legalizing abortions to apply to Alabama,’ the Yellowhammer Fund lawsuit argues.” But of course! Nearly two years ago, I predicted that once Roe was gone, then states would start restricting women from traveling out of state to obtain an abortion. (See me post First Abortions, Then Freedom of Movement.) That was a no-brainer prediction given the zeitgeist of extremism flourishing in America today, but I failed to foresee that RepubliKKKlans would prosecute people for helping women seeking legal abortions in other states. Stupid me! Yet, I am not surprised, only frustrated that I failed to imagine the most extreme government overreach from RepubliKKKlans. Oh, well. People get the government they deserve and desire.

Look, f***tards! I’ve said this countless times and often: Let it happen! Let all these restrictions happen. Let RepubliKKKlans prosecute women seeking abortions and jail people helping them. Let red states try to sue citizens of blue states for assisting legally permissible abortions. Moreover, Democrats should bar women from red states seeking abortions in blue states. I say let women in RepubliKKKlan-led states suffer the consequences of abortion bans! Oh, yes! You heard me correctly. I say these women are on their f***ing own! How can I be pro-choice yet insist women in red states seeking abortion access should be denied help in blue states? Because these red-state citizens need to fix their own f***ing political mess at home instead of fleeing to another state to regain their right to privacy and healthcare. I am so f***ing sick of people in red states running off to blue states to solve their problems instead of voting for Democrats at home. Because, again, people get the government they deserve and desire! Either throw RepubliKKKlans out of office or move to a blue state, but don’t come to a Democratic-lead state with your hand out looking for help only to return home to your red state to re-elect RepubliKKKlans hell-bent on taking away your freedoms! F*** that! Stay home and use a coathanger. I f***ing mean it! Welcome to stupid America!


McConnell’s Health Spells Danger for America

First, who cares? Second, who cares? And third, who the f*** cares? Do I really care about the health of a RepubliKKKlan? Hell f***ing no. In fact, I wish they would all drop dead. And it drives me absolutely f***ing crazy to no end when Democrats express sympathy over that turtle f***tard. He is an enemy of the people, so f*** him and f*** his health. That being said, I will give this warning nonetheless: His declining health and subsequent weakening grip on his position as Minority Leader should concern everyone because, for all of McConnell’s machinations to weaken America’s democracy, he’s an institutionalist and believes in the filibuster. Once he’s out of leadership, then the Senate will become the Wild, Wild West a la the House. I promise you that whoever replaces him will nix the filibuster, which I am for, but Democrats should have done it first — yet they never will because dumbass Democrats are f***ing weak and pathetic at playing political hardball. I’ve long predicted that the next time RepubliKKKlans gain control of the White House, the House, and the Senate, the first thing they’ll do is end the filibuster by order of traitor trump so he can undo everything Democrats have accomplished since Obama, if not before, and that would be 100 percent more likely with McConnell out of the way. Killing the filibuster is kind of a winner-take-all proposition, and whichever party gets to it first wins and likely remains in control. And we all know RepubliKKKlans are already heavily favored (biased) to win the House and the Senate in any given election year; indeed, Democrats in control of either chamber of Congress is the exception, not the rule.

Naturally, f***tard Americans are too stupid to imagine a filibuster-less scenario, let alone apprehend the consequences of it, which is nothing short of hastening the end of America. Think of RepubliKKKlans ending the ACA, enshrining a national six-week abortion ban, legalizing constitutional carry nationwide, and legalizing LGBTQ discrimination, just to name a few topics off the top of my head. Sadly, this country could not be in a worse possible position where even necessary and reluctant frenemies (McConnell) are about to be pushed aside in favor of MAGA moron bat-sh*t-crazy extremists who are slowly but surely making their way into every corner of power in the RepubliKKKlan Party as they sweep away the old guard of rational RepubliKKKlans, who are now relics of a by-gone era when conservatives put the country first over their political party. The new wackos want to destroy the institution, and McConnell will have been the last bastion to protect the Senate from the ramble on the right. But whatever. As I’ve been saying for a few months now, the end is already here, a slight revision of my usual “the end is coming.” At this point, I’m kinda at the popcorn stage of grief. I may as well enjoy the show, knowing at some point I’ll have to put down the bucket of butter-soaked goodness to pick up arms to fight in the forthcoming civil war. I know, I know. Such talk is considered by many to be over the top and ridiculous, but it’s not me being ridiculous; it’s MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks who are nonsensical. I know we want to all get along, but a nation this divided — driven in part by nutso f***tards — cannot endure. Welcome to stupid America!


Hurricane Season — F*** Me!

Well, I see with Hurricane Idalia hitting this morning, the MSM is covering this weather event like flies on sh*t as if it’s newsworthy. We go through this crap every f***ing year. Play-by-play coverage of a storm as it inches across some hapless red state. It’s non-stop tracking of rain, storm surge, and wind as if any of this really matters to anyone who is not in the storm’s path, yet this is what the rest of us are subjected to hour after hour to the exclusion of other hard, important news. This unhealthy fascination with hurricanes by Americans evinces a country in decline. This is disaster programming that viewers eat up because they really have nothing better to do with their sad, pathetic lives other than sit around and gawk at the weather on T.V. Hello, f***tards! Hurricanes are not f***ing news! It’s not important, and it doesn’t matter, especially when these disasters hit red states. No one should care about residents of red states who willingly live in a hurricane zone while denying climate change. I only hope enough RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks die to impact elections, but that never seems to happen in large enough numbers to have a material effect.

Why are idiot Americans so f***ing fascinated with this sh*t? Again, this is what a dying, moronic country looks like — paying attention to the weather somewhere far off as if it’s newsworthy. And we wonder why Americans cannot discern significant events from trivial matters — because the MSM confounds the two. Moreover, Americans seem unable to learn from these events enough though they’ve watched them on the boob tube for years. Indeed, it would appear hoards of f***tards actually flock to hurricane-prone areas to live. Are these people that f***ing stupid? I guess so. What else explains individuals moving to Florida’s coasts other than wanting to live in a state that encourages and condones hate? It’s the hate, weather, and hurricanes, stupid! Morons learn nothing as more numerous and more powerful hurricanes batter the state year after year. One should think that high insurance costs for Floridians or insurance companies leaving the state would be a big red, flashing warning sign for future residents that living there is not ideal. But, no! Whatever! Welcome to stupid America! I live in stupid f***ing hell!


France Secularism

According to The Hill, “Education Minister Gabriel Attal said during an interview with French TV channel TF1 that the abaya — the full-length robes worn by some Muslim women — will be banned from schools, Reuters reported. This is just the latest steps the French government has taken in curtailing Islamic dress in public. … In 2004, France banned students from wearing headscarves in its schools, as well as other religious symbols, including large-crosses and Jewish kippahs. It also banned people from wearing face veils in public in 2011.”

I agree! Keep that religious sh*t at home; don’t force that crap on the rest of us. We don’t want to see it. F*** your feelings and your faith — no matter what the faith. I will concede, however, that Islam is the most repressive theology of the big three and should be suppressed the most from public view. If and when Judaism and Christianity start requiring women to cover from head to toe, then I’ll start railing against those religions just as harshly. Nonetheless, Muslims have the worst track record against women’s rights, so they deserve the most scorn. I think France does well to squash Islam’s worst impulses by banning these abayas, which simultaneously assumes their women are too pretty for public view and men have no self-control over their sexual desires. (Talk about a supremely cynical religion.) Maybe Muslim men should wear chastity belts instead. All organized religion is bad, but Islam is the worst by far.



According to NBC News, “California Gov. Gavin Newsom is increasingly being viewed as a nuisance to some of President Joe Biden’s political advisers, according to four people familiar with the matter. … Harris allies take particular umbrage at what they see as Newsom’s attempt to position himself for the 2028 Democratic presidential primarily at the expense of the vice president. ‘It’s disrespectful,’ said one outside adviser to Harris. ‘Joe Biden is running with Kamala Harris. That’s the Democratic ticket.’”

And this from The Hill, “The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs survey found that Americans were more likely to say age would be a problem for Biden rather than former President Trump, who is just a few years younger than the president. According to the poll, 77 percent of Americans — including 89 percent of Republicans and 69 percent of Democrats — said that Biden is too old to be effective for four more years.”

I think Newsom correctly senses a fundamental weakness in the Democratic ticket that dumbass Democrats ignore because they are constantly in happy-clappy, pie-in-the-sky mode. I hope idiot Democrats realize when people talk about Biden’s advanced age in a potential second term that the fear is not so much him dying as it is a Black woman being one heartbeat away from becoming president. Granted, that may have already been a consideration when people voted for Biden the first time, but during his presidential campaign, he had styled himself as a “bridge” president, meaning the one who would step in after the crisis of traitor trump to be a stop-gap to the next (younger) generational president. Now, however, with the entire country witnessing an allegedly “doddering” president (in large part a fabrication of people’s furtive imaginations — perception is reality), voters are more worried about a second term than before, and that “fear” comes wrapped in misogyny and racism as people start to believe, “Oh my God! Harris could be president.” (Nikki Haley is the only one correctly saying the quiet part out loud.)

This is analogous to the McCain-Palin ticket, but Harris is far more accomplished and more intelligent than Palin ever was, but bigotry is the great equalizer; people correctly feared f***tard Palin being one heart attack away from the presidency, and voters, now, are irrationally fearful of a Harris presidency because she’s Black. Personally, I would like a Harris presidency. I voted for her in the Democratic primary, but I understand the zeitgeist of America, and a Black female president is still out of the cards. Remember that in a primary, you’re allowed to vote for the person you fall in love with, but come the general election, you fall in line and vote for the one who has the potential to win (aka not a third-party candidate), which I did with Biden. Did I expect Harris to assume she would become the presumptive presidential candidate following Biden? Perhaps, but I had hoped — a dangerous word, I know — that reality would set in and enlighten Democratic leadership and voters would apprehend the glass ceiling, coupled with racism, is a limiting factor for Harris and now is not the time to test its fragility with traitor trump running in 2024. I don’t know exactly how Newsom should fit into a 2024 presidential bid calculus, but maybe people need to start doing the math now.


One Not Like the Others

So, what’s wrong with the set of pictures above? Anyone? Anyone at all? Does anyone see the obvious difference? Don’t be shy. Call it out when you have the answer. Nothing? I’ll tell you. That Fulton County Sheriff’s emblem is markedly smaller in the traitor trump mug shot. How strange. In fact, I returned to all the mug shots of his co-defendants, and sure enough, only his photo had a barely noticeable sheriff’s badge. I wonder why that is and why it is important. I’ll tell you why it is. Clearly, the person taking the picture consciously decided to de-emphasize the one part of a mug shot that defines the picture. It is unmistakable that the person taking traitor trump’s picture is a traitor trump fanboy. Why is this important? Because traitor trump supporters are everywhere and will do every little bit they can to help him out, even if that means “doctoring” his mug shot so as not to make it so obvious. These are subtle, micro-aggressive actions. Now, extend this to the larger public, who will be used to furnish the jury pool for his trials, and you get at least one subversive juror who will hang the jury four times over. Prosecutors will have only one shot to convict him, so don’t expect multiple re-trails. It’s not going to happen. Four hung juries and traitor trump is a free man who will claim exoneration, which it is not. Mark my words, morons. Traitor trump sycophants are f***ing everywhere — in plain sight and quietly hiding amongst us. This is what a dying country looks like. Welcome to stupid America!


Inmate No. P01135809

Inmate No. P01135809

This guy! This is the guy RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evile evangelicals, and QAnon kooks can’t quit. This is the guy ahead in the RepubliKKKlan polls by far. This is the guy tied with Biden in general election surveys. This is the criminal that 50 percent of stupid America loves and wants back in the White House to end the country’s democracy. Because I live in stupid f***ing hell. The end is here. The end is now. Welcome to stupid America! I can’t!

P.S. I can’t wait for traitor trump’s poll numbers to shoot through the roof because I live in the dumbest country on the planet where really nothing matters anymore. It’s all one big reality T.V. show joke.


A Colored Hindu for President? Not!

From The Hill, “Vivek Ramaswamy. It seems near-certain that Ramaswamy is the candidate whose performance will most divide opinion. It’s easy to see why his supporters could make the case that he shone. He’s clearly different, he withstood some heavy verbal blows and he offers a candidacy uniquely in step with the sensibilities of a new, younger generation.” This guy! What a joke, and clearly, he and others in the RepubliKKKlan Party still have no f***ing clue about the nature of the MAGA moron movement. I always find it fascinating how minorities can be part of a movement of hatred that targets themselves, yet be so f***ing G.D. blind as to not see it as if they are somehow above the rest and that they are not a part of the underclass the rest of the RepubliKKKlan Party abhors. This is especially true for conservative gays, and now it seems Hindu sand n*****s (their words, not mine) have joined the bandwagon of self-loathing. These people are so f***ing stupid I can’t stand it! Can you say token? Sorry, f***tards! But there is no f***ing way a political party dominated by the Christian white nationalist movement will elect Ramaswamy as president — a colored person of some religion most RepubliKKKlans haven’t heard of until now.

Mind you, these are the same conservative morons who killed Sikhs wearing turbans in the streets (or at a gas station) after 9/11, confusing them with Muslims because RepubliKKKlans are too f***ing stupid to know the difference. The only reason Nikki Haley got elected as governor is because she’s a Christian, and her married name is almost as American as apple pie. (Her given name is Nimarata Nikki Randhawa.) Undoubtedly, most people voted for her by the sound of her name on the ballot, having never seen Haley before. And those who could pick her out of a line-up probably thought she was a well-tanned white lady, not knowing that half her ethnicity is Indian — dot, not feather. If she were so proud of her heritage, then why doesn’t she go by her given first name — Nimarata? I’ll tell you why. It’s for the same reason the MAGA moron movement will never accept someone named Vivek Ramaswamy, no matter how hard he tries to deny his own ethnicity and out-whitey whitey. Welcome to stupid America! All stupid all the time!


Reminder: The End Is Already Here, Folks!

The first (and last) RepubliKKKlan debate of the 2024 presidential campaign season happened last night in Wisconsin. What a joke that event was. Really the only question and answer that mattered was six of the eight who raised their hands — with alacrity — to indicate that they would still back traitor trump as the RepubliKKKlan candidate if he is convicted on any one of the 91 charges against him. That, my friends, is what a dying country looks like, and no one seems to give a f***! Mark my words, f***tards. Moreover, all those RepubliKKKlan f***tards on stage are making the exact same mistake with traitor trump that they did in the 2016 presidential campaign, and, apparently, they’re all too f***ing G.D. stupid to cognize it. Just like 2016 (if not worse because we all experienced traitor trump’s reign of terror), they’re all afraid of him. They’re terrified to take him on frontally except for the two candidates whose names no one can remember (Christie and that other “H” guy). As for the rest, they’re either trying to suck up to the orange man or not get on his wrong side. Again, this is just like 2016. They still have no f***ing clue how to handle him because they’ve learned nothing over the past eight years. Not! A! F***ing! Thing! They’re all waiting for traitor trump to implode, which will never happen, f***tards. So, in a year when none of them gain any traction and traitor trump sails to the nomination, they’re going to wonder — just like in 2016 — what happened? Whatever! I can’t wait for traitor trump’s bump in the polls after this debate because I live in stupid f***ing hell! Americans always — always — fail to learn their lesson. Welcome to stupid America!


I Nailed It! — Again!

Let’s not overthink this, f***tards! Of course, Prigozhin was assassinated. And, of course, Putin ordered it. I was wondering what took him so long. In fact, everything I predicted has come to pass in the aftermath of the Prigozhin mutiny. I predicted that Prigozhin was a dead man walking, which, to be fair, was not a big stretch of the imagination. I also predicted Putin would take the failed insurrection as an opportunity to clean house, and he has. Generals leading the war against Ukraine and political opponents critical of the war have been replaced, arrested, or died. Again, it is not a huge visionary leap to predict. And I also predicted the Wagner Group would become defunct. And now that Prigozhin and the whole top brass of the paramilitary group have been wiped out, the fighters who were once part of Wagner are now leaderless. What soldiers the Russian military has not already absorbed into their ranks will surely be now. Thus, Putin eliminated an army that became too powerful and clearly uncontrollable, threatening his power. He won’t make that mistake again.

Last, I predicted that Putin would only become stronger, and that turned out to be the case. Because, of course! I’m not sure how or why such Russian “experts” on MSM kept predicting that the failed mutiny against Putin was actually an indication of his weakness or presaged his imminent downfall. Do these “experts” actually know anything at all? What f***ing morons. One needs only to have a cursory understanding of recent history to apprehend that situations like this are perfect opportunities for dictators to seize more power. Whatever! I’m not a rocket scientist, but even I saw this coming from a mile away. Putin is a textbook dictator, so expect textbook responses instead of pie-in-the-sky notions of the end of the Russian Federation. And I’m not a Russian expert, but seriously. Kill me now with experts’ stupidity. I swear, they just say sh*t to get on T.V. Welcome to stupid America.