
The Deplorables!

From Salon, “‘Hurt dogs sure do holler.’ That was the saying that came to mind in 2008 when then-candidate for president Barack Obama drew outrage from Republicans because he described their voters as ‘bitter’ people who ‘cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them.’ The phrase came to mind again in 2016, when Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton used the memorable phrase ‘basket of deplorables’ to describe supporters of Donald Trump. Since a cardinal rule of politics is ‘insult your opponent, but never their voters,’ the mainstream media picked up and amplified the umbrage-taking from Republicans. What wasn’t discussed very much in all this media coverage: The truth value of either Clinton’s or Obama’s comments. And what a shame, because both of them were right.” Is it really “insulting” voters if what you say is the truth?

Indeed, it’s finally refreshing that someone did not shy away from Obama’s and Clinton’s comments. I remember these comments distinctly at the time they were spoken, and in both cases, their instinct to call these people out for what they are was correct, and it was infuriating that both of them had to walk back their remarks, especially given the MSM went apoplectic over what they said as if they had unjustly offended half the population while those political pundits and news readers in the MSM were bearing the indignities for the whole lot of the population. Un-f***ing-believable. Two seasoned and experienced politicians — Obama and Clinton — call out half the population for what it is, and suddenly, the MSM takes the side of the deplorables and bigots? This is why Democrats can’t win because they are afraid to speak the truth to the populace for fear of offending said populace. Well, guess what? Half the population not only deserves to be disrespected, but saving our democracy demands that we recognize these people exist. You can’t fix the problem if you are unwilling to define it; Obama and Clinton accurately defined it and then backtracked. You never hear RepubliKKKlans backtracking. They go full speed ahead with using the terms CRT, woke, groomers, and the like. But not dumbass Democrats! Oh, no. They stick their toe in the pool of truth (i.e., “deplorables” and “Gods, guns, and gays”) and run for the hills the second people yell shame on them. This is exactly why some days I hate Democrats as much as RepubliKKKlans because they’re just f***ing G.D. weak! Weak! Weak! Weak! It drives me f***ing ape-sh*t nuts! Welcome to stupid America!



I see the liberal MSM failing all over themselves with these legal scholars claiming traitor trump is “barred” from running for president because of the 14th Amendment. While an interesting legal theory, at the moment, it’s just that — a theory. And, I contend, will never be more than that — a theory. CNN reports, “Prominent conservative legal scholars are increasingly raising a constitutional argument that 2024 Republican candidate Donald Trump should be barred from the presidency because of his actions to overturn the previous presidential election result. The latest salvo came Saturday in The Atlantic magazine, from liberal law professor Laurence Tribe and J. Michael Luttig, the former federal appellate judge and prominent conservative, who argue the 14th Amendment disqualifies the former president from returning to the Oval Office. ‘The people who wrote the 14th Amendment were not fools. They realized that if those people who tried to overturn the country, who tried to get rid of our peaceful transitions of power are again put in power, that would be the end of the nation, the end of democracy,’ Tribe told CNN’s Kasie Hunt on ‘State of the Union’ on Sunday. Luttig, who’s become a strong critic of Trump’s actions after the election, called for officials to look carefully at his qualifications for being on the ballot. ‘All officials, federal and state, who have a responsibility to put on the ballot candidates for the presidency of the United States are obligated under the Constitution to determine whether Donald Trump qualifies to be put on the ballot,’ Luttig said.”

Ain’t none of this sh*t is going to happen. All this is mere liberal wet-dreaming and mental maturation because I live in stupid f***ing hell. Of course, the liberal MSM breathlessly seize on this impossible and far-fetched notion of barring traitor trump from running for office. Once again, dumbass Democrats and other liberals waste their time and energy dreaming about something that will never happen instead of getting down in the mud and fighting dirty with the enemy. This is why we can’t win because dumbass Democrats famously bring a knife (i.e., legal notions of Amendment mumbo-jumbo maneuvering) to a RepubliKKKlan gunfight (i.e., striking at the amygdala of voters). You tell me what wins out: Ginning up voters’ passions through intellectual gymnastics or fear and loathing of the “other,” which turns out to be everyone who is not a conservative?

Moreover, all these scholars seem to neglect the most critical question they should ask before doing their legal analysis: WWSD? What would SCOTUS do? In short, would the six uber-conservative hard-right justices bar traitor trump from appearing on the ballot? Short answer: Not a snowball’s chance in hell, or, in other words, hell-f***ing-no! There is no f***ing way they will condone any secretary of state leaving traitor trump’s name off the ballot — convicted or not. Recall, no one — including Jack Smith — has charged traitor trump with any sedition charges because, of course, everyone — including Jack Smith — fears such a politically charged accusation, which is why America can never win, and our democracy is already gone. So, no! SCOTUS will never do the right thing. They will claim that barring traitor trump from running should have been resolved through impeachment because impeachment is really the only constitutionally permissible means to block someone from holding federal office. And we all know that will never happen, for, as I have been saying for years, RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks love their criminal candidate. How else does traitor trump go up in the polls with every new indictment? They love it! They love him! Traitor trump ain’t going nowhere, especially to jail. Thus, all this talk about the 14th Amendment is just mental masturbation without any climax. Welcome to stupid America! All stupid, all the time!


[T]rump’s Georgia Bond Conditions — A Joke

According to The Hill, “A judge on Monday limited former President Trump’s social media use in connection to the an indictment in Georgia that charged him with 13 counts related to his and his allies’ efforts to overturn the 2020 election in the state. Fulton County Superior Judge Scott McAfee signed the order banning Trump from contacting his codefendants or witnesses in the case, except through their attorneys. It also bans the former president from intimidating codefendants or witnesses in the case, including through posts on social media. ‘The Defendant shall perform no act to intimidate any person known to him or her to be a codefendant or witness in this case or to otherwise obstruct the administration of justice,’ the order says. ‘The above shall include, but are not limited to, posts on social media or reposts of posts made by another individual on social media,’ it states. This is not the first time the former president has been warned to limit his social media use and public statements in one of his ongoing legal battles.”

Oh, please! Spare me! Look, f***tards! Traitor trump will violate the terms of his pre-trial release from the state of Georgia in minute one of his leaving the jailhouse. And guess what? Ain’t nothing going to happen to him. Mark my words, f***tards. He’ll break every condition of his release, and no one will hold him accountable. Indeed, judges have been and will continue to bend over backward to warn him and admonish him not to continue breaking the terms of his release (from federal custody and soon-to-be Georgia), but they won’t actually do anything to muzzle him. Every other person would be jailed for violating the terms of being out on bond, but not traitor trump. Oh, no! And just to be clear for the f***tards out there: A person out on pre-trial release does not have the same freedoms as everyone else. I wish people could get that through their f***ing thick skulls. They do not have an absolute freedom of speech. But try telling that to MAGA morons. It doesn’t help that the courts don’t hold traitor trump’s feet to the fire, so I can see how his followers continue to believe nothing has changed regarding traitor trump’s “freedoms.” I suppose, at worst, he’ll get fined for breaching the terms of his bond, which he’ll never pay. But there ain’t no judge anywhere that will stop him from intimidating witnesses or tainting the jury pool or threatening the members of the legal system. He will continue as he’s always been doing with absolutely no repercussions because I live in stupid hell. And traitor trump detractors keep thinking indictments indicate he’s finally being held accountable. That’s kinda true, but real accountability would be a conviction, for anything else is exoneration. And there ain’t no jury in the country — I don’t f***ing care how blue the state is — who will convict a former president. It’s! Just! Never! Going! To! Happen! This is what a dying country looks like. Welcome to stupid America! You’ve been warned!


I Can’t!

This is the end! Look, f***tards! I’ve been saying this forever and a day now. And this is just one more poll that evinces the end of America is actually upon us, for there is no way in hell the country can endure where traitor trump followers are this stupid and misguided, which is a solid 35 percent at least. As Lincoln once opined, a house this stupid cannot endure. I’ve long resisted calling traitor trump and his followers a cult. Even though cult is the most appropriate term for what we’re witnessing, I think this term gives traitor trump too much credit. A cult does, however, aptly explain the slavish devotion of MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks because, like all people in a cult, they’re too f***ing stupid to realize they’re in one. A cult leader has the explicit intent to become one, but traitor trump merely fell into the job. He discovered early in his political career that he could tap into the stupidity and hate of the average American moron to make money. Recall he only ran for president to elevate his popularity for his next reality T.V. gig. Then he won, surprising himself and everyone else. (Except me. I saw his 2016 win coming from a mile away, but his loss in 2020 did surprise me.) He’s been manipulating American f***tards ever since. And, once again, I keep saying the only way people look up to traitor trump with so much affection and admiration requires them to be dumber than their Dear Leader. So, imagine how f***ing G.D. dumb these followers must be. The only way to overcome this cult is through civil war. Mark my words, morons. And forget about “deprogramming,” which I keep hearing. Those who fall into a cult have a certain brain defect that cannot be overcome or corrected. The only solution is to end these people. Welcome to stupid America! I expected nothing less.


‘Good News’ with a Huge Block of Salt?

Also, from the same poll, according to Mediaite, “The poll found that in a general election, 74% of Republicans said they would support Trump in 2024. However, 53% of Americans said they ‘definitely’ would not support him and another 11% said they ‘probably’ would not support him.” But let’s square this result with the following polls from FiveThirtyEight.

I keep telling all the f***tards out there: If Biden is not consistently ahead in the national general election match-up with traitor trump by at least 4 or 5 points, then traitor trump is going to win. And, again, I will say to all the f***tards in America that given everything we know about traitor trump from the time he descended the escalator right up through his fourth indictment, people are still willing to give him another shot as president. I can’t help this country. Morons of America are just too f***ing stupid, and the nation is too far gone to be saved at this point. What’s more amazing is that Biden comfortably wins against other RepubliKKKlan contenders. Traitor trump is, by far, the worst of the lot, yet he does the best against Biden. I can’t! I just f***ing can’t deal with the stupid anymore! Welcome to stupid America. Democracy is on the line in 2024, and people don’t seem to care. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Jon Meacham Gets a F***ing Clue, Finally

So! As a die-hard and religious watcher of “Morning Joe,” I frequently listen to Jon Meacham opine about his great confidence in the wisdom of the American people and the enduring nature of our republic. For years following the insurrection, I’ve had to listen to him proclaim our democracy can withstand traitor trump. (This too shall pass.) And each time, I scream at the laptop in frustration that Meacham is f***ing clueless. Indeed, I am often left exacerbated by his perspective and overly rosey commentary on the state of the union, constantly thinking to myself, “How the f*** is this esteemed scholar of American history so f***ing G.D. clueless about the zeitgeist of the country?” This guy is supposed to be eminently learned and an authority on the past, yet he can’t even see what’s right in front of him?

Well, guess what? On today’s show — mark the date as August 15, 2023 — he’s finally starting to see the light and concedes that America may not be mature enough to keep its democracy. No f***ing sh*t, Sherlock! Welcome to reality, f***tard. I’ve been saying this for years, and I — no doubt — have a tiny fraction of historical knowledge than he does. In fact, it’s probably his wisdom that has kept him delusional for so long as he always seems to draw on past events to bolster his conviction that America has been through worse and survived. Now, it seems he’s starting to have second thoughts as traitor trump racks up more indictments and the RepubliKKKlan Party evermore closes ranks to protect him, whereas “anti-trumpers” (if they really exist) remain silent at every opportunity. There is no historical parallel to now other than the Civil War when the country had two completely opposite notions of the character and future of the country. Sound familiar? Instead of states’ rights and human bondage, today, it is fascism versus democracy. And Americans can’t seem to agree on which one is a danger to the country’s future. I live in f***ing hell! The end is here, and now historians are starting to see that! (A day late and a dollar short!) But whatever! Welcome to stupid America!


Indictment #4 — Eh

According to CNN, “The most astonishing aspect of former President Donald Trump’s fourth criminal indictment is not the scale of an alleged multi-layered conspiracy to steal Georgia’s electoral votes in 2020 from their rightful winner. It is that Trump – the accused kingpin of the scheme to overturn Joe Biden’s victory, who was charged on Monday along with 18 others – could in 17 months be raising his right hand as the 47th president and swearing to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution he was accused of plotting to shred. The grave political crisis created by Trump’s aberrant presidency and subsequent efforts to hold him to account deepened significantly just before midnight with the unsealing of yet another indictment against him – this one from a grand jury in the critical swing state of Georgia. The charges in this state case – which bring to 91 the total number of criminal charges he’s facing across four separate cases – intensified an already epochal collision between Trump’s now extreme legal quagmire and the 2024 election in which he is the front-runner for the Republican nomination.”

Sounds about right. Look, traitor trump is guilty as f*** in every one of the four cases against him, but there ain’t no jury in the land that will convict him — I don’t care how blue the jury pool or county is. At best, he gets four hung juries, which only takes one subversive juror in each to do. Only one person needs to give traitor trump the benefit of the doubt. All that being said, I promise that this latest indictment is washing over idiot Americans who can’t be bothered with details and who are — no doubt — thinking to themselves, “Not again.” Instead of people being convinced that the second or third indictments should signal RepubliKKKlans’ need for someone other than traitor trump to be the party’s standard bearer, the fourth indictment comes off as overkill — it’s not — and another “witch hunt” around which they can rally. RepubliKKKlans rally together, and the rest throw up their hands in exhaustion. When it comes to election day, too many will look at traitor trump and Joe Biden on the ballot and sigh, resigned to take another chance with traitor trump because “the economy, stupid.” I’m just putting myself in the heads of your average moronic American. Most Americans already know he’s a criminal, and most don’t care. I can’t wait for traitor trump’s poll numbers to move up. I expect nothing less. Mark my words. Welcome to stupid American.



According to the AP, “U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin said that he has been thinking ‘seriously’ about leaving the Democratic Party and becoming an independent.” What else is new? I’m guessing that this is a ploy to help him with re-election in the uber-conservative state of West Virginia. I’m also guessing he’ll still caucus with Democrats. But there is a larger point to make with his impending defection: The Democratic Party doesn’t have a majority in the Senate, and they keep “losing” members. If Manchin follows through and still caucuses with Democrats, then that would make a Democratic “majority” supported by four independent members — King, Sanders, Sinema, and Manchin. RepubliKKKlans don’t have this problem, only Democrats do — and it is a problem that they seem to constantly ignore. It drives me absolutely f***ing insane that Democrats keep strutting around claiming they have a majority in the Senate when, in fact, they do not. And they haven’t since the first half of Obama’s first term. Instead of striving for a real majority in the Senate — 51 actual Democrats — they are complacent with a minority status that functions as a majority. Whatever! This is why Democrats don’t win as much as they should. They never seek to dominate, only to have enough to do the bare minimum. Welcome to stupid America!


Ghost Kitchens? WTF!

According to AFP, “It’s September 4, 2022, and around 10,000 people are shouting ‘Beast, Beast, Beast’ in a shopping mall in New Jersey: YouTuber MrBeast is on his way to launch his first burger restaurant, and the crowd is hysterical. MrBeast, real name Jimmy Donaldson, was building out his global MrBeast Burger business from its origins as a product made in ‘ghost kitchens’ available only on delivery apps. But he has since had a dramatic change of heart. Donaldson, 25, recently crowned the world’s most popular YouTuber with more than 170 million subscribers, launched a legal case in late July against the suppliers of the burgers to end the deal. The court filings include choice quotes from customers: ‘One New York reviewer, echoing the sentiments of thousands, stated that MrBeast Burger was “the absolute worst burger I’ve ever eaten in my entire life! It was like eating spoonfuls of garlic powder.”’”

A ghost kitchen? A burger business via an app only? What could possibly go wrong? Everything, I guess. Who could have predicted this coming? Everyone, I assume, except Mr. Beast. This whole fast food delivery scheme is for f***ing G.D. idiots. Look, f***tards. I don’t know what part of the oxymoronic term “fast food delivery” people don’t understand, but I can assure you that fast food not immediately consumed at the restaurant or in your car as you pull away from a brick-and-mortar drive-thru is garbage, especially burgers and fries. I promise, no one likes cold fries, yet that’s what happens mere minutes after they’re placed in the bag for delivery, not to mention that said fries were getting cold waiting to be served in the first place. The same holds true for burgers. There is no way I would ever order McDonald’s or whatever other boutique burger joint for delivery. Moreover, I have no f***ing clue what establishment would risk their reputation for quality product on delivery knowing that with each passing minute of delivery time, the food goes to sh*t. Then you throw in “ghost kitchens,” which basically says to the consumer: “You have no idea what you’re about to get.” Seriously? Sorry, but if there’s no physical location where I can go and see what’s happening with my food for myself, then I ain’t ordering from them. Who risks this kind of business strategy with a ghost kitchen? I guess Mr. Beast, who is learning the hard way. Look, morons. If you crave burgers and fries, then just go to the f***ing restaurant and get it. Otherwise, you only have your lazy self to blame for the sh*t that shows up at your door, which you paid extra for if you tip plus the delivery charge. Welcome to stupid America!


F*** Garland!

ARE! YOU! F***ING! KIDDING! ME! WITH! SH*T! Garland will go down in history as the guy who single-handedly returned traitor trump to the White House, ushering in the demise of America’s democracy. According to The Hill, “Attorney General Merrick Garland on Friday appointed David Weiss, the Delaware federal prosecutor who has led the investigation into Hunter Biden, as a special counsel overseeing the investigation. The move comes as a pending plea deal involving Biden appears to be unwinding. Garland said he made the decision in the politically explosive case after Weiss asked for the appointment.”

Garland just handed RepubliKKKlans talking points right up to the next presidential election. There is no other way to spin this special counsel appointment other than an escalation of the investigation into Hunter Biden. You don’t deem that a case needs special counsel status for an inquiry that is wrapping up, not to mention the so-called sweetheart deal is now dead. This investigation has been going on for five f***ing years, which started under traitor trump’s presidency and is being overseen by a prosecutor appointed by the orange man. Garland should have demanded that Weiss needs to either sh*t or get off the pot at this point. He should have killed this investigation years ago. But no! What does he do instead? Elevate the case’s perceived severity before the American public. I promise you that Americans are thinking to themselves that this Hunter Biden situation is only getting worse, so there must be something to all the allegations, that RepubliKKKlans must be right, and by extension, they must be right about Joe Biden. I’m telling you, f***tards, that this is how the “moveable” middle swing voters are thinking. This is a massive gift for RepubliKKKlans. Mark my words!

I hated Garland from the start because he’s a weak, timid person who is so committed to preserving the “appearance” of the rule of law that he’s willing to damage Biden and usher in the downfall of America by giving traitor trump a leg up in the next election. And don’t get me started with Garland waiting nearly three years to pursue traitor trump’s other — publicly televised — criminal acts. Talk about a day late and a dollar short. Of course, I blame Biden as well. He should have never nominated Garland in the first place, and, failing that, he should have fired Garland the minute he refused to prosecute traitor trump for the numerous crimes outlined in the Mueller report. I hope Garland, Biden, and other dumbass Democrats can sleep easy at night while America’s democracy crumbles around them, resting assured, no doubt, that at least when they were in power, they upheld the “rule of law” only to have them pave the way for American fascism. Whatever! I give up! Welcome to stupid America! All dumb all the time!