
The Traitor Is Above the Law

According to The Hill, “Justice Department special counsel Jack Smith appealed to the federal judge overseeing former President Trump’s election fraud case Friday evening to issue a protective order for evidence, citing social media threats. ‘IF YOU GO AFTER ME, I’M COMING AFTER YOU!’ the former president posted earlier on Truth Social — a move that has already drawn criticism from a former spokesperson for Trump, who called it ‘chilling’ and ‘witness intimidation.’ Smith argued that Trump’s case needs a strict order preventing Trump from mentioning details from discovery documents and evidence in public. ‘Such a restriction is particularly important in this case because the defendant has previously issued public statements on social media regarding witnesses, judges, attorneys, and others associated with legal matters pending against him,’ Smith wrote in the filing.”

Look, f***tards! Ain’t nothing going to happen to traitor trump. I promise! No matter how many times he’s warned, he is uncontrollable, and no one is willing to hold him accountable — ever. It just doesn’t f***ing matter anymore. The day after his third arraignment, he promptly went on social media to basically threaten prosecutors, judges, and would-be jurors, all in the name of freedom of speech, yet no judge will hold him accountable. While the people may have caught a break with this case being assigned to District Judge Tanya Chutkan, she may be tough, but what is she really going to do? Jail traitor trump? Other than that, nothing can stop him from interfering with the case. How many f***ing times has he been warned on countless other matters — political, legal, personal? How many times is he told not to touch the hot stove, and then he does just that with absolutely no consequences — not even a burn. This time will be no different. It will be one admonishment from the court after another, but nothing happens. At most, he’ll be fined, which I have no doubt will never be paid. But this is where we’re at as a supremely stupid nation. The most popular politician in the country who is entirely above the law, and 40 percent of citizens love him for it! This is what a dying country looks like, and no one f***ing cares! Welcome to stupid America! The end is here!


Civil War Required to Cleanse the Country

According to CNN, “The share of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents who believe that President Joe Biden’s 2020 election win was not legitimate has ticked back up, according to a new CNN poll fielded throughout July. All told, 69% of Republicans and Republican-leaners say Biden’s win was not legitimate, up from 63% earlier this year and through last fall, even as there is no evidence of election fraud that would have altered the outcome of the contest.”

From The Hill, “The Reuters/Ipsos poll found that 45 percent of Republicans said they would not vote for Trump if he were convicted, while 35 percent said they would still cast their ballot for the former president. Another 20 percent said they were unsure of how they would vote.”

From Gallup, “The Biden administration’s 42% ethics score is just above the 37% and 38% figures recorded during Donald Trump’s administration. However, it is lower than the scores for all other presidential administrations since Ronald Reagan, which range from 50% to 74%.”

According to The Hill, “Biden and Trump each garnered 44 percent support from Michigan voters, while eight percent said they would vote for someone else and five percent said they are undecided. However, the poll found that when Green Party candidate Cornel West was added to the ballot, Trump led with 43 percent and Biden came in with 41 percent. West garnered four percent support.”

American cannot endure. Mark my words, f***tards! Mark them well. The above quotes are just a small, recent sample that evinces a state of the country wherein it is too stupid to continue and too divided to heal. We’ve been through this before, from 1861-1865, and some may argue — me — the job was never adequately finished 158 years ago. Before traitor trump, Lincoln was my favorite president, followed by FDR and LBJ. But now, with more hindsight, I fault Lincoln for being too reconciliatory, which ultimately undermined the freedoms and equities of Blacks (and other minority groups) to this day and gave rise to the fictional notion of the Lost Cause. To be fair, I must concede Lincoln was assassinated before the war actually ended, so who knows how Reconstruction would have turned out if he had survived, but throughout his handling of the war, it was always his intention to heal the nation and bring the southern brothers back into the republic. He always intended to treat the war as a house divided, whereby our wayward brethren must be forgiven and welcomed back into the family fold, instead of treating the rebels as the unrepentant and treasonous lot they were — still are. I’ve come to realize that his intentions were naive and just plain wrong, and he set this tone for “healing” the nation, not to mention his choice of Andrew Johnson as his Vice President, who was a Southern sympathizer and tried to sabotage the Union’s victory over the Confederacy from the start of Reconstruction.

The Confederacy was a rogue (seditious) nation that should have been completely vanquished and then re-subsumed into the United States of America in the image of the Union, but only after every enemy man and woman slavery holder and pro-slavery sympathizer had been eliminated. But that did not happen. So, what happened instead because these Southerners were allowed to survive? Over time (150+ years), those original seeds of racism and hatred that were not completely burned out and poisoned were allowed to germinate in the fertile southern soil, only to re-emerge and flourish into the state of the nation today. We should not make the same mistake twice. This next civil war must happen, and it must be finished the right way, for a country this divided can no longer endure. But, sadly, too many idiot individuals (i.e., Democrats) think we can “heal” or “overcome” our current state of affairs by just voting. Guess what? The other side (i.e., RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks) has a vote too, and if the current polls (e.g., the Michigan poll above) are to be believed — and they should be — then war is the only way to take back and keep our country — now, while Biden is still president — for if (when) traitor trump gets re-elected there will be no country left for the actual majority to take back because America will become a tyranny of the minority. But whatever! I live in stupid hell, and no one cares. Trust me when I say no one cares — just look at any poll where Biden is tied with traitor trump. Mark my words, f***tards! Welcome to stupid America!


Third Indictment and No One Cares

I have not read the indictment, and I guess I will — eventually. So, I won’t analyze the strength of the DOJ’s claims because I really don’t need to, for I actually lived through this chapter of history in real time. I know the case against traitor trump is solid; the indictment is just a formal, legal way to present the evidence we all witnessed. But, honestly, this post is really about how yet another indictment — and the most significant so far — is utterly meaningless because no one cares, or I should say the people who should (need to) care don’t. Those people are the squishy Independents. To be sure, the left and right flanks of the political spectrum are unmoveable. And, dare I say, some idiot progressives (who are really Libertarians) may be willing to give traitor trump the benefit of the doubt because they are weak, bleeding-heart types that are unable to hold the line, unlike RepubliKKKlans who will stick by traitor trump no matter what happens to him. But I digress.

The concern really is those Independents, who the MSM claims are toss-up voters, but I have a bit more cynical take on this “persuadable” group. At best, these Independents are most likely split right down the middle as to whether these traitor trump indictments should be disqualifying to his re-election bid. This is precisely why RepubliKKKlans are turning up the heat on the Hunter Biden investigations; they are targeting the Independents. It doesn’t matter if they actually have nothing of substance on Hunter Biden’s “criminality”; the only purpose is to convince Independents that President Biden and traitor trump are the same. Both sides do it. That’s the goal. And when that happens, Independents throw up their hands and claim who knows. This is how you get polls where Biden and traitor trump are tied. (Oh, and I have no doubt traitor trump will get a boost in the polls for this latest indictment because, of course.) It’s the same playbook that hurt Hillary Clinton, so RepubliKKKlans doing it again. Oh, well. Morons of America elected traitor trump once, and they’ll do it again because deep down inside America are ambivalent about preserving America’s democracy! Welcome to stupid America!


More UFO Bat-Sh*t Idiocracy

According to The Hill, “An Ipsos poll, released on the eve of the congressional hearing, found that 42 percent of Americans believe in UFOs, while 1 in 10 respondents claims to have seen one. [Are you f***ing kidding me?!?! Lay off the drugs, people! Kill me now!] A 2021 report by Pew Research found that half of the nation believes military UFO reports constitute probable or definite evidence of extraterrestrial life. No other subject, perhaps, inspires such persistent talk about conspiracies and cover-ups. A Gallup poll in 2019 found that 68 percent of respondents believe the U.S. government knows ‘more about UFOs than it is telling us.’”

Have I mentioned that I live in stupid f***ing hell? It is a great and uniquely American paradox that citizens of this nation are more educated than ever (i.e., have at least some post-secondary higher education), yet they are dumber than ever! The growing belief that little green men are visiting the Earth proves Americans are f***ing G.D. morons of the highest m*****f***ing order. Have Americans never heard of Einstein? Perhaps, but they fail to understand even the basics of his work, namely the universal speed limit: The speed of light. I just wrote on this recently, but in a nutshell, extraterrestrial beings visiting us is virtually impossible given the incomprehensible vastness of the universe. Unless other-worldly intelligent life has figured out how to break, subvert, or harness the speed of light, there ain’t no aliens capable of visiting us. And if alien “life” has such advanced technology, then that begs the question, Why would they visit the Earth, and how could they be so clumsy — given their ability to bend space-time — to crash or be noticed? It does not make sense. Two seconds of some critical thinking could readily poke holes in UFO claims. People have been watching too many sci-fi programs, but then again, I expected nothing less from this sh*t-for-brains country. There is a reason why the rising belief in UFOs and the declining trust in science tracks perfectly with those more willing to accept conspiracy theories such as QAnon. It’s all connected, f***tards. Americans are getting dumber, and I live in stupid hell. Welcome to stupid America!


I Was Wrong!

The New York Times: July 2023 Times/Siena Poll of the 2024 Race and National Issues

I was wrong, and I’ve been wrong! I’ve been saying the end is coming for the last couple of years when, in fact, the end is already here. I’ve been warning that Biden is merely the intermission before America enters the final stages of its democracy when, in fact, we’ve already lost our democracy. We lost our democracy the second this sh*t-for-brains country of voters elected traitor trump in the first place. Why I believed that a country so f***ing G.D. stupid could have redeemed itself after voters demonstrated an inability to discern the grave incompetence of traitor trump compared to the eminently qualified Hillary Clinton is my failing. I guess even I got sucked into the notion that Americans could save themselves and do the right thing. But, actually, I have come to realize that electing Biden was merely the equivalent of a broken clock being right twice a day. (For you yutes out there, this refers to an analog clock.) The poll results above evince the other 1,438 minutes in a day. And what are the chances that the next presidential election falls on one of these 1,438 minutes? I’m going with 100 percent.

Look, f***tards. I’ve said this repeatedly and often: Any poll in which Biden is not ahead of traitor trump (by a lot!) only — and can only — spell doom for the president. Again, given everything we know and have experienced with traitor trump — (off the top of my head and in no particular order) his incompetence and laziness; his involvement in the insurrection; his undermining our democracy by constantly questioning the last election; his belief in QAnon; his never-f***ing-ending whining, b*tching, and complaining; his non-stop grievance-fest; his selfishness and narcissism; his “America first” promises, but America last in practice; his handling of COVID; his lying about the deadliness of COVID to the American people throughout the pandemic; his authoritarian desires and hatred of democracy at home and worldwide; his multiple indictments; his contribution to rolling back personal rights (e.g., abortion); his vileness toward minorities; his racism, bigotry, misogyny, anti-semitism, and anti-LGBTQ beliefs; his defending and promoting of white nationalists, neo-Nazis, and other hate groups; his utter lack of basic human decency and general nastiness; his porn star payoff; his three marriages and adultery during all of them; his failed businesses and fraudulent business practices because he is a con-man; his vow to remove America from NATO and other vital democratic-defending alliances; his treason; his belief that climate change is a hoax; his Second Amendment belief of every gun, every where, by everybody, at every time; his throwing paper towels at hurricane survivors in Puerto Rico; his slow-walking to release federal disaster funds to blue stats (e.g., California wildfires); his family separation policy at the border; his his tax cuts for the rich while raising taxes on the lower and middle classes; his desire to end Obama Care; his remaking of SCOTUS into an uber-conservative supermajority; his mediocre handling of the economy before COVID; his incessant lying; his singular threat to national security; his weaponization of the federal government against his political opponents and critics; his impeachments; his unleashing the police on protestors; his desire to unleash the military on said protestors; his photo-op where he held the Bible upset down in front of a church during the George Floyd protests; his diverting dollars away from the military to “build that wall”; his failed border wall camgain, in general, that Mexico did not pay for; his disparagement of the military; his attacks on veterans; his nuclear threats against North Korea; his questioning of America’s intelligence appertratice while preferring to believe Putin; his cozying up to our enemies like Russia, North Korea, and China; his Muslim bans; his grifting; his double-dealing for personal gain at the expense of every other American; his abject stupidity that endangers our country and embarrasses us on the world stage; his desire to start a war with Iran; his desire to give Ukraine to Russia; his extortion of Ukraine by withholding military aid if Zelenskyy did not fabricate an investigation into then-presidential candidate Biden; all these things and many more that I have not listed — there is no universe in which traitor trump should be tied with Biden, let alone ahead as some surveys have indicated, yet we have another poll showing just that. Un-f***ing-believable! Do f***ing people remember absolutely nothing? Apparently, not! I live in stupid f***ing hell. I give up!

I know I’ve said national polls don’t matter; we elect presidents state by state. But I did not say to ignore national polls. There is solid evidence and experience that a presidential candidate must lead in a national survey by at least 3-5 percentage points for that to translate into being ahead in battleground states. In other words, a lead of that size almost always serves as a good proxy that a candidate will also win in crucial swing states. On the flip side, lacking such a national lead means the person cannot win in places like Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. And it’s not like this poll is a one-off or unusual. A tie is actually very consistent with other polls and poll averages where Biden and traitor trump vie for the top position. Given that every presidential election is won on the thinnest of margins coupled with third-party spoilers like West, Biden is doomed. Americans are too stupid and too apathetic to save the country. Not to mention voters can’t wait to punish Democrats for turning the economy around. It’s like clockwork — one that works. (See my previous posts on this.) Again, I say: Provided everything I just listed above about traitor trump, when voters are given a choice between Biden and the orange man, they essentially say either one works. Are you f***ing kidding me?!?! Seriously! Either one? It’s a toss-up? They’re the same? Flip a coin; it doesn’t matter! I can’t! I just f***ing can’t anymore with this m*****f***ing G.D. stupid country anymore! People get the government they deserve and desire. Mark my words, f***tards. The end is here. So, brace yourselves, for this country cannot — will not — endure much longer. The cold civil war has been upon us for a while now; the hot civil war is coming! Welcome to stupid America! Sorry, folks, but this is what a dying country looks like!



So much to unpack in this one graph. First, I thought Ramaswamy was supposed to be this great dark horse hope of the RepubliKKKlan Party who brought something unique to the race, and people were paying attention to him. At least, that’s what the MSM has been touting. Womp! Womp! He’s polling near the bottom, besting Christie, which is like the lowest bar possible to overcome. I will never cease to be amazed that a brown-skinned minority thinks he can be the leader of a white nationalist party. It takes an incomprehensible amount of self-delusion to think of oneself as “in the running” of a party where racial discrimination is a cornerstone of their political identity. Just to be clear: The good old boys of the RepubliKKKlan Party ain’t never going to back a sand-n*****! (They’re words, not mine!) But whatever! I guess, by definition, conservative minorities love the punishment and have no self-respect when cavorting with such a party of haters.

Second, the race is over. Not sure when the other idiot candidates will apprehend this. It’s actually been over for a while — if it ever really started — but I expected nothing less from a completely brain-dead political party. And if I have to hear one more f***tard MSM pundit or RepubliKKKlan candidate tell me the race still has a long way to go, then I’m going to lose my f***ing G.D. mind. It’s as if traitor trump had never descended the golden escalators, as if he’s never run away with the nomination before, as if a hands-off approach worked the last time, and as if being afraid of traitor trump is actually the winning strategy. Once again, the dumbest of the dumb are repeating the same 2016 mistakes by assuming circumstances will ruin traitor trump’s run for office. Not! Going! To! Happen! F***tards! It’s already too late. And it’s game over, idiots! Do any of the morons in that graph really think they can catch up to traitor trump? Probably, for they are just as delusional as the RepubliKKKlan base. This party attracts f***tards by definition.

Third, DeSantis! Another f***ing moron. So, DeSantis is a f***tard who I long predicted never had a chance, even when he was neck-in-neck with traitor trump. Look, idiots! The details of the actual policies don’t matter. They never really did, although DeSantis thought he could out-flank traitor trump by being more aggressive and further to the right of the orange man on culture war issues. The problem with that tactic is that the RepubliKKKlan base already knows that traitor trump is as far right as the party can get on culture war issues; it’s just that he doesn’t advertise it like DeSantis does, which attracts unwanted scrutiny. Even the base understands one must be more subtle with demonstrating outright hatred. Moreover, traitor trump has a certain “happy warrior” quality, whereas DeSantis truly evinces a wet noodle personality. This is why DeSantis never had a chance and never will. Welcome to stupid America!


Only 4,500 People!

Obviously, I don’t watch traitor trump rallies for fear of becoming dumber by osmosis, but I did hear clips on the MSM, and it sounded like a large crowd, which in my mind, is the true barometer of traitor trump’s political strength — more so than the polls. So, one could imagine my surprise when Yahoo!News reported an audience of only 4,500 people, seconded by the Philadelphia Inquirer. Wow! That is pathetic, considering the arena can hold twice as much. I guess traitor trump is losing his mojo, but then again, he’s not the official RepubliKKKlan candidate yet. Once that happens, then the party of traitors will coalesce around him as if he were descending the golden escalators for the very first time because I live in stupid America!


The Hunter Biden Plea Deal

According to Salon, “A federal judge on Wednesday paused a proposed plea deal between Hunter Biden and the Justice Department that would have settled his tax and gun charges after confusion about the scope of the deal arose from both parties, The New York Times reports. After nearly three hours of questioning either side about every detail of the agreement, U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika sent them back to the drawing board to address her concerns regarding the deal’s provision of broad immunity for Biden and requirement that she later determine whether Biden was meeting the terms related to his enrollment in a diversion program. ‘I cannot accept the plea agreement today,’ said Judge Noreika, a Trump appointee that was backed by two Democratic senators, adding that she would not be a ‘rubber stamp’ after prosecutors and Biden believed they had a deal in place.”

I have not f***ing clue why the MSM punditry of f***tards keeps blaming both sides for “not communicating” on this deal. I’m not sure there is any evidence to support that conclusion. These armchair MSM legal “experts” sure are eager to throw Biden’s defense team, in particular, and the prosecutors under the bus for not being on the same page before appearing in court. Are we really to believe that this plea agreement was made via immaculate conception, that neither side communicated in formulating the terms? Hunter Biden’s legal team even put out a press release stating the terms of the agreement for the entire world to understand, and you’re telling me the prosecutors only seem to object to Hunter Biden’s version of his understanding of the arrangement in court as if they could not pick up the phone or send an email asking, What the f***ing are you talking about? That never occurred to prosecutors beforehand? (And do not believe these federal lawyers live in a bubble; they don’t.)

So the real question is, What changed between the time both sides agreed to the terms of the plea deal and their appearance in court? I’ll tell you what it was. It was the House’s hearing with the IRS “whistleblowers.” Suddenly, the prosecutors were pressured by RepubliKKKlans to question the “sweetheart deal” previously agreed to. But, naturally, the federal lawyers couldn’t be seen as caving to RepubliKKKlans’ whims, so what did they do? Claimed ignorance and confusion over the terms that were literally in the public domain. These prosecutors changed the terms of the deal at the last moment, blindsiding Hunter Biden. Now that may beg the question: Why would Hunter agree to a modified plea deal that did not foreclose further investigation? I’ll tell you why. It was take it or leave it. The prosecutors threatened him with a no-win offer. It was either the certainty of a plea deal now for the existing offenses and hope for the best for the rest of the investigation or walk away, and then Lord knows what will happen next — no deal ever!

This brings me to the traitor trump judge who ultimately squashed the deal for obvious reasons. It’s no coincidence that a traitor trump judge would question — indeed reject — an agreement between the parties. She clearly has it out for the Biden family. When the prosecution (aka the government) and defendant come to an agreement, then the judge is — and should be — a rubber stamp. But not in this case. With Biden as the defendant’s last name, then, of course, everything has to be suspect because the judge is a traitor trump lover, yet the MSM lawyers think this judge did the right thing? I think not! This only goes to show the MSM has an obsession with this Biden saga because you know: They must be “fair and balanced” with traitor trump’s legal problems as if this variation of both-sidesism is remotely comparable. Hint to f***tards: It’s not. Welcome to stupid America!


The UFO Bandwagon

Artist’s Imagined Rendering of an “Alien”
Actual F***tard Human Alien to Intelligence Called David Grusch, a Former U.S. “Intelligence” Official and “Whistleblower”

Christ-on-the-F***ing-Cross! Here we f***ing go again! According to NBC News, “Grusch, who underscored that he has not personally spotted a UAP, told the panel that he knows of ‘multiple colleagues’ who were injured by UAPs. He also said he has interviewed individuals who have recovered ‘nonhuman biologics’ from crashed UAPs. Grusch said he prefers to use the term ‘nonhuman’ rather than alien or extraterrestrial. Asked by Rep. Eric Burlison, R-Mo., to substantiate the crashed UAPs claim, the former intelligence official said he could not divulge specific details, once again claiming the information was too sensitive to share with the public. [Grush] did, however, describe the nature of what he saw: ‘I have to be very careful here … [but] what I personally witnessed, myself and my wife, was very disturbing.’” If you believe aliens have any interest in this planet, then you are a f***ing G.D. moron.

Looks like the specter of extraterrestrial life visiting Earth is back in the news with, unsurprisingly, RepubliKKKlan f***tards giving credence to the notion that an advanced alien species has visited — routinely snoops upon — us lowly Homo Sapiens. Look, f***tards, of low intellect, people who believe this sh*t have been watching too many movies and streaming too much Star Trek and clearly have no understanding of physics. Allow me to briefly recap just how vast the cosmos is. The closest star system to Earth is Alpha Centauri, which also includes five possible exoplanets — perhaps one of them is Earth-like, not that aliens must evolve on an Earth-like planet. Alpha Centauri is approximately 4.3 light-years away. To give some perspective on how far this is, consider the following: The space shuttle’s maximum speed was 17,600 mph (some man-made satellites travel significantly faster, but last I checked, they don’t carry people), which means it would take 165,000 years to reach our nearest neighboring star system. This is slightly sooner than humans, as we understand them to be in a “modern” sense, have been walking on Earth. That is to say, when Homo erectus evolved beyond Neanderthals. The next closest star system with a possible exoplanet is Lalande #21185 at 8.3 light-years away, so about double the distance and time. You get my point here? The time it takes us to travel to another world and become “aliens” to those “inhabitants” would essentially take longer than man has been roaming the Earth. And that, of course, assumes the few closest exoplanets to Earth actually harbor intelligent life to apprehend our visits.

Is this dispositive that aliens do not exist? Of course, not. But it puts into perspective the vastness of the universe. I never said extraterrestrial life (intelligent or otherwise) does not exist, for it most certainly does — somewhere out there. But the chances that other-worldly intelligent life is sophisticated and advanced enough to visit us is infinitesimally remote. I think we underestimate the limits of physics. Have we discovered every mystery of physics? Clearly, no. But there are fundamental laws we have tested and retested that hold true. One of them is the universal speed limit: The speed of light. Unless and until we figure out how to bend space-time without having to have the mass of a star, then we ain’t going nowhere fast. All that sh*t you see on sci-fi shows is just that — science fiction.

And just as an aside, while I’m thinking about it. The likes of Newton and Einstein are real, actual geniuses, unlike Musk, who is not a genius. He is merely a hype man and carnival-barker who’s good at taking something that already exists or finding others to create something he dreamed up and then promoting the hell out of it. Musk has never created anything of substantive importance nor discovered any fundamental laws defining our existence. But I digress.

Let’s assume that intelligent life exists in the remote corners of the universe — and has for millions, if not billions, of years, — and that aliens have somehow discovered the ability to bend space-time to their will so that they can traverse galaxies easily and quickly. And if such life does exist, then that begs the question, Why would aliens be interested in us? We, as creatures, have, by comparison, just crawled out of the primordial soup of nascent life. Furthermore, how could such advanced life forms be so clumsy to have their high-tech spaceships crash or be discovered by our low-tech? It doesn’t make sense. Because, of course, it doesn’t.

This brings me to my last point. Why the f*** are RepubliKKKlans wasting time with these hearings? (Some dumbass Democrats have also indulged the fray.) I have no doubt UAPs exist, but they are not other-worldly. And is this “nonhuman biologics” nonsense supposed to be proof of something? Allow me to go way back in the way-back machine to the last century when “on June 14, 1949, a Rhesus monkey named Albert II blasted to an altitude of 83 miles in a V-2, surviving the flight but dying on impact. A year later, the U.S. launched a mouse and photographed its behavior in a weightless state, although it too was not recovered alive.” Do you know what these remnants are called? Nonhuman biologics! Indeed, humans have a long history of sending nonhumans into space, from fruit flies to dogs to monkeys, which in early space exploration usually did not come back alive or in one piece (i.e., crashed). No reason to believe humans are not still sending nonhuman, worldly biologics into space. Indeed, it is far more likely that the U.S. and other nations are testing whatever they are testing under the cloak of secrecy, but that does not automatically mean extraterrestrial. But then again, I live in stupid America where QAnon kooks and MAGA morons abound, so I should have expected nothing less!


Israel and America: Peas in a Pod

From The New Yorker, “See if this sounds familiar: A cynical and self-admiring politician finds himself confronting the legal consequences of his low deeds and corruption. He faces criminal investigation, multiple indictments, trials, even prison. To defend himself from the potential consequences of his acts, he does not merely hire lawyers; he tries to stay in power. And, to obtain power, he is willing to deepen and inflame the worst tribal conflicts in his country. He is willing to undermine the rule of law. He is willing to make common cause with the most hateful voices in his society and place them by his side. In the end, he is willing to erode the liberty of his people to insure [sic] his own. The eagerness to put self before country, of course, is the common thread between two profoundly unprincipled politicians, Benjamin Netanyahu and Donald Trump. And, as such, the dispiriting turn in Jerusalem on Monday—the Knesset’s vote to diminish the powers of the Supreme Court and, therefore, enhance an imperilled Prime Minister’s ability to skirt justice—serves as a warning of what might take place in this country in the fall of 2024.”

I thought America would lead the decline of the liberal democratic world order and usher in a state of America seized by complete chaos — intentionally — but I guess I was wrong. It looks like Israel beat traitor trump, RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks to the punch. I’ve written about this countless times. The age of liberal democracies governing the Western world is waning, and people are too stupid to care or apprehend this alarming trend. Oh, well. Many countries have become gripped by illiberal democratic governments or right-wing political parties with outsized control: Hungary, Turkey, Poland; Italy, Spain, France, Germany, and Sweden, which are trending that way, and now Israel. America is next in line with these dominos. Mark my words, f***tards!

Indeed, Israel probably has proceeded further, faster than any other country. Netanyahu has learned well from Hitler — ironically — because he has gone right for the courts, understanding that to turn a thriving democracy into an autocracy, one must destroy checks and balances wherever they exist; for a critical aspect of fascism is unitary control of one party over every part of government: Executive, legislative, and judicial. (Actually, in Israel, the executive and legislative functions are fused, so he need only bring the judiciary to heel.) Netanyahu accomplished this by passing a law that strips the Supreme Court’s use of the Reasonableness Clause. Thus the ultimate check on the far-right wing government has been eliminated. (And there is more to come.) America accomplished a similar task but through different means. Instead of stripping SCOTUS of its ability to act as a check and balance on laws, the far-right wing has enshrined biased checks and balances by capturing the Court with an ultra-conservative supermajority. It effectively functions like a far-right-wing legislative branch. So, Israel and America have arrived at the same place, but through diverse means: An uber-conservative branch of government that has the final (unreviewable) say on how the population will live with the explicit intention of alienating minority groups to push them to second-class status while protecting and promoting conservative groups so they can dominate over everyone else. (The hallmark of liberal democracies has been to preserve minority classes while making sure the majority does not run roughshod over protected peoples. Not anymore.) Oh, well! People get the government they deserve and desire. Welcome to stupid America.