
Yes, It Was the Nazi Salute

The picture alone is not enough. You have to see it in motion, and, indeed, it is clear that Musk gave the characteristic Nazi salute — twice. (Perhaps a Roman salute ala Mussolini if you want to split hairs, but the message is all the same.) Lest we forget that Musk publicly supports the AfD party in Germany (aka the Neo-Nazi party). And guess what? The crowd cheered it because this is the sh*t-for-brains country we live in now. This is the direction our country is headed. This is what people voted for, and this is what our country loves: Nazis. And for all those who couldn’t bother to vote for a Black woman, this is what you’re getting instead. And no one f***ing cares. That is the sad truth. No! One! F***ing! Cares! The time for warning f***tards of America is over. We’re now in the “I told you so” phase. And I told you so — for years! (Have I mentioned this before? I’ve been warning you, idiots, for years.) The fascist Musk will soon have an office in the White House, whispering in the ear of Dictator Don. What could possibly go wrong? But whatever! It’s all too take at this point. You f***tards f***ed around, and now you morons are about to find the f*** out. Welcome to stupid America! You guys f***ed yourselves good this time. Americans: The dumbest people on the planet!


U.S.A.: Canary in the Coal Mine

According to Reuters, “Economic fears have escalated into grievances among 60% of people, with many believing hostile actions such as violence can be necessary to bring about change, according to a global poll by communications firm Edelman. … Four in 10 respondents approved of hostile acts to bring about change, including violence or threats, online attacks, intentionally spreading disinformation and damaging property, the survey showed. Among respondents aged 18 to 34, support for hostile actions was even higher at 53%. … Discontent stems from a lack of hope for the next generation, class divides among low- and high-income people, distrust in leaders including government officials, business executives and journalists, and confusion over credible information, the survey showed. … In Western democracies, respondents’ outlook for their countries being better for the next generation dropped to severe lows of 9% in France, 17% in the UK and 30% in the U.S., the survey found.”

Dictator Don’s ascent to the American throne is the embodiment of the results of this broader, global survey, and everyone should take note and fear our future, for it is clear more and more people across the liberal, democratic world (e.g., the UK, France, and the U.S.) are fed up with democracy and liberal ideas; and these morons are willing to destroy their governments to satisfy their grievances. Of course, while these idiots may be displeased and frustrated with the current state of affairs of their democratic government, they have no f***ing clue just how bad things will become under another form of government (i.e., authoritarianism). But, as I have said many times already, people have had it too good since the end of World War II and the Cold War; they have no idea how bad things can get when a form of government takes over that could not care less about the general populace. Americans, though, are about to find out if they are smart enough to learn their lesson (they’re not!). So, I guess the Americans and the rest of the world are going to “learn” the hard way. Welcome to stupid America! Mark my words!


Right on Cue: We’re Out of the Paris Climate Accord (Again!)

According to CNN, “President Donald Trump will sign executive actions Monday that cement his intention to double down on fossil fuels and reverse America’s progress on climate change and clean energy, including his pledge to pull the United States out of the Paris climate agreement.” This, of course, was completely expected, but I note it in particular because it was one of Dictator Don’s most significant actions early in his first term. And it was not a popular move in 2017. According to a poll at the time of Dictator Don’s decision, “Americans by 2-1 oppose Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris climate accord, with a majority in an ABC News/Washington Post poll saying the decision will weaken U.S. leadership in the world and pluralities rejecting Trump’s claim it’ll boost the economy.” But fear not! In 2025, no one will f***ing care. Americans have stopped caring about the climate; they bought into the climate change hoax. So, I have no doubt that any survey on this subject — should the MSM even inquire about Americans’ attitudes — will indicate people no longer care that The Don! pulled us out of the Paris Agreement. That’s where we’re at. This is what people voted for — the same sh*t all over again. Hell, I would not be surprised if most people polled agreed with Dictator Don’s actions this time around. The end is here, finally, and you guys did this to yourselves! How many times must I say it? How many f***ing times? You can’t undo the stupid! Welcome to stupid America.


Do Not Be Decieved (But You Will Be, of Course!)

I’m hearing a lot of idiot MSM and political commentators declare that Dictator Don and his incoming administration appear to be conveying a different, less combative tone during the transition, a marked departure from 2016. They extol his newfound virtues of moderation, statesmanship, and temper as if he’s learned something during his time out of office. Because he lacks the bombast of four years ago, the MSM and other assorted idiots are beguiled by The Don! (I expected nothing less.) They think he is a changed man, a new, refined president who will be president for all! A man who really does have the interests of all Americans at heart. This, of course, is all B.S. that most f***tard Americans are ready, willing, and able to be deceived.

There is a reason this transition seems more “normal,” more “mainstream,” less chaotic, and less vitriolic. There is a reason for this seeming change of tune. But I reassure you, they are chameleons, and their act is all part of a bigger plan to hoodwink America. Naturally, there is a historical analog to Dictator Don’s new tactic that can elucidate his true intentions. I turn to Nazi Germany.

Allow me to quote from The Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany by Thomas Childers, “In 1939 [Hitler] commissioned Dr. Karl Brandt to appoint an advisory committee to prepare for the selection and extermination of physically deformed and mentally defective children. … Lengthy questionnaires were then sent to the Berlin headquarters, located in a villa at Tiergartenstrasse 4, from which the entire operation derived its code name, T4. … The children selected were transported to one of the twenty-eight specially equipped medical institutions. Parents were told that the transport to these facilities was necessary to improve treatment for their child. No visitations were permitted. Methods of killing varied — lethal injections and gassing were the most common. … In July 1939, the program came to include the adult population. … Parents and loved ones received a standardized form letter regretfully informing them that their son or daughter, brother or sister had died suddenly of pneumonia, brain edema, appendicitis, or other fabricated causes. … After a time, suspicions began to be raised when relatives came to notice that other families received the identical letter with the identical cause of death and the identical date. … As a result of rising suspicions, Martin Bormann ordered T4 personnel to draft a number of different form letters, and the furor died down until July 1941, when Cardinal Clemens von Galen of Munster, in a series of blistering sermons, made public charges of forced euthanasia. … The program was temporarily suspended, but by that point plans were already being made for a far more drastic solution [the Holocaust]. In fact, after a brief pause, the [T4] program resumed its operation and continued to 1945 (2017, pp. 345-346).”

So what exactly does this passage evince? How does the Nazi T4 plan equate to Dictator Don’s apparent soft touch leading up to his second term? The similarity is in how the Nazi Party changed its tactics when they got caught by the general public. Long before the Nazis started exterminating the Jews, they practiced on their own citizens. And, as it turns out, they were pretty ham-handed in their execution of the T4 policy; Nazi leadership assumed they could essentially carbon-copy paperwork and no one would be the wiser as 90,000 German citizens who were considered “life unworthy of life” disappeared, their family members only offered flimsy excuses for a loved one’s demise. Moreover, the Nazis used this experience to formulate their plans for the Final Solution. Hence, the “resettlement” euphemism the Nazis used to gain compliance from the Jews to willingly get in cattle cars and move west to greener pastures. They learned to use the right words at the right time to cover their intentions and actions. They needed nuance in their approach to hoodwink the masses. In other words, they were continuously fine-tuning their propaganda. Consider Dictator Don’s first term as his learning moment. It was the equivalent of the Nazi’s standardized form letter. His second term will continue the disaster of his first term (and worse) but on better stationary — provided, in part, by the fawning MSM — with more colorful, less redundant wording, and a veneer of politeness. Welcome to stupid America! Too stupid to keep its democracy. Mark my words, f***tards! No one cares!


The Intermission Ends at Noon and the Finale Begins

Allow myself to quote myself from a post I created on 21 September 2021, “Biden is not the antidote nor a reversal in the course of American politics; he is merely the intermission. Mark my words, f***tards. Mark them well. Welcome to stupid America. No one cares. Oh well! (Italics in original.)” As I’ve been saying for years now — for f***ing years! — and repeatedly Biden was always ever going to be the intermission to another Dictator Don presidency and the end of our democracy. I never once believed that f***tards of America could stop its slide into autocracy; Americans just aren’t smart enough to reverse course. And I was right! While the rest of the morons in the MSM and political punditry class were sticking a fork in The Don!, I never believed any of them. They’re all idiots of the highest f***ing order! Given the political climate and trends worldwide, I could not bring myself to accept anything other than America gleefully following in the footsteps of other nations such as Russia, Hungary, Argentina, and the like. So, here we are. Of course, American “exceptionalism” would lead us down this path. Americans failed to listen! They failed to see the signs and heed the warnings. So, the winter of our discontent begins today. Welcome to stupid America! Too f***ing stupid to keep its democracy. I was right then, and I’m right now. I told you so! I live in stupid hell!


Dictator on Day One as Promised

I think on day one, Dictator Don will sign an imperial decree — let’s not call such things executive orders anymore — declaring a state of emergency to “battle” immigration. Indeed, on the first day back in office, he will arrest power from the “co-equal” branches of government, centralizing all power in the White House to himself. He will order the mobilization of the National Guard and the military, stationing them in blue cities, e.g., D.C., New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, and so on and so forth. In very short order, morons of America are going to understand what it feels like to live under military occupation. Watch! Just you wait. And guess what? No one will care. I promise you, no one will f***ing care. Soldiers posted on every corner in those “troublesome” cities, and people will simply carry on as if everything is normal. Mark my words, f***tards. And for the love of Christ, please disabuse yourself of any notions that The Don! can’t do this, that, or the other without breaking the law or “permission” from Congress. How f***ing stupid do you have to be to believe Dictator Don will follow the law or be bound by any precedent, norm, tradition, or scruples? Have you not been paying attention for the last decade? He declared he would be a dictator on day one, and he meant it! You idiots simply fail to believe — at your own risk! You guys just really, truly aren’t getting it if you think things will be otherwise! Welcome to stupid America.


Hell to Freeze Over on Inaguration Day?

According to CNN, “The coldest air of winter so far will blast into Washington, DC, on Monday as President-elect Donald Trump stands up in front of the capitol to take his oath of office. The temperature on Inauguration Day at noon — when the president-elect swears in — is expected to be in the low-20s, which is around 20 degrees below normal. It will likely be the coldest Inauguration Day since President Ronald Reagan’s second inauguration in 1985 when the noon temperature was 7 degrees. The noon temperature was 28 degrees for President Obama’s first inauguration in 2009.” HAAAA! HAAAA! God has a wicked sense of humor! There is no other explanation, and, dare I say, this first day of Dictator Don’s second term is a perfect metaphor for what America will suffer: Welcome to hell! Oh, well! This is what you morons voted for. Bring mittens!


Dumbass Democrats Going to Learn the Hard Way

According to The Hill, “President-elect Trump floated the idea Thursday of including federal aid to Los Angeles in the wake of deadly fires as part of a massive reconciliation package, suggesting that doing so would win over some Democratic votes. … The incoming president responded that passing one reconciliation bill or breaking his agenda into two bills would have the same end result. But, he suggested the push for one large bill has been ‘unfortunately helped’ by the fires that have ravaged swaths of Los Angeles.” Of course, Dictator Don would use the natural disaster of the L.A. fires to manipulate politicians and the public. Oh, well. It works! And dumbass Democrats will be left in an impossible situation. This is political hardball at its best, and Democrats will be like a deer in the headlights: Clueless and bewildered by such maneuvering. The Don! is politically ruthless in a way that that dumbass Democrats cannot possibly comprehend but must — dare I say — learn to emulate. Nonetheless, once again, Democrats are completely outwitted. It never f***ing fails. Will they ever learn? Nope! Welcome to stupid America.


There Will Be Blood!

As a requisite to destroy our democracy, there will be blood in the streets! Get ready, f***tards! Get ready! If you morons think Dictator Don, MAGA morons, and their ilk will take over our country and turn America into an autocracy (or theocracy) in a bloodless coup, then you are gravely mistaken. People are going to die. And I welcome it! Hopefully, more RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks die than Democrats and progressives, but I don’t think that will be the case in the near term. Although, I fear Democrats are too f***ing weak to fight back at all, so no conservative blood may be spilled in the process. Let’s be honest: Democrats, to this day, still are showing no willingness to fight, figuratively in a political sense or literally in a pugilistic sense.

Ready or not, the unraveling of America begins in three days. And I’m not even talking about policy changes; I’m thinking about the country’s character. I’m talking about the civility of Americans. Think the 1960s, but worse. Much, much worse. Mark my words, morons. Mark them well. We will see neighbor versus neighbor. Brother versus brother. Stranger versus stranger. You are going to see what amounts to political death squads roaming the cities and streets, attacking minorities with impunity. The conservative forces are already out there. Pick any militia or hate group. Just as Dictator Don told them once upon a time, “Stand by and stand back.” Well, they’re done standing by idly; now is the time for action. And what will The Don! do to curb the violence? The exact same thing he did on 6 January: Not a f***ing G.D. thing. He will relish watching the destruction. This, I promise you, is our future. Now, I may sound like I’m imagining the outrageous or the absurd, but, indeed, I am the only one willing to conceive of the most severe and likely future, while the rest want to believe Dictator Don the second time around will be some sort of mild variation of his first term. But I’m telling you that America’s collective failure to envision the worst is what got us to this point in American history. Assuredly, it is a lack of imagination that has doomed the country. So, don’t say I didn’t warn you, and lest I forget to admonish citizens at every opportunity: You morons of America did this to yourself! You have no idea what’s coming, but I do. Good luck! Welcome to stupid America! Too dumb to keep its democracy.


Let’s Get the Party Started FFS!

Let’s just f***ing inaugurate The Don! already. Confirm all of his cabinet picks, and let his administration take over. I’m eager! Let the good times roll. Let the end of our democracy commence. I want Americans to get their comeuppance already! I say this with all sincerity, and this is why: Americans f***ed around, and they’re about to find the f*** out. I cannot overstate this. So, let’s get on with it. Just do it! The return of Dictator Don was a slow-moving freight train coming down the tracks to run over and kill America’s democracy, and f***tards of America still failed to get out of the f***ing way. Of course, this was all to be expected, for Americans are f***ing G.D. morons of the highest m*****f***ing order, and they rarely, if ever, face the consequences of their poor voting decisions.

Think about it! Until now, no matter the political party controlling the Executive Branch since the beginning of the Twentieth Century, the government has, for the most part, run as it always has. No matter who’s in the White House — Democrat or RepubliKKKlan — the goal of the president has been to try and make America a better place for Americans (and hopefully for the free world). That has always been the goal of our presidents — a president for all Americans and democracies worldwide. Well, that quaint notion is out the window now, given Dictator Don is due to ascend the American throne five days hence. This is a man who only has the interests of 35 – 40 percent of the country in mind. The rest of us will have to fend for ourselves. So, I say bring it! It is time that unwitting Americans truly understand what it means to live in an autocratic, failed state because that’s what this sh*t-for-brains country voted for. The sooner we start, the sooner we can get it over with, assuming there is an end to fascism.

Elections have consequences, and up until this year of our Lord 2025, I don’t think people have grasped the concept of “be careful what you wish for” clearly. Americans have been coddled by the past many decades of national leadership that brought us peace and prosperity; a past of forward progress has lulled the American populace into believing that Dictator Don is just another iteration of previous presidents, perhaps with a bit more je ne sais quoi mystique, reminiscent of his first term. (Oh, how quickly we forget his first term.) Indeed, Americans have never known a time in our recent history of moving backward, save some economic downturns. But for the most part, the last 120 years have been an era of primarily continuous improvement, especially compared to the rest of the world. We have no idea what it’s like to go from, let’s say, the grip of Nazism to the utter destruction of a nation during a world war all because Germans elected the wrong f***ing guy. But we are about to find out! The average American in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries has only known a life of higher living standards, a longer life span (excluding COVID), acquiring more personal civil rights, and more. But that is all going to change starting in five days. In less than a week, Americans will understand what it means for an entire country to go in the wrong direction in all aspects of life, not just in terms of economic pain. Mark my words, morons! Mark them well! Like Germany, I fear Americans will only understand once the entire nation burns down. Only then, perhaps, can we think about rebuilding America based on genuinely liberal ideals. Welcome to stupid America! Just remember that you did this to yourself!