
Christ! With the recent state supreme court ruling that abortion is not a constitutionally protected right — that is, there is no right to privacy in the state constitution — a six-week ban will go into effect. And right on cue, dumbass Democrats think the state of Flori-DUH! is suddenly in play! In play for whom? Biden? A Senate seat? All f***ing rubbish! As usual, dumbass Democrats have delusions of grandeur. And once again, dumbass Democrats think abortion rights are going to save them in the presidential election. And again, I will say: Not! Going! To! Happen! Ever! Sure, the state constitutional amendment to be on the November ballot will probably pass, but this is Flori-DUH!, so passing an amendment means nothing. Does anyone else remember an amendment that the people of the “great” state of Flori-DUH! passed, which was eventually undermined by the legislature. Anyone? Anyone at all? Don’t be shy! Speak up! It wasn’t that long ago, f***tards. Think! Alright, alright. I’ll give you morons a hint. The New York Times summed up the ultimate legacy of the state amendment that “restored” voting rights to ex-felons. The paper writes, “Nearly 65 percent of Florida voters approved amending the State Constitution to restore the franchise of former felons, excluding those convicted of murder or sexual offenses, but the state’s Republican lawmakers and governor severely restricted the effort. A 2019 law requiring the payment of court fines and fees was found unconstitutional in May, but the appeals court overturned that ruling less than two months before the presidential election. Five of the six votes to uphold the additional requirements for the restoration of voting rights came from judges appointed to the court by President Trump.” Of course! Of course! Of course!

What do you think the state legislature will do when an abortion amendment passes? Any moron should already know; just see what SCOTUS has allowed to happen over the 50 years prior to overturning Roe. Without a doubt, Flori-DUH! RepubliKKKlans will make it practically impossible to get an abortion. They will put so many restrictions on clinics that provide abortions that the amendment will be functionally useless. And who will be at fault? The voters! Yes, you heard me correctly. The f***ing sh*t-for-brains voters who passed the abortion amendment. How can this be? How can I blame those who voted to protect abortion rights? Easy: Abortion rights do not stop at one vote in one election, yet this is the great miscalculation of dumbass Democrats and the like. And I keep saying moronic Progressives and Liberals keep thinking everything is just one vote, one election away. It’s not. It requires constant vigilance and constant getting out the vote. It’s not just a single vote on a single issue. Dumbass Democrats need to convince voters to stop f***ing splitting their votes, for it is this misguided strategy of the average idiot voters that basically undermines the issue for which they are voting. And I can already see this Flori-DUH! ballot initiative on abortion rights being precisely a failure of morons splitting their votes.

This is precisely what’s going to happen, f***tards. Floridians — with much fanfare and excitement — will head to the polls to protect women’s bodily autonomy by voting to pass the proposed new amendment to the state constitution. Yet, they will simultaneously elect and re-elect every single f***ing RepubliKKKlan to the state legislature that will do everything they can to undermine the intent of the amendment, just like they did with voting rights. Because most voters are complete and utter morons of the highest f***ing order, the lessons of the recent past will be entirely lost on them. Oh, well. Welcome to stupid America!

2024 Is 2016 All Over Again!

Everything I’m seeing in this election cycle is exactly like 2016, which only portends another traitor trump presidency. I will say, though, that the only difference between the two election cycles is that Americans seem more hellbent on discarding America’s democracy because I live in stupid f***ing hell. Over the years, Americans have become dumber and more apathetic, unable to distinguish between a desirable democracy and autocracy. We have firmly entered a new era where Americans don’t want to think; they’d rather lead lives of blindness and mindlessness, where being told what to do and think is easier than thinking for one’s self.

But what has remained the same? Chiefly the MSM. Right on cue, the MSM media is treating traitor trump just like a typical candidate. Nothing to see here. A few clips of his word-salad campaign speeches and the usual I’m-going-to-end-democracy overtones, but they get little coverage beyond one media cycle, which nowadays is about 12 hours before they move on to Biden is too old, and children in Gaza — another thing the MSM thinks is Biden’s fault. So, the MSM is doing what they do best: Both sides-ing the election. If traitor trump can’t string words together to create a coherent sentence, then Biden does the same thing. If Biden is too old, then traitor trump golfs — not quite the same comparison the MSM would have you believe. But whatever.

Then there is the fundraising. Clearly, Biden is way ahead of traitor trump in fundraising. The Biden campaign — indeed, the Democratic Party generally — is far ahead in raising money, but so was Hillary Clinton compared to traitor trump in 2016. Normally, following the money predicts the outcome of a race, but that was not the case in 2016, and that won’t be the case in 2024. And closely related to the money race are the polls. Traitor trump was gaining in the polls throughout the 2016 election cycle. Momentum was clearly on his side during the primary and general elections. And, again, traitor trump has the momentum — even more significant than 2016 — going into the 2024 general election.

Last — and most crucial — 2024 has “viable” third-party candidates. This, as I’ve been saying since the election cycle started — is the x-factor that will kill our democracy and usher in a traitor trump dictator because this sh*t-for-brains country can’t comprehend any third party vote is a vote for traitor trump. But whatever. Welcome to stupid America!

Oppenheimer Reminds Me That Musk Is Not a Genius!

A. Piccard, E. Henriot, P. Ehrenfest, E. Herzen, Th. De Donder, E. Schrödinger, J.E. Verschaffelt, W. Pauli, W. Heisenberg, R.H. Fowler, L. Brillouin;
P. Debye, M. Knudsen, W.L. Bragg, H.A. Kramers, P.A.M. Dirac, A.H. Compton, L. de Broglie, M. Born, N. Bohr;
I. Langmuir, M. Planck, M. Curie, H.A. Lorentz, A. Einstein, P. Langevin, Ch. E. Guye, C.T.R. Wilson, O.W. Richardson Solvay Conference (1927)

I watched Oppenheimer a couple of weeks ago because I wanted to see what the big deal was all about; I was left wanting. It was a good movie, but not great. (Saltburn was more captivating.) The Nolan movie did, however, spur me to start reading American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer by Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin. It is a hefty biography, so I’m only 60-70 pages into it, but reading about his early life reminds me of the cohort of geniuses in the early 20th Century who revolutionized the field of physics by discovering and developing the field of quantum mechanics, thereby upending the validity of applying Newtonian physics at the atomic level. Einstein, Schrödinger, Heisenberg, Dirac, Bohr, Planck, and Lorentz are just a few true geniuses from this era who are also household names. If any of these names are unfamiliar, then you may be the exact opposite of a genius. Call me old fashioned, but I think geniuses can only prove themselves in the pure sciences, e.g., mathematics, physics, and chemistry (with chemistry just being an extension of physics). I might even be willing to throw computer science into the mix, in which case, I’ll add Turing to the list. If you want more recent examples of true geniuses, then allow me to suggest Hawkins and Higgs et al. — more household names.

Do you know what is not pure science? Creating and manufacturing iPods, iPhones, reusable space rockets, and electric cars. (Yes, Jobs was not a genius either.) To be sure, these things are marvelous inventions and technological advancements without which our lives would be very different, but they are merely the manifestations of the underlying science upon which they are built. In some cases, their success is no more than coopting existing technology coupled with fabulous salesmanship. This is where Musk comes in, for he is really no more than a high-intensity, high-pressure salesman. Musk may be a visionary, but I do not place him in the esteemed echelon of genius. And I think that’s where almost everyone confuses the two. A genius is almost certainly a visionary, but a visionary is not necessarily a genius. There is a difference between someone who can “see into the future” — or, more appropriately, understand what the future could look like — and someone who discovers the fundamental building blocks of nature and the universe. News flash: Wanting to “go to Mars” is not discovering a fundamental building block of the universe. It is an advertisement for space tourism. In the end, that’s all Musk is; he’s a carnival barker, a used car salesman, a clown. As for Tesla, he bought an existing and distressed business, used government funds to save the company, and scaled up manufacturing. He was a half-step ahead of the impending EV revolution. Big deal. He took a gamble, and it paid off — with help from the American taxpayer. He lined his pockets with profits and stock compensation. He’s hardly contributed to the advancement of scientific knowledge. As for SpaceX, he’s merely extending the progress and technology achieved by generations before him, except he builds rockets bigger and taller. Wow! What an achievement — not really. This is lipstick on a pig, given that all of his rockets have exploded in the end. While rocket science is inherently risky and never guaranteed, one would think that with the existing knowledge base, he could create a rocket that doesn’t explode first before supersizing it. All of Musk’s accomplishments have been built off the backs of others’ work. He’s merely getting the credit for tweaking existing ideas. And don’t get me started on Twitter. Yet, this sh*t-for-brains country reveres him as a “genius” when he is not. He’s a visionary who works hard at best and gets his way by being an asshole. This is how far our country of f***tards has come. Einstein was — and quite literally — America’s first genius celebrity. Now Americans think the likes of traitor trump and Musk are geniuses. Kill me now! Welcome to stupid America!

What Did I Miss?

I took a vacation from doom-posting because it’s become exhausting. (There are only so many ways I can repeat myself to deaf ears.) So, I thought I’d take a break and see what’s changed in the meantime. Surely, something of note out of the ordinary will have occurred while I’m gone worth writing about in retrospect. Alas! Nothing! Nothing has changed — unsurprisingly. (Maybe tomorrow.) Same ole, same ole. Traitor trump is still on the ascendancy; democracy is still on the decline; Americans are still getting dumber by the day. Same sh*t, different day. Oh, “Oppenheimer” won the most Oscars because, you know, that’s important. This is what a dying country looks like. Welcome to stupid America. No one cares.


As I predicted, SCOTUS issued a unanimous decision on the 14th Amendment case. Unlike with other significant legal matters, I did not read the short opinion — and probably never will — because it’s a pointless and futile task. I predicted a 9-0 outcome the second SCOTUS decided to take up the case and long before the oral arguments, which only reaffirmed my unanimous prognostications. I’m not even going to claim I was right on this one or had some unique insight, for the ultimate disposition of the case was so glaringly obvious. It was the only logical outcome from an uber-conservative supermajority who are bending over backward to save traitor trump and promote him to dictator while establishing their long-desired theocracy at the same time. Of course, none of this could have come to fruition without the three weak and acquiescent liberal Justices lending their imprimatur. How disappointing. And let me finish by pointing out a curious trend. Have you noticed that the three “center” (for lack of a better word) Justices — Roberts, Kavanaugh, and Barrett — conveniently rotate siding with the Liberal wing of the Court? This is all part of the illusion by the Court to demonstrate feckless “bipartisanship” while maintaining a semblance of give-and-take and diversity of ideas. But it’s all empty gesturing, for there is always only one “center” Justice peeling off at a time, so they remain in the minority opinion, changing nothing. Thus, the majority (and wrong) view prevails on the most consequential legal issues of the day. But whatever. None of this matters anymore. This is what a dying country looks like. How many times do I have to tell you, f***tards? Welcome to stupid America. The end is already here!

And Another Thing About SCOTUS…

The liberal wing of the Court is complicit in the death of our democracy. Sotomayor, Kegan, and Jackson are being way too deferential and subservient to quaint — and now seemingly corrupting — traditions and decorum. These liberal justices should be leaking behind-the-doors deliberations and disagreements. They need to start calling out those justices, as in this most recent decision to grant cert, who want to delay traitor trump’s legal cases until after the election. These f***ing dumbass Democrats and nice justices are leading us right into authoritarian rule from which we will not return to democracy, at least not without another civil war or revolution. It is time to blow up the notion that SCOTUS is actually impartial and “rules” based on the law and facts of a case. The only people who can call out the theocratic wing of the Court is the left, pro-democracy contingent. They must do it in the open and with plain language, not hidden behind the legalese of written opinions or coded in subtle digs. But no! They won’t! They’re too nice. So, fine! Whatever! No one cares! Evil and vileness in America are winning the day as a consequence of Sotomayor, Kegan, and Jackson sticking to politeness. Welcome to stupid America, where killing people with kindness only makes RepubliKKKlans stronger and murders democracy. I give up!

SCOTUS Kills Democracy by Granting Certiorari

According to CNN, “The Supreme Court’s decision to hear Donald Trump’s claim that he should be shielded from criminal prosecution keeps the justices at the center of election-year controversy for several more months and means any verdict on Trump’s alleged subversion of the 2020 vote will not come before summer. The country’s highest court wants the final word on the former president’s assertion of immunity, even if it may ultimately affirm a comprehensive ruling of the lower federal court that rejected Trump’s sweeping claim.” What’s so amazing about this appeal is not that it was requested and granted, but listening to idiot MSM legal “experts” like Neal Katyal and Glenn Kirschner who keep trying to convince us that the wheels of the courts turn slowly but inexorably towards justice. This is, of course, B.S.! F***tard Americans refuse to get it. Still! Time after time and one “stunning” development after one “stunning” development, morons of America simply do not want to see the writing on the wall. And that writing is this: Traitor trump always gets away with it. Always! One would think that this guy avoiding justice for all of his life is somehow an indication that he won’t get away with all his criming in the final few years of his life. There will be no comeuppancece. There will be no cosmic correction for this guy. There is no karma. Mark my words, morons!

Traitor trump has spent his whole life avoiding and delaying justice, and the same thing is happening here in this case. Through SCOTUS’ grant, both his federal trials will be delayed indefinitely and will never — I repeat, never — go to trial before the election. Have you noticed that all these delays are two weeks? The appellate court took two weeks to write and issue its opinion. SCOTUS took two weeks to finally say they’ll take up the case, which could have just as quickly been communicated in a couple of days. And let’s not pretend some justices on the fence couldn’t quite make up their minds about granting certiorari. This was a quick 5-4 (at least) decision to review the case from day one, which only leaves the two-week delay as nothing more than a homage to traitor trump, who claims all his policy positions and other notable events are always two weeks away. For traitor trump, everything was in two weeks. It appears the courts and SCOTUS are paying tribute to traitor trump through this sense of “timely” “urgency” conveniently marked by two weeks.

To be sure, this case will be another SCOTUS cliffhanger whereby they’ll wait until the last week — probably the last day — of the term to render a decision, which will be June 30. More delays. More “urgency” to do nothing except help traitor trump. What SCOTUS is doing is so subtle and so imperceptibly incremental that one may be forgiven for believing they are acting with haste, but I assure you they are not. By “rushing” the case to oral arguments in two months but then dragging their feet for another three months to make a determination, that leaves no time for the case to come to trial if, that is, the court holds he does not have immunity, and, at this point, this is a coin toss given the makeup of the Court. Because, as I have repeatedly said, this SCOTUS wants to enshrine an imperial presidency (for RepubliKKKlan presidents only) into the Constitution, and what better way to do that than to decide on a legal case whereby a former president claims his actions while in office are beyond reproach. This Court agrees with that notion, and they will engrave into our Constitution the idea that the president is, indeed, above the law. They will claim the only remedy is impeachment, which will never happen under a RepubliKKKlan presidency. (And don’t get me started on the impossibility of finding a jury that will convict traitor trump according to my First Axiom.) Mark my words! Mark them well. Traitor trump is going to walk back into the White House a free man with no criminal convictions and ready to be a dictator for life as morons of America cheer him on in the streets. This! This is what a dying democracy looks like! Welcome to stupid America! The end is here. Pay attention, f***tards!

The Boebert Crime Family — Naturally!

According to Live 5 News, “The 18-year-old son of Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., was arrested on Tuesday and faces 22 charges after a series of alleged vehicle and property thefts around Garfield County, Colorado, authorities said. Tyler Boebert is charged with four counts of criminal possession of a financial device, three counts of first-degree criminal auto trespass with intent to commit a crime, four counts of criminal possession of ID documents, one count of conspiracy to commit a felony, four counts of ID theft possession with intent to use, three counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor and three counts of theft less than $300, according to the Rifle Police Department. Lauren Boebert, 37, is currently serving her second term as the representative for Colorado’s third congressional district. She decided to switch districts in December to escape a tough reelection bid.”

I expected nothing less from a RepubliKKKlan family. I assume with the Boeberts’ fervent support of “law and order,” they will insist their son have the book thrown at him! But, of course, they won’t because it never f***ing fails with these RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks. They’re all hypocrites, which is hackneyed to say nowadays, but never more true than in this example. I assume as a young white kid with RepubliKKKlan connections, most of the charges will be dropped, and he’ll get a slap on the wrist like community service and counseling. But all these efforts will be pointless because RepubliKKKlans and all their family members, by extension, are criminals at the core. Remember, it is not the political party that picks its members; instead, people are drawn to the “principles” and “ethos” of the RepubliKKKlan Party. That’s why people join a party. And this is why so many are drawn to traitor trump; he is the crook that has gotten away with criming all of his life; traitor trump is the consument criminal that all RepubliKKKlans wish they could be! Welcome to stupid America!

‘Uncommitted’ Voters — Deport Them!

All I can say is that when traitor trump returns to the White House, I hope he rounds up all these “uncommitted” f***tard voters and deports them — citizen or not. Honestly, f*** these people! F*** them all! The 2024 election is our democracy’s last stand, and these morons of the highest f***ing order are more worried about Gaza. Look, you sh*t-for-brains voters! How many f***ing times must I say it? Have you learned absolutely nothing ever since traitor trump came onto the political stage? Do you seriously believe traitor trump would be better for Palestinians and Arabs? What the actual f***?!?! So, at this point, I say bring it. Be careful what you wish for, f***tards! If you’re voting, then you are an American citizen, and your first loyalty must be to this country, not Gaza, a terrorist group, or some other country. I hope traitor trump strips these people of their nationalized citizenship and deports them because they’ve proved their disloyalty to this country, and they deserve exactly what they voted for!

I’ve heard other dumbass Democrats (and even more conservative never-trumpers) support this ‘uncommitted’ drive as a means for voters to express their disenchantment with Biden’s “handling” of the Israel-Gaza war as if Biden is helping Bibi plan military movements. I’ve heard these same people praise this “protest” movement during the primary as the politically correct way to express opposition and send a message to Biden. They contend better a protest vote in the primary than in the general election. But here’s the problem with that line of reasoning: When our democracy hangs in the balance here at home and authoritarianism is gaining prominence worldwide, there is no time for a “protest” vote, no matter how well-intended or innocuous. Dumbass Democrats and other pro-democracy allies in America need to be in complete solidarity and committed to preserving our government in lock-step. Any show of weakness or discontent is an opportunity for RepubliKKKlans to drive a wedge between Democratic voters. I’ve also heard that these “uncommitted” voters will, eventually, return to vote for Biden come November. That may be true for most of these people, but considering Michigan will probably be decided on the margins that are more in line with the 2016 election, Democrats can only afford to lose 10,000 votes, give or take a couple thousand. Moreover — and apparently still completely lost on this sh*t-for-brains country — sitting out the 2024 presidential election or voting for a third-party candidate is a vote for traitor trump. Full stop! No two ways about it! No rationalizing it! People get the government they deserve and desire, and I guess Americans would rather have a fascist leader as president because — Gaza! Welcome to stupid America!

Odysseus Flops

From Space.com, “The private Odysseus lander is down on the lunar surface, in more ways than one. The 14-foot-tall (4.3 meters) Odysseus, which was built by Houston company Intuitive Machines, apparently settled on its side during its historic touchdown yesterday (Feb. 22), mission team members said. But don’t panic — the pioneering spacecraft is still very much alive.” Call me old fashioned, but I prefer the days when only NASA went to Mars, the Moon, or into L2 Earth orbit and actually did so successfully. Maybe I’m spoiled by government achievements such as Mars Pathfinder (1996), Mars Exploration Rovers Spirit and Opportunity (2003), Phoenix Mars Lander (2007), Mars Science Laboratory (Curiosity Rover)(2011), Mars InSight Lander (2018), Mars Perseverance Rover (2020), and the James Webb Space Telescope (2022). To be sure, NASA has had its fair share of failures, even recently, but not many. And I find it mildly amusing that Intuitive Machines is trying to convince us that a lander on its side is “alive and well” and “still functioning.” What part of their plan and which scientific experiments were intended to be conducted with a spacecraft tipped over? Except for the lander’s ability to communicate, the machine is worthless. I don’t know what they hope to achieve or claim as success. Sure, the lander did not crash and burn, so I guess that is something. I’m not necessarily against commercial or privatized space exploration, but maybe in the advancement of humanity, we should leave it to We the People.