

The rudest State of the Union Address — ever! As Agence France-Presse reports, “Joe Biden may have preached unity but new House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s frosty expression and the Republican jeers throughout the State of the Union speech told the story of a partisan night. … But in the now Republican-led House of Representatives, the temporary truce traditionally observed during the speech was loudly ignored — in a stark reminder that Washington politics is, at its core, a blood sport. … McCarthy had reportedly asked his troops to refrain from heckling, and many settled for staring at their phones. … There were shouts of ‘liar’ in a section about potential Republican cuts to social security payments and later, ‘it’s your fault’ when Biden turned to the opioid crisis.”

What a f***ing disaster, but, hey, this is what Americans voted for. This is why they elected RepubliKKKlans to control the House. This! Is! America! A rude, stupid, pathetic, and jejune nation that learns nothing and loves the show. But I’m not letting Biden off the hook because, to be very honest, I am so f***ing sick of him trying to reach across the aisle for bipartisanship. I know. I know. He is supposed to be the bigger person by remaining civil and always attempting to play nice, but at what point does he become the pathetic Charlie Brown, always trusting Lucy with the football? Whatever! I give up. I hear political pundits claim that the RepubliKKKlans looked bad for heckling the president, but I don’t think stupid Americans care about that. They probably care more about why does Biden try to work with these people. Why keep trying to work with people who hate him? Biden comes off as being — wait for it, wait for it — weak. Welcome to stupid America!