
Pelosi: Biggest Balls in D.C. — Biden: Weak

According to CNN, “US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is expected to visit Taiwan as part of her tour of Asia, according to a senior Taiwanese government official and a US official, despite warnings from Biden administration officials, who are worried about China’s response to such a high-profile visit.” It is pathetic that Biden allows his administration to fret over Pelosi’s visit. It just makes him and his administration look weak and unwilling to stand up to China. To think that China could dictate where and when the Speaker of the House — second in line to be president — can travel is ridiculous, and when Biden and his Department of Defense wring their hands and show undue worry, it is a f***ing embarrassment. God-f***ing-d*mmit! Why is it Biden never passes up a chance to come off as cowering before China? It’s like a whip-saw with this guy. Strong and resolute against Russia but pusillanimous against China. It’s par for the course that China constantly whines and b*tches about whatever America does, yet Biden feels the need to tip-toe around them when they do. And one wonder’s why Biden approval is the lowest in history — below traitor trump. He’s just f***ing weak, and I think America is getting tired of it. Lord knows I am. (I’ll still vote for him agian, but with a hefty sigh.) As I have said a billion times before, President Clinton had it absolutely correct: It is better to be strong and wrong than weak and right. Democrats have never understood this. Welcome to stupid America.