The Hill reports, “More than 3 million people watched Wednesday night’s town hall, early data from Nielsen Media Research showed, representing a more than 300 percent increase from a typical weeknight at 8 p.m. for a network consistently running behind Fox News and MSNBC. Yet CNN also found itself at the center of a political and media controversy after Trump steamrolled moderator Kaitlan Collins’s efforts to fact-check a series of false statements he made in front of a crowd that was vocally supportive of the Republican. ‘It was a total debacle and I’ve never been more ashamed to work at CNN,’ one prominent on-air talent at the network told The Hill on Thursday. ‘I don’t think anybody came out looking good. This is entirely a corporate and management failure. They should have anticipated how out of control Trump would be … to think he was going to act more presidential in that kind of setting is just naivety on a galactic scale.’”
It looks like CNN correctly predicted and anticipated the attention a traitor trump sh*tshow would draw. For all the criticism that CNN management is taking about their decision to televise a mini-rally for the chief insurrectionist, they bet people would tune in to watch what would be a Jerry Springer-like event, and, boy, were they right! Naturally. I’ve said this countless times: F***tard Americans just want to be entertained! Ancient Roman empowers understood the importance of placating the masses, and humanity has not progressed or matured one iota since! I’m not saying we should be all work and no play — far from it. But we should not be drawn into a spectacle for the sake of the spectacle, yet people are entertained by mindlessness, coarseness, and downright evil all too easily.
There is a reason CNN packed the audience with traitor trump supporters rather than actual “undecided” voters. No one in that audience was persuadable; they were all MAGA morons. Again, this was to enhance the extravaganza. Then there is this Kaitlan Collins person. She gets a ton of praise from her colleagues within CNN and other networks, and I have no f***ing clue why. She’s not that good, and, of course, she was going to get run over by traitor trump because she’s weak. If there is one thing he and MAGA morons like is an unfair fight between an alpha moron male and a woman, all the more to demonstrate RepubliKKKlans’ misogyny. Naturally — and predictably — traitor trump invoked his favorite pejorative attack by calling Collins a “nasty woman” to the audience’s cheer. She just took it, and I’ve heard no one from CNN defending her. But whatever! CNN got precisely what it wanted: Elevating traitor trump and ratings. The end is coming because Americans are still enthralled by the sh*tshow. Mark my words. People are bored with Biden, so they will gladly bring back the clown to finish off our democracy, so long as it’s entertaining. Welcome to stupid America!