
People Love to Hate and Be Hated

According to The Hill, “Republicans are actively courting Hispanic voters in key competitive House districts, hoping to peel away voters from Democrats repeating their historical pattern of investing little and late in reaching out to Latinos. … A New York Times/Siena College poll this month found that only 41 percent of Hispanics said they intended to vote for Democrats in the upcoming midterms, while 38 percent said they preferred GOP candidates.”

This is another slow train coming down the tracks in which dumbass Democrats will find themselves being run over — again! This trend of Hispanics moving to the RepubliKKKlan Party has been happening for years, and recall that traitor trump has more support from Hispanics than did Bush II, who was considered at the time to be the most Latino-friendly president until traitor trump came down that escalator to announce his presidential candidacy by calling Mexicans rapists and drug addicts who are infesting America. And guess what? American Hispanics loved him for it even though traitor trump was lumping all of them together. Brown people = rapists and drug addicts.

But, as I have written countless times, Lantios seem to be uniquely oblivious to the notion that the racist RepubliKKKlan Party — in particular individual voters — hates all people of color. How or why Latinos always think they are the exception is absolutely mindboggling. It’s probably because Latinos are so busy hating each other — Cubans vs. Puerto Ricans vs. Mexicans vs. Central Americans vs. immigrants vs. native-born vs. lighter skin vs. darker skin vs. mulatto — that they cannot see that white RepubliKKKlans hate all of the above. Or maybe they don’t mind being hated because, as usual, individuals always like to think that when racists talk about hating lazy Hispanics, they’re not talking about them. But they are! I will forever be lost as to why people willingly want to be affiliated with a political party that hates them. But whatever. It’s all part of the tapestry that creates the quilt of a truly, truly moronic America. Welcome to stupid America, where the only people who are color-blind are those being hated. Oblivious and stupid voters! What could possibly go wrong?