
People Want Revenge!

Here is the infamous word cloud from traitor trump that everyone is talking about. This U.K. tabloid asked 1000 voters for a word to sum up Biden and traitor trump’s plans for the next presidential term. (I assume they asked real American voters because, let’s face it, the U.K. is the king of countries when it comes to rags printing gossipy crap.) The amazing tidbit to take away from this exercise is that idiot voters understand that traitor trump is out for revenge should he win, yet they are still willing to vote for him anyway. Un-f***ing-beliebable! This is yet one more piece of evidence that tracks with what I’ve been saying for years now: People don’t f***ing care about democracy. (What part of “revenge” and “dictatorship” — another dominant word — do f***tard voters think is conducive to a well-functioning democracy?)

Moreover, Americans are f***ing bored with their pathetic, uninteresting lives, so they can’t wait to return traitor trump to the White House to spice things up a bit! (I have not expressed this last point as regularly, but it still applies; there is a certain amount of ennui that Americans seek to purge from their plebeian lives. This is a country that elected a f***ing reality T.V. star to the presidency, for Christ’s sake, because they thought a failed businessman in real life, but who played a successful entrepreneur on the boob tube, could run the f***ing country well!) These f***ing people have no idea what hell they’ll be unleashing on themselves and the world when this sh*t-for-brains country puts traitor trump back in the White House. Worse still, voters will do this in the full knowledge (indeed, desirable expectation) of what he’ll do in a second term. There will be no surprises. There is no confusion now about what he wants to do, yet f***tards of America want him back to, apparently, exact his (their) revenge on the rest of the country and the world. This is what a dying country looks like — just look in the f***ing mirror! Welcome to stupid America! Too dumb to endure. Mark my words, morons!