Dumbass Democrats Politics RepubliKKKlans

Perhaps He’s Right

From RawStory, “‘This is not wishful thinking on my part at all. this is just politics 101,’ he added. ‘I actually tweeted the night of RGB death, hey, you know what, pray for her family, okay, and save your hot takes because they’re all wrong. This is a nightmare for Republicans, and as somebody said on Twitter, I’m quoting them, not me. Donald Trump’s just too dumb politically to figure that out right now.’” Yeah, he’s probably right. This is probably one fight vulnerable RepubliKKKlans don’t want and it will probably secure lean Democratic Senate seats in those states that are currently held by RepubliKKKlans. Yes, Scarborough may be right, but in the end so what? RepubliKKKlans don’t care. If getting another right-wing nut-job Justice on SCOTUS means RepubliKKKlans lose the Senate in the short run, then so be it! It’s not like dumbass Democrats are going to undo SCOTUS because they are weak and feckless f***tards. Idiot Biden has already signaled that he wants to return to business as usual if he gets elected, which would not include packing the courts! So, whatever! Welcome to stupid America. Nothing matters anymore! America deserves the stupidity it gets and it’s all stupid all the f***ing time!