Dumbass Democrats MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

Permanent Constitutional Crisis II

OMG! I just saw a dumbass Democrat on CNN state that, in so many words, the House will start issuing subpoenas and the White House knows they cannot ignore a Congressional subpoena. Whaaaat! Is this moron f***ing kidding me? What the f*** is he talking about? Has he been asleep for the last three f***ing years? At what point does he think subpoena threats are going to suddenly coerce traitor trump into cooperating. Oh my f***ing God! I just f***ing can’t take the level of this stupidity anymore. Why the f*** are dumbass Democrats still under the impression that when traitor trump says he is not going to cooperate with the impeachment inquiry in any way that actually means he will if he or others are subpoenaed? I am going to lose my f***ing G.D. mind.

Allow me to explain exactly how this is going to play out. The house subpoenas Traitor trump, his associated advisors, staff, and Secretaries to which they respond with a collective: “F*** you!” Then Democrats hold these people in contempt of Congress to which the House really does nothing because they’re weak Democrats — what else is new? Now let’s say the House goes to the courts to enforce the subpoenas, and let’s also assume that ultimately SCOTUS rules in favor of the House that the Executive branch must comply with subpoenas. Again, traitor trump says: “F*** you!” Then what? Nothing! It’s not like there are SCOTUS police to enforce their ruling. In short, the subpoenas are a dead end. At best, perhaps a few rogue RepubliKKKlans are unwilling to defy the Supreme Court, but don’t expect traitor trump’s most ardent sycophant MAGA morons to comply, for they march in lockstep with their traitor leader. Sure, the House will ultimately tack on charges of obstruction to an impeachment bill, but no matter if it’s one charge of obstruction or 100 the result in the Senate will be the same: traitor trump is vindicated. Mark my words, morons. Welcome to stupid America where ultimately the president is expected not to act like a king but in reality, there is nothing to stop him from being a king and the usual collective American response is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.