I was reading an article in AlterNet about RepubliKKKlan nominee Blake Masters when I came across this sentence: “The Independent also notes that ‘In June, the Daily Beast reported that, although Masters had attended the 2017 wedding of his mentor and campaign benefactor Peter Thiel and his boyfriend, Matt Danzeisen, he does not believe that marriage or other same-sex unions should be legal.’” Are you f***ing kidding me? Seriously? If there is one group of people I hate more than any other in the entire world and if there is one sect of society I would gladly dance and piss on their graves, then it is traitor gays — RepubliKKKlans gays. There is a special place in hell for these people. Traitor gays are so hateful and vile that they hate themselves first and foremost, so you can imagine how easily these vermin can hate others. Theil bankrolls the worst, most hateful QAnon kooks, MAGA morons, and RepubliKKKlans who would just assume the gays be stoned to death. Unbelieve! Un-f***ing-believable. Does this guy have any clue that the party he supports and gives tens of millions of dollars to wants to void his marriage (and void him)? Whatever! I can’t. I just f***ing can’t with the stupid and the hypocrisy anymore. My brain hurts. Welcome to stupid America. Only in America!