Pixie Dust

From a Daily Beast article, “The cynicism now about working with McConnell is the product of what Democrats say is years of wrongly assuming that he and his fellow Republicans could be moved by persuasion. Obama officials in particular held on to the mantra that the ‘fever’ of Republican opposition to the president would break once they recognized how politically unpalatable such a posture was.” And this is why I have no issue with calling out dumbass Democrats when they deserve it, and it’s also why I thought Obama was only a very good president, not a great one. For eight years Democrats and Obama underestimated the enemy! What part of Cock McConnell’s statement about making sure Obama is a one-term president necessarily suggested anything other than being against everything Obama stands for and wants to do. The “fever” is never going to break if it’s rooted in a profound hatred of the “black” man in the Oval Office. I got so sick of dumbass Democrats embarrassing themselves by trying to cooperate and compromise with RepubliKKKlans over legislation and especially judicial appointments, only to be outplayed at every turn. As usual, dumbass Democrats were (and still are) weak and naive! Hey, dumbass Democrats, grow a f***ing spine and learn to be politically ruthless for once. RepubliKKKlans are the enemy, not merely the opposition because I promise you RepubliKKKlans consider Democrats the enemy, without except. F*** me! Welcome to stupid America!