Playing with Fire!

From Morning Consult, “The high-stakes standoff between Democrats and Republicans in Washington on a potential national debt default could have ruinous consequences for the financial system. It’s also likely to tick a lot of voters off. This time, at least, a plurality of voters would hold both parties in Washington equally responsible for a default on the national debt, according to a new Morning Consult/Politico poll. Beyond that 39 percent share who’d blame both parties, more voters would assign blame to Democrats (31 percent) than Republicans (20 percent). That’s largely on par with results from the same question last week, although the share that would blame Republicans ticked up 4 percentage points from 16 percent.” I am not prognosticating the final outcome of this debt ceiling mess. My guess would be if America did default it is because we stumbled into it during negotiations or in the middle of the legislative process. May I remind the reader that the deadline is an estimate! America could run out of money a bit sooner and it could be later. No one knows for certain!

If this were any other matter, then I would be applauding Democrats for finally standing up to RepubliKKKlans and for taking a strong position at last. I would cheer them on for finally playing hardball, but this is the wrong game. Nonetheless, where Democrats succeed in strength they seem to fail in cognition. Of course, they can never be both simultaneously. It’s usually thoughtfulness at the expense of strength, but not this time.

Here is the problem: Dumbass Democrats are underestimating RepubliKKKlans’ nihilism and overestimating voters’ intelligence. What else is new in America? Schumer — that frustrating f***tard — repeatedly stands on the Senate floor lecturing McConnell and RepubliKKKlans in an attempt to shame them. I swear to f***ing God! If I have to listen to Schumer cry “shame! shame! shame!” on RepubliKKKlans one more f***ing time for anything, then I’m going to reach through my laptop and strangle the idiot. OMG. RepubliKKKlans cannot be shamed! Ever! You can’t guilt them! Ever! Yet, dumbass Democrats keep trying to score some political points by calling them shameful, irresponsible, reckless, and hypocrites. Hello, Democratic morons. These are all attributes RepubliKKKlans embrace and enjoy. Such pejoratives are completely lost on them. Thus, Democrats underestimate RepubliKKKlans’ ability to have a conscience. They also underestimate RepubliKKKlans’ indifference to destroy the economy; they want the economy to tank under Biden and Democrats. The worse and the longer the economic disaster the more RepubliKKKlans believe it will help them win in 2022 and 2024. And they would be right to believe that because, as the Morning Consult articles evinces, voters will blame Democrats more than RepubliKKKlans, which brings me to my next point.

American voters are f***ing morons and dumbass Democrats keep overestimating voters’ capacity to reason and understand the maneuvers of the government under which they live. The optics for the average voter is pretty simplistic: Democrats control the White House, the House (barely), and the Senate (even more barely); ergo, they control everything — from the functioning of state governments to the American economy to the price of gas to local weather — which, of course, is not even close to reality, but since when have voters ever let reality inform their political judgment? Never! Recall, traitor trump was elected (and captured 10 million more votes in 2020) based on a personality built on a sham; his entire presidency was a con, so people vote for the unreal all the f***ing time. This is the truth that Democrats are trying to explain to voters, which is like trying to explain Shakespeare to monkeys: RepubliKKKlans would rather actively block Democrats from raising the debt ceiling than simply get out of the way for Democrats to vote. The key is the use of unanimous consent in regular order in the Senate — this entire issue is a Senate problem. These are rather fundamental concepts that moronic voters should understand about their government but would prefer not, for whatever reasons. Regular order simply means that the Senate will abide by the usual rules to debate and pass legislation. Unanimous consent is a process of “inverse” voting. I say inverse because in my mind is it. Normally, people would vote to pass something, but with unanimous consent, the assumption is a vote passes, unless one person votes to oppose. In other words, one person can object and the motion dies instead of the usual majority or supermajority threshold for passage. When legislators ask for unanimous consent, they are basically asking for everyone to nod and move on. But RepubliKKKlans won’t allow that — specifically to end debate (cloture) over a bill to raise the debt ceiling. Thus, they are actively voting to stop progress and actively putting the economy in danger. RepubliKKKlans could agree to unanimous consent and not vote for the bill as they keep threatening; they could just let all Democrats vote to pass the legislation and let Democrats take the “blame,” while keeping their voting record clean, but no. RepubliKKKlans are economic terrorists and they want chaos, just like their leader, traitor trump. This all comes back full circle. Of course, this is all legislative nuance that dumbass Democrats think voters are dutifully following and discerning, which, of course, they are not.

All that being said, what Democrats should have done is take McConnell at his word from the being — months ago — instead of trying to call his bluff this close to the deadline. They should have passed debt limit legislation through the reconciliation process over the summer, especially when Biden was living out a string of disastrous foreign policy decisions. At the very least, Democrats could have claimed they single-handedly saved the economy from obstructionist RepubliKKKlans and their ruinous economic terrorism. At this point, Democrats are running a huge risk that could seal RepubliKKKlan dominance for a decade to come because I promise you there is only one thing all voters are going to remember if America defaults on its debt: It happened under Democrats’ watch. Full stop! No ambiguity. No confusion. No subtlety. Consequently, Democrats will reinforce the canard that RepubliKKKlans are better for the economy, which is another persistent myth that f***tard voters of America seem to believe unquestionably year after year and one RepubliKKKlan recession (Bush I) after another RepubliKKKlan recession (Bush II) after another RepubliKKKlan recession (traitor trump). But whatever! I give up! Welcome to stupid America! The house is on fire — right now!

Apparently, to be continued until December…