Please, by All Means: Die!

Politico reports, “The Trump campaign has an order from the president: Find a way to get him back on the road and into mega-rallies to re-energize his base.” Oh, I can’t f***ing wait for these MAGA moron and evil Evangelical super-spreader events! Oh, please, please, please! I would love to see these MAGA rallies again. The sooner the better! The more RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, and evil Evangelicals that come together, contract SARS 2, and die then the better! Oh, please! I beg these f***tards to cram together yelling at the tops of their lungs and spread SARS 2 to everyone else at the rally. I hope they die! If I’ve said it once then I’ve said it a thousand times before that the only way Democrats are going to win is if MAGA morons die!

And traitor trump is getting ready to hit the road. Can one say hydroxychloroquine?!?! To all those f***tards who think traitor trump is lying about taking the drug: they are f***ing G.D. morons of the highest f***ing order. OMG! I can’t. Listening even to liberals confidentially claim that traitor trump is lying about taking hydroxychloroquine as a distraction to everything else traitor trump is f***ing up only confirms to me that they still fail to understand the Idiot-in-Chief after all this time, which is why some liberal talk show hosts still believe he is going to quit before his term is up. OMG. Kill! Me! Now! Granted he lies as he breathes, but still, it is — should be — possible by now to discern when he is actually telling the truth. This is one such instance. Of course, he’s taking hydroxychloroquine! Of course, he is! Because he’s scared to death of getting SARS 2 and he is his own expert doctor, so, of course, he’s taking an unproven drug because no expert is going to advise him on the truth. He’s the smartest guy in the room — on the planet. So, naturally, he’s on the drug.

Moreover, now that he thinks he’s completely immune from catching the disease because he’s on hydroxychloroquine then he wants his rallies back. He has nothing to worry about and he couldn’t care less about the health and well-being of his supporters, so he wants those MAGA rallies! Now! And he’ll be holding them by next month because he’s a f***tard and his supporters are f***tards, too. Mark my words, morons! Welcome to trump stupid America!