Please, Dear Lord, Let Traitor [T]rump Die!

CNN reports, “The latest developments pose an essential question: If people around Trump are not protected from the virus in the most highly secured workplace in the country, how can it be safe for anyone else to go back to work? It’s not, and Trump knows it. He’s worried that aides contracting the virus will undercut his message that the outbreak is fading, according to a person who spoke to him. He’s asked why his valets weren’t ordered to wear masks before this week, according to the person, even though that’s the example he himself has set. And Trump has told people he doesn’t want to be near anyone who hasn’t been tested, according to the person who spoke to the President, CNN’s Kevin Liptak reported.”

Why do evil people always survive? Of all the people in America, why can’t traitor trump contract SARS 2 and die? Oh, yeah. That’s right! Stupidity has a magical tendency to survive and be lucky. Hitler evaded dozens of attempts on his life and he actually lived through one bomb blast because fate hates humanity and loves irony! Welcome to trump stupid America where morons live and prosper while the rest of us die. Just another day praying traitor trump dies today and penis-loving Pence the next!