Politics 101

CNN writes, “Trump proudly embraces his smashing of political idols. Desecrating the old ways of doing things — and doing so gleefully — he believes is at the root of his political people. It says, he thinks, that he won’t let the rules that past crappy politicians have lived by govern him.” This article touches on the political stupidity of America! And leads me to the “Fenno’s Paradox,” which identifies the apparent contradiction in the perpetually low approval rating of Congress compared to much higher approval ratings of individual members. (See also this article.) In short, why do people hate Congress but love their own representative? While the real explanation is probably complex, multifaceted, and nuanced, I take a much simpler view: voters are f***ing morons and don’t understand civics!

The common complaint is that Congress is full of corrupt, elitist, self-serving, and out of touch professional politicians except, of course, those representatives for whom an individual voted. Every other politician is a crook but not their own. This is typical stupid logic in America, a country populated by voters incapable of looking in the mirror and realizing they support bad politicians. This is especially true for RepubliKKKlans who always put the party before the country. This leads to my next point. People are too stupid and lazy to vote out their representative. There is a reason why incumbency is so difficult to overcome. Morons of America hate to change, so it’s easier to keep electing the same idiot to political office, which completely contradicts the Founding Fathers’ intentions; they did not want voters to elect their representatives by rote. There is a reason why the Peoples’ House (of Representatives) has two-year terms. There is a reason why the Founding Fathers wanted the entire House to be up for re-election so frequently. They expected representatives to do their civic duty and then return to private life, not become entrenched in life-long political careers. Moreover, they expected voters would be engaged and informed enough to vote politicians in or out appropriately, which is why they did not include any term limits when they drafted the Constitution–except federal judges, which are termed for life. Ultimately, citizens are the ones who impose term limits through their votes. Fast forward nearly 250 years, and we have a stupid, lazy, and apathetic society of voters that routinely re-elect incumbents (more often than not) without a second thought because–you know–it’s always the other Congressman who is corrupt and wouldn’t do his or her job. In short, Americans have encouraged and condoned–through collective inaction–the perpetual persistence of the professional politician they so hate. Welcome to stupid America!

Hello morons! There is a connection between low/declining voter participation and government not working for the average American. G.D.! I can’t anymore. I just can’t deal with this Idiocracy, U.S.A.