Politics for the F***tard Masses: Populism

Nothing like waking up to reading an article that not only confirms I live in stupid America but I live in stupid humanity hell! From the Associated Press, “The countries that top the rankings of COVID-19 deaths globally are not the necessarily the poorest, the richest or even the most densely populated. But they do have one thing in common: They are led by populist, mold-breaking leaders. Populism in politics means pushing policies that are popular with ‘the people,’ not the elites and the experts. … But it turns out that when it comes to battling a new disease like COVID-19, the disruptive policies of populists are faring poorly compared to liberal democratic models in countries like Germany, France and Iceland in Europe, or South Korea and Japan in Asia. Academics have been fretting about whether liberal democracy — the political system that helped defeat fascism in World War II, set up international institutions like the World Health Organization and seemed to have triumphed in the Cold War three decades ago — can muster the stuff to take on the new populism and address complex 21st-century challenges…. ‘Populists by nature … have a disdain for experts and science….’”

The more I experience then the more I am starting to understand that America’s Founding Fathers (i.e., Madison) were correct, after all, to fear mob rule. Let’s face it. The average person is just too f***ing G.D. stupid to be allowed to vote or have a political opinion that won’t conflict with their own best interests — MASKS! I used to think that every person should have the right to vote but after traitor trump, the rise of QAnon in mainstream politics, and every other consequence derived from the rise of MAGA morons, now I say hell f***ing no! People apparently cannot be trusted with something as important as the vote. People are morons and democracy is too important; democracy does require intelligence, thoughtfulness, awareness, work, perseverance, selflessness, and constant improvement. Instead, what America has devolved into is just the opposite of all those things — idiocracy, unreflectiveness, obliviousness, laziness, unwillingness, greed, and apathy.

So, whatever! I give up. Morons across the world have elected other idiots to lead them to destruction in the age of SARS 2. I say fine! Let these countries struggle and disintegrate. It’s time for a revolution!