
Post Iowa Analysis

I spent the day listening to MSM analyze the Iowa caucus results, and most of it was pointless and a bunch of wish-casting traitor trump’s impending political demise, which is never going to happen. Yet these idiot political pundits and “experts” won’t let up with trying to explain traitor trump away. Let me tackle and debunk some of these “Iowa was a bad day for traitor trump” claims. The most prominent points that I heard were that the 2024 caucus was a meager turnout, that traitor trump only managed to get 51 percent of the votes cast as a defacto incumbent candidate, and that, on the whole, approximately only 14 percent of Iowa RepubliKKKlans voted for the wannabe dictator. All these points are valid, but they don’t f***ing matter! They claim that the low turnout evinces the lack of enthusiasm behind traitor trump. They claim a former president who can only muster 51 percent of the vote demonstrates his political weakness. They claim 14 percent of Iowans do not represent the whole of the state or the nation for that matter. Again, all of this does not matter. It’s all B.S., and here’s why. First, Iowa is never not going to vote for traitor trump, so whether he gets 50,000 votes or 500,000 votes, he’ll win the state come November. Pundits are nitpicking the shade of red the state will be, and I say one shade of red is just as “not blue” as any other shade. It doesn’t matter. Second, they claim traitor trump only getting 51 percent means that 49 percent of RepubliKKKlans want someone else. Again, this doesn’t matter because when the general election arrives, all RepubliKKKlans will fall in line and cast their vote for the crook; there is no such thing as a never-trumper. Last, they assert that Iowa is a sui generis representation of the base — his most hardcore base — and it does not reflect RepubliKKKlans more generally nationwide. To that, I say it’s debatable.

At this point, the RepubliKKKlan Party is so monolithic that a RepubliKKKlan in the deep South, Northwest, or the Midwest are all essentially the same; they’ll vote for traitor trump nonetheless while arriving at their justifications from differing reasons. It’s pretty clear by now that RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks all see in traitor trump what they want to see. If he’s the second coming of Christ, then they’ll see that. If he’s the genius businessman that will “right” the economy, then so be it. If he’s the protector of our democracy and defender of the silent majority, then he’s their guy. I promise that no amount of analyzing, rationalizing, wish-casting, and ignoring caucus and poll results, which make liberals and dumbass Democrats uncomfortable, is going to change the truth of traitor trump’s trajectory to win the next presidential election. Welcome to stupid America.