Praise Jesus: A MAGA Moron Insurrectionist Is Killed!

Ashli Babbitt is killed! God is great! Praise Jesus! She f***ing deserved it, and the man who pulled the trigger is a hero who deserves a f***ing medal. I saw the video where I heard the gunshot, and she f***ing dropped like a lead balloon! It was great! Praise Jesus! Praise him! I’m only sorry more of these MAGA moron and RepubliKKKlan insurrectionists were not killed during the domestic terrorist attack on our Capitol — on the people’s House. The streets should be running with traitors’ blood, but one dead f***tard is a good start. Do not feel sorry for these trump stupid people. I don’t give one G.D. f*** if they are too stupid to discern fact from fiction. Do not feel sympathy for these idiots who have been led “astray” by QAnon conspiracy theories and lies. These alternative fact morons deserve what they get. If their stupidity gets them killed, then I say Darwin was more right than ever! Nature weeds out those who cannot — should not — be allowed to survive or breed! This only reinforces my belief that traitors must be eliminated generationally. Sorry, people! One bad apple does ruin the bunch — parents, grandparents, children. Just don’t be in that bunch!

So, the civil war just turned hot. Mark my words, morons. They started it, and we will finish it. But you need to wake the f*** up, people. While most of America is shocked — Ugh! Really? Still shocked during the traitor trump presidency? — the enemy is regrouping. These so-called “patriots” must be executed. Biden must enter office and unleash holy-f***ing-hell on these people. These people are a cancer on society and must be cured like cancer. Co-existing with cancer does not work! As an aside, I always find it amusing that people throw around the term patriot without understanding the history of the term in America. The only reason patriots of the American Revolutionary War can be called patriots is because we won the war. Do you know what losers of a revolutionary war are called? Traitors! MAGA morons presume too much! And don’t even get me started about how these “blue lives matter” f***tards killed a Capitol Hill police officer. All the more reason why every single person in the treasonous mob should be executed, whether they were inflicting harm or just milling around and looking on — they are all guilty! Full! F***ing! Stop! No quarter! Ever! Liberals need to grow a m*****f***ing G.D. spine and start fighting back. Traitor trump is right about one thing: We cannot take our country back without strength. It is our weakness that provoked and exacerbated this domestic terrorist attack by white nationalists. They saw our weakness and f***ing attacked. Ugh! F*************ck me! I’m over it. America is so f***ing lost! Wake up, people! Wake up!

America cannot survive with this level of stupid existing in the country. How many times do I have to say it? How many f***ing times? Morons must be culled from the herd — via civil war, Tiergartenstraße 4, euthanasia, concentration camps, death camps, whatever. Just get the job done. Now, of course, I recommend all this blood-letting be left to professionals, so give police and military the unqualified prerogative to shoot first and ask questions later; do not take offensive matters into your own hands. You’ll poke an eye out! Welcome to trump stupid America. It’s about to get a whole lot dumber! A country this dumb cannot survive!