Praise Jesus: ‘America is a failed state’

To say “America is a failed state” is a stunning headline of a Salon article, but never has the sentiment been so true and direct! The same article ends by saying, “In his victory speech, President-elect Joe Biden pledged ‘to be a president who seeks not to divide but unify’ and who will seek to ‘heal and restore the American soul.’ That presumes America had a soul before the pandemic. A fully honest examination of the struggles of tens of millions of American households before COVID, and how they have fared during the pandemic, suggests we have yet to find it.” Truly! America is soulless and mindless. One absolutism during the pandemic is that in America the rich got richer and the poor got poorer. Fan-f***ing-tastic! Only in America! Pandemic American style! A Biden presidency will not change that no matter how much he hopes. If I’ve said it once, then I’ve said it a thousand times before that America was doomed the second it elected traitor trump as president. Full! F***ing! Stop! There is absolutely no way a nation of morons that elected traitor trump in the first place and then voted for him again with 10 million more votes than in 2016 can survive. After four years of traitor trump, 74 million people want four more years of that! America is f***ing doomed to be the always stupid nation! Welcome to trump stupid America where the country just continues to fail!