Praise Jesus! God Is Great! Hallelujah!

QAnon Retard (Dead)

From The Daily Beast, “A leading QAnon promoter who urged both her followers and strangers she passed on the street not to take the COVID vaccine died Thursday of the coronavirus, making her just the latest vaccine opponent killed by the disease. Cirsten Weldon had amassed tens of thousands of followers across right-wing social media networks by promoting the pro-Trump QAnon conspiracy under the screenname ‘CirstenW.’ She was prominent enough to become a sort of QAnon interpreter for comedian conspiracy theorist Roseanne Barr, and started recording videos about QAnon with her. … ‘The vaccines kill, don’t get it!’ Weldon warned the waiting vaccine recipients in an undated video posted to one of her online accounts. ‘This is how gullible these idiots are. They’re all getting vaccine!’ [sic] … In September, a QAnon follower named Veronica Wolski became a cause celebre in QAnon circles after she was hospitalized with the coronavirus. QAnon fans besieged the hospital with phone calls demanding that Wolski receive ivermectin, the deworming drug used by some as an unproven coronavirus treatment. Wolski died of the disease later that month.”

Praise Jesus! Hallelujah! ♪ ♫ Another one bites the dust. ♩ ♪ Another one bites the dust. ♩ ♪ And another one gone and another one gone. Hey. ♪ ♫ Another two QAnon f***tards are dead! Praise Jesus. I find it especially rich that “CirstenW.” believed those who got vaccinated were “gullible” “idiots.” I keep telling you, morons! America is just too f***ing stupid. Too stupid to survive. And I mean that in the literal sense — these QAnon retards keep dying because of their own stupidity. And in the figurative sense — the country cannot endure where these f***tards are allowed to prosper and spread their stupidity to others (until they die). Oh, and don’t for one G.D. second let experts try to tell you that these conspiracy theorists are merely being led astray or have some underlying social issues that make them susceptible to such craziness. That is all psycho-babel B.S. These people are just plain stupid. I’m sorry. They were born stupid, or they were dropped on their head as a baby or something, but these people are not the victims of society. Perhaps they are victims of genetics, but not because of societal shortcomings or “the system.” Look, everyone likes to think they’re smart, but clearly, not everyone can be, or the bell curve would be nonexistent. So, it is safe to say that people self-select themselves into the group of f***tards by choosing to believe in QAnon.

The stupid in this country is so deep and pervasive that it can never be undone. Seriously! These stories are the exact reason I created this blog and why I will never run out of stories on which to comment. So, keep dying AQnon retards, please! I know there are plenty of you out there. Welcome to stupid America! So stupid it hurts. *long sigh*