Praise Jesus! Kill Them All!

From The Hill, “A white supremacist was killed during a shootout with deputies in Templeton, Calif., this week, according to officials.” Great! Kill! Them! All! White supremacists do not deserve to live anywhere and at any time for any reason. They only deserve a bullet in the head! Full! F***ing! Stop! I’m so f***ing over it! I’m over being nice! I’m over the proverbial “turn the other cheek.” I’m over trying to see the other side from their point of view. I’m over Michelle Obama’s “when they go low, we go high” G.D. f***ing B.S. (God love her, but honestly.) I’m over civil disobedience and passive resistance. I’m over being part of the majority that is ruled over by the tyrannical minority. I’m over a country of morons who just don’t care anymore. I’m over all of it! Today, I’m in a let-the-blood-run-in-the-streets mood. I’ve said it countless times: The civil war began the minute traitor trump was elected, so let’s just get on with it. Let the fighting begin already. Let the killing begin! The country is long overdue for a great cleansing.

Arm up liberals and progressives and dumbass Democrats and Independents! Arm up, now! There are more of us than there are of them, though the right is armed to the teeth. But last I checked, one can only shoot one gun (competently) at a time, so all these Second Amendment retards that love their sacred gun collections are meaningless if they can only use one at a time. Moreover, fear not that these same morons will serve as some kind of free arsenal for the unarmed right-wing masses because all these f***tards run in the same circles, and each is already armed to the teeth. So, the armed right-wing nutjobs are not going to expand an unarmed populous into an overwhelming right-wing militia suddenly. Last, once these RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons are killed, then their arsenals become ours. Maybe I should be thanking these idiots ahead of time for arming up the actual majority of people: us!