Preach Brother David Rothkopf! Preach!

One may accuse me of seeking out and commenting on articles that only provide confirmation bias — and one may be correct — but apparently, confirmation bias grows on trees then! According to the Daily Beast, “A widely respected jurist, Garland was picked by Biden to depoliticize the DOJ and end the abuses of its power we saw under Trump appointees Jeff Sessions and Bill Barr. Certainly, he has made some strides in that direction. But if the result of his de-politicization is tiptoeing around the egregious serial wrongdoing of the leaders of the Republican Party, then his efforts will have exactly the opposite of the intended effect. By failing to hold Trump and Co. accountable, Garland will set the stage for them to continue unabated their efforts to turn the U.S. into a one-party state in which only Republicans can win elections, and any tactics they may use to hold on to power will have been effectively validated by the inaction of Garland and his DOJ. … We also have not heard a peep out of them in terms of prosecuting the dozen instances of clear obstruction of justice that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report cited against Trump. We have seen that Garland is letting the highly politicized investigation of special prosecutor John Durham into the conduct of the Trump-Russia investigation continue (by continuing its funding). We, therefore, have the real prospect that those who sought to look into the Trump-Russia ties that both Mueller and Congressional investigations have demonstrated were real, unprecedented, and dangerous might be prosecuted, while those who actively sought the help of a foreign enemy to win an election will not be. … And yet Garland’s behavior to date has left me apprehensive. Conversations I have had with folks inside DOJ have not eased those concerns. There, frustration with Garland begins with his management style (which insiders liken to that of a judge running his chambers in which his office is a kind of bubble apart from the department and staffed by a small team akin to the clerks he had when he was in the judiciary).”

So! I have written numerous times (and at length) long before others that we are f***ed because of our pathetic A.G. Garland. Here is but one more published work echoing what I’ve been saying for nearly a year now. Do not be fooled by illustrious legal “experts” cautioning us to be “patient” with Garland, for he may be investigating the traitor trump syndicate, which takes time and should not be publicized. That is all f***ing B.S. All of it. Mueller already spent the better part of two years investigating traitor trump. He wrote two volumes laying out the crimes of the previous administration, so I have no idea why or how much longer it would take Garland to pick up where Mueller left off unless, of course, he has no interest in prosecuting said traitor. Then there is the insurrection. Apparently, Garland has no interest in pursuing anyone beyond the little fish, so expect nothing to happen there. Even if, by some miracle of God, the January 6 Committee turns up something of significance against traitor trump — it won’t — don’t expect Garland to pursue that either.

All that being said, let us say, for the sake of argument, Garland is quietly pursuing an investigation into traitor trump — a laughable thought, but let’s continue this mental exercise for a moment — then time is still running out. Indeed, too much time has already been wasted. There is one ace in the hole traitor trump has that no one is writing about, and that is his upcoming presidential run. Yes, yes. Many journalists are asking, Will he or won’t he? But that is the wrong angle and the wrong question. People think he’s waiting for the right political moment to announce. Wrong! He’s waiting for the right legal moment, morons. Traitor trump knows that once he announces his run for president, any investigation into him would instantly become politically charged — the same optics Garland eschews. It’s now or never, and I guess Garland is going with never. Traitor trump knows he can halt all his legal problems by merely declaring his candidacy. Ideally, he wants the House flipped to RepubliKKKlan control before announcing, so he’s waiting, but if something changes with the status of an investigation or legal case, then watch out! He’ll announce sooner, for Traitor trump gets the same politician protections as a declared presidential candidate. He’ll scream political witch hunt, and prosecutors will be stunned into inaction even more so than they are now. And at that exact moment, everything — and I mean everything — in America will be lost forever. Mark my words, f***tards. Welcome to stupid America!