Profiting from Health Care Is Immoral

From Axios, “Americans don’t particularly trust anyone to keep health care costs under control, but they really don’t trust the industry — including insurers — according to polling from Morning Consult.” Yet, somehow the distrust of voters translates to RepubliKKKlans getting re-elected — year after year, time after time — which is the party, to be sure, that wants to return to a health care system pre-ACA. The level of stupidity in America is beyond incomprehensible. Profiting from health care is immoral, but apparently I am the only one who understands this. I’m not sure what part of profits going to shareholders rather than patient care is considered moral. Seriously! Why does this even need to be pointed out to f***tards? Oh, but I can hear the arguments already. Capitalism spurs innovation and competition. Blah, blah, blah. To be fair, I suppose in a supremely greedy and selfish country people must be induced by pecuniary incentives to want to help others; it is the values of the society into which we were born — fan-f***ing-tastic! Let’s not value humanitarianism for the sake of humanity. Oh, no. We must calculate how to maximize profits first. If and when the morons in America realize that the greatest asset of any country is the health of its citizenry perhaps things will change, but I doubt it because the entire ethos of RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons is to suppress everyone else, to dominate over the weak, to survive at the expense of others. RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons and conservatives more generally want others to die. To them, it is the legitimate survival of the fittest — it is the ends by whatever means. It is pure Darwinism! This is the Christain America in which we live. Pure and simple. Welcome to trump stupid America! Dumber today than it was yesterday and the day before that and the day before that…