
Proud Boys Are Children

Everyone knows you can instantly tell a great deal about a person by their handwriting. We all judge one’s handwriting, and there is nothing in these samples that does not indicate these guys function at a child’s level of intellect. Personally, I write in block lettering (all caps) with some cursive. I don’t know at what point in my early adulthood or why, but I switched to writing in all capitalized letters. It just felt more natural. These guys are writing as if they were still in second grade and having problems forming letters. I assume that the last sample is from a girl, right? Was there a girl on trial? I hope so or that “guy” is one “i” away from using hearts in place of tittles. There is a connection between the mind and the hand. I expected nothing less from a far-right neo-fascist group of f***tards. And these guys are supposed to be the master race? Whatever! Welcome to stupid America!