Proud Boys Charged with Treason — Eh!

Reporting by Axios, “Henry ‘Enrique’ Tarrio, a leader of the right-wing extremist Proud Boys group, has been indicted on new charges of seditious conspiracy for his role in the deadly Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection. … [The indictment] alleges that between December 2020 and January 2021, Tarrio and the other members ‘did knowingly conspire, confederate, and agree with other persons … to oppose by force’ the authority of the U.S. government and looked to ‘prevent, hinder, and delay the execution of any law of the United States’ by force.”

Eh, so what? Who cares? I mean, are we supposed to be surprised. Am I surprised the DOJ is actually making a de minimis effort to save democracy? Yes. Of course, the DOJ is still dealing with the small fish when it comes to prosecuting those who sought (and still seek) to overthrow the government. Garland, being the worthless P.O.S. that he is, will never go after traitor trump, and in so doing, he is paving the way to the traitor’s re-election, for what does not kill the orange man only makes him stronger. While the MSM falls all over themselves with this “breaking news” and quixotic legal “experts” claim the imperative significance of this development, the indictments mean nothing. Absolutely nothing. This is not the next rung up the ladder to the chief seditionist, for traitor trump is beyond reproach. It’s never going to happen, f***tards. The Proud Boys is as far as the ladder reaches because Garland is too weak to climb any further. Welcome to stupid America!