‘Putin and the Presidents’

Well, this was a fascinating documentary, and it essentially confirmed everything I already knew about America’s presidents, save Biden — mostly. Democratic presidents are weak, and RepubliKKKlan presidents are morons! Actually, Clinton does not fall into either category because he was not president long enough for Putin to test him, but he’s tested and manipulated every American president since to great effect. Some obliged him (traitor trump), some ignored him (Obama), some believed him (Bush II), and one confronted him (Biden) — for the most part! One particular anecdote that struck me is how Putin manipulated Bush II by “appealing” to his religiosity — of course! It was through an unmistakably B.S. story Putin told Bush II about some ridiculous religious artifact of his mother’s being “miraculously” found after his dacha burned down. After hearing this fable, Bush II claimed, “I looked the man in the eye. I found him to be very straightforward and trustworthy. I was able to get a sense of his soul.” What a f***ing dupe. Just to be clear to all the f***tards out there, Putin is not religious! He never has been and never will be. But Bush II, the moronic evil evangelical he is, was more than eager to believe such nonsense and proclaim Putin a good man. Such stupidity! Only in America! (Not to mention Bush II did nothing when Putin invaded Georgia.) And I won’t waste my time writing about traitor trump except to say that Putin saw him for what 55 percent of Americans did: A gullible moron to be led around by the nose. What a f***ing embarrassment. Yet traitor trump is a perfect reflection of America! No wonder Putin thought the time was ripe to escalate the war in Ukraine.

Of course, Democrats were not much better. Obama ignored Putin. Remember that under Obama, Putin invaded Ukraine in the first place, and nothing happened to hold Putin accountable except stupid, weak sanctions that had zero impact on Russia. Under Obama, Putin interfered in the 2016 election with the full knowledge of the administration leading up to November. Yet, Obama kept quiet because he did not want to appear to interfere in the election himself. (See The New York Times, “The Obama administration feared that acknowledging Russian meddling in the 2016 election would reveal too much about intelligence gathering and be interpreted as ‘taking sides’ in the race, the former secretary of homeland security said Wednesday.”) Taking sides? Un-f***ing-believable! How about taking the side of your own f***ing party? Thanks for nothing, Obama. It was only after Clinton lost that Obama revealed Russian medalling in the election and, again, he did nothing to punish Putin despite the waning days of his presidency. I hope your moral purity was worth it. (In my mind, this is part of why Obama will only ever be just a good president and not a great one.) Note to all presidents: You are president from noon 20 January to noon 20 January, four years later, not until the day after the first Tuesday following the first Monday of November in a presidential election year. But I digress.

If anybody, Biden has been the only president (as well as Bill Clinton and Hillary, for that matter) to understand Putin exactly for what he is long before he became president, yet he has not been strong enough, in my humble opinion. Let’s not pretend that Bush II, Obama, and traitor trump have all not encouraged and condoned Putin in some form or fashion, which has led to this moment in history. America’s inherent “niceness” has allowed the cancer that is Putin to fester, metastasize, and consume the world. Fan-f***ing-tastic. I’ll paraphrase the only true, yet ironic, sentiment to come out of traitor trump’s mouth: You can’t win with weakness. Indeed! But America keeps trying! Welcome to stupid America. All weak, all the time.