QAnon: America’s New Religion Here to Stay

According to an excellent article in the Intelligencer, “This week brought us evidence that QAnon thought has spread further than we knew: into the Senate, the Supreme Court, and the very highest levels of the Republican Party. It is increasingly difficult to separate the movement’s demented beliefs from the ideology of the already democracy-averse GOP, its traces evident in legislation, media appearances, and leaked private communications. … The signs of the Republican slide toward full epistemic crack-up are all around us. One can see it everywhere lately, not only in the ‘why do you want to hurt children?’–type questions hurled by Republican senators at Jackson, but also in the revanchist anti-LGBTQ laws being introduced in Texas and Florida and in fearful talk of teachers’ grooming’ children on Fox News. The ginned-up moral panic, centered around the child-exploitation themes that helped give life to QAnon, is now a regular part of Republican political rhetoric. … If you had any lingering pretensions that our political elites know better than the average QAnon-pilled zombie, it’s past time to let them go. The people in charge of the Republican Party are mostly old and poorly informed operators who believe some of the most asinine theories to emerge from social-media bilge. Granting them some measure of savviness — saying that this is red meat for the Republican base, or that it keeps the checks from right-wing billionaires coming in — is to offer too much credit. More than that, it risks absolving them through some nod toward political practicalities when, mostly, this is all pretty evil and disturbing.”

I will go one step further and say QAnon is America’s new religion, which means America is doomed, natch. Do not think for one second that QAnon is any longer fringe. With RepubliKKKlans’ recent full embrace, it is as mainstream as apple pie, just like Christianity. I will not belabor the point because the article did such an exceptional job of describing the evolving problem; suffice it to say, stupid America was made for QAnon, and QAnon was made for stupid America. So get ready when RepubliKKKlans take over the government, and QAnon becomes the new American religion imposed on the rest of us. As I have long said, America has reached the critical mass of stupidity, and the stupid will kill us all and the country.

And then we have dumbass Democrats, who may be rightly aghast and confused about the spread and persistence of QAnon. But the time for being shocked is over. It is no longer a matter of asking how people can believe such incomprehensible stupidity; now it is a matter of how many people in power will use QAnon beliefs to gain more power and destroy America. Democrats need to take the QAnon menace seriously and head-on. Yet, I fear dumbass Democrats will do what they always do: Ignore things, expecting (hoping) voters will eventually figure it out. Americans rarely “figure” things out. Ugh! Oh, well. Welcome to stupid America!