QAnon and Adrenochrome: WTF!?!?

QAnon and adrenochrome. What the f***!?!? OMG! I can’t anymore with the stupid. It hurts! I hate these people for being so m*****f***ing G.D. stupid! Seriously! This level of stupid cannot be allowed to survive in American society. This is smother-in-the-crib level of stupid. This is euthanasia/mercy-killing level of stupid. But here we are. America in all of its stupidity on full display. I’ve been saying it for well over a year now: America is just too f***ing stupid to survive. It really is. By some miracle of God, Americans managed to purge the head idiot, traitor trump, from office (for now), only to see the continuing rise of conspiracy theorists take further hold (i.e., MTG and the other whack-job in Congress, Boebert).

To be sure, idiots believing in fairytales — ala Christianity — is nothing new, but this — this QAnon — level of f***tarditude is off the f***ing scale and gaining popularity and acceptance as politicians are getting elected to positions in government. It used to be morons who believed such idiocracy would be shunned from society; now, QAnon morons are being embraced and rising to cult-like fame! And not cult-like as in a cult of brainwashed worshipers — QAnon followers certainly are that too — but like cult movie fans (e.g., The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Idiocracy, Reservoir Dogs, and The Big Lebowski). QAnon followers are fashionable because why not? It’s the new thing to be because of social media. The consequences? A truly, truly stupid society that is becoming more dysfunctional, doesn’t believe in science or reason, hates masks, FREEDOM!, the children, and would rather die than be part of the social compact that defines American society and values. These people are stupid and dangerous. They will destroy this country left unchecked. They want to see the end of America. These are true dead-enders! They just keep on believing, and people mistakenly laugh them off as too far out there to be of any concern when, in fact, Americans should be openly mocking them and diminishing them publicly. Do not avoid these people as too crazy to handle, but confront them as too crazy to allow to be part of America! Public shaming is the only way to drive these f***tards back underground. It is the only way to suffocate the movement to a point where AQnon is no longer mainstream. But like everything in America, crazy and stupid and dangerous sells, especially as website clickbait. Ugh! I can’t anymore. I just f***ing can’t! Welcome to stupid America! It’s as dumb as it’s ever been.