QAnon Is for Morons: Happy March 4!

Today is another watershed date on the calendar for the hoards of QAnon morons that define the general level of stupidity pervasive in American society. The belief is that today is the date that traitor trump will officially become president because somehow, the 20th Amendment to the Constitution really does not, nor has ever, applied since its passing. The 20th Amendment, for idiots out there that don’t understand how their own government works, is the change to the Constitution that moved inauguration day from March to January following election day, which occurs on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November. In other words, election day cannot be the first day of November if it happens to be a Tuesday. But everyone knows that. Right? Ugh. Why do I bother asking stupid questions? Anyways, QAnon followers are f***tards because they just f***ing are, and I haven’t even started picking apart the contradictions in their moronic inaugural day beliefs.

There are two paradoxes at work. First, here we have a group of f***ing morons of the highest m*****f***ing order who are supposedly uber patriots that love babies, the police, the Constitution, and everything for which it stands! They followed traitor trump and stormed the Capitol and continue to believe because they are the “law and order” party; they are the “true” patriots, unless, of course, when the Constitution doesn’t suit them, namely the 20th Amendment. They love the First and Second Amendments, and the rest of the Amendments they have no idea what they are, except for the 20th. Typical! They like and want to uphold only some of the Constitution. Naturally! It’s all consistent with the same mentality akin to evil evangelicals, where people pick and choose what parts of the Bible they want to believe and enforce. It’s all the same level of stupid; there is no difference! QAnon and evangelicals — the twin American cancers.

Of course, the second contradiction in their beliefs is even more perplexing. So! If only a real president must be inaugurated in March, then what was traitor trump during his entire time in office? A fake president? I heard nothing about him secretly taking the oath of office on this day in 2017. QAnon certainly made no mention of it, nor had they any concerns about traitor trump being sworn in during a supposedly false event when Obama would have still been president — or not, according to their stupid “thinking.” Again, no mention from QAnon about Obama being illegitimate because of being sworn in on the wrong day. Of course, they claim he was illegitimate because he was born in Kenya. (Ugh! Kill me now!) It’s only now morons “think” of this alleged massive flaw in the Constitution that they so fervently claim to love and respect and blah, blah, blah. Whatever! I give up. Look, f***tards. I will say it again and again: America is lost, morons! Mark my words. This level of stupid cannot be undone — ever. The long slide to the bottom began the second traitor trump won, and it’s been downhill ever since. Dumbass Democrats are not — and will never be — strong nor ruthless enough to reverse the damage that is the Great American Stupidity that has been exacerbated, facilitated, and encouraged vis-à-vis traitor trump’s rise and hold onto political power! Welcome to stupid America, forever and always! America as we know it is ending, morons! The stupid is going to overtake this country and run it into the ground. Mark! My! Words!