QAnon v. Democrat

QAnon will win because this is m*****f***ing G.D. stupid America! J.R. Majewski, the RepubliKKKlan, versus Rep. Marcy Kaptur, the incumbent Democrat. As CNN reports, “This is the weirdness of the 2022 midterm elections: An Ohio Republican associated with the QAnon conspiracy movement — and who painted massive Donald Trump murals on his lawn and put out a crass rap song on his campaign website — will face off in November against a Democrat who could become the longest-serving woman in Capitol Hill history. Due to Ohio’s newly drawn congressional map, the race is likely to be a tossup, according to professional handicappers.”

Of course, this race is a tossup because people love the f***ing crazy, and RepubliKKKlan voters would sooner go full-on suicide vest bomber in a crowd rather than vote for a Democrat. It is particularly true for Ohio, which becomes redder with every election. So, this is where the country’s at right now, a nation intent on electing more crazy to Congress. I don’t know how many f***ing times I have to keep saying it, but a country cannot survive with this level of stupid in the population and participating in government. And I don’t want to hear about how there has always been some level of absurdity in America. Ture! But not this much bat-sh*t-crazy and not this much bat-sh*t-crazy winning elections.

Furthermore, I find it especially interesting that this QAnon candidate’s last name is Majewski. He has a conspiracy literally written in his name: MaJEWski. I thought QAnon hated the Jews because they are secretly running the world. Whatever. This guy is going to win. I can promise that right now. Mark my words. And his certain win will be another nail in America’s coffin. Welcome to stupid America. It’s going to be much dumber after the midterm elections. People just don’t f***ing get it! The end of America is coming! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯