
Queen Bashing From Woke Idiots

From the Washington Post, Karen Attiah writes, “The death of Queen Elizabeth II, Britain’s longest-serving monarch, is causing a global battle royale over a central question: How do we speak honestly about the loyal servants to Britain’s powerful and historically brutal empire? My answer? You speak the truth loudly, firmly and without hesitation. Use a microphone if you need to say it louder for those in the back. In the wake of the queen’s death, propaganda, fantasy and ignorance are being pitted against Britain’s historical record and the lived experience of Africans, Asians, Middle Easterners, the Irish and others.” Piss off!

Here we go! It was just a matter of time before The Queen bashing started. This is where the Woke Left deserves derision. In all relevant issues, I would like to find solidarity with the Woke Left, which really is the right’s polemic way of calling out others for being aware and enlightened. That’s what being “woke” means — you’re not just sleepwalking through life like RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks, who are unthinking zombies unwilling and unable to see beyond their own narrow worldview. That being said, can we keep our wokeness to internal politics, please? There is such a thing as being too woke and too hyper-vigilant. This is one such moment. I had to pause watching Ali Velshi on MSNBC because he was using The Queen’s death as an opportunity to remind the world of the British Empire’s historical transgressions.

I always find it funny that, on the one hand, everyone understands and accepts that The Queen is a figurehead of the State with virtually no real power — and it has been that way for hundreds of years, especially after the Glorious Revolution, which solidified the supremacy of Parliament. Yet, on the other hand, people like to blame Queen Elizabeth for the nation’s historical crimes. These are the crimes of Parliament if we must place blame rightfully. And these super woke types apparently hold The Queen responsible for the sins of the heredity into which she was born. This is very rich coming from citizens of America, which prides itself on not holding people responsible for the sins of their parents or ancestors.

And another thing, Attiah points out the “experiences” of “Africans, Asians, Middle Easterners, the Irish and others.” She fails to mention one obvious former colonial possession. Does anyone see it? Anyone at all? Why did she not say Americans? Why does she not call out America as a “tragic” consequence of The Queen and her lineage? It’s selective outrage, of course. Without the British Empire’s colonization of North America, no United States of America would exist. But whatever. Naturally, it’s left off the list because it’s impossible not to call out our own transgressions in doing so. We dare not be hypocrites. You don’t see us calling out the long, complicated historical crimes starting with George Washington every time an American president dies. These woke critics must stop criticizing The Queen and the now-defunct British Empire whenever it’s convenient timing. Perhaps Americans should look in the mirror first before rehashing British history, for there is absolutely one truth that these woke advocates cannot deny: For all of Britain’s historical shortcomings, it has done more to spread democracy (or the seeds of it) around the world than any other nation in history, including America. The road has not been straight, smooth, or perfect. But nothing ever is. In fact, ask yourself this: Is it a coincidence that as the British Empire collapsed, democracies worldwide have been receding while authoritarianism has been ascending?

And one final thought. I wonder how Hong Kong’s citizens feel about the British Empire’s demise. I wonder if they think Britain’s voluntarily relinquishing of that colonial outpost was worth it? Do you think Hong Kong citizens would rather live under self-rule with The King as the head of State or live under the authoritarian regime of China? But whatever! It’s always the Sovereign’s fault, naturally.