Reason Can’t Compete with Faith, Yup!

From Salon, “People with lower cognitive abilities find it difficult to follow directions about when to wear a mask and when it is appropriate and safe not to do so. Moreover, when the rules about wearing a mask are inconsistent, it becomes even more difficult for people with lower cognitive abilities to wear masks consistently and correctly. … Beginning in the 1980s, American conservatism has morphed into a type of religious politics in which fact and reason have been subsumed by faith. This manifests in many ways: anti-intellectualism and anti-rationality, racism and white supremacy, hostile sexism and misogyny, a worship of ignorance and greed, right-wing Christian fundamentalism, a disregard for truth and empirical reality, and contempt for expert knowledge. … Trump’s neofascist movement will not disappear even if the Great Leader is voted out of office on Election Day and decides to step down. Such people will just latch onto another American fascist and demagogue, in whatever form he or she may take. Decent Americans may see the Trumpists and others of their ilk as tainted, but they themselves feel touched and empowered. In living the faith of their right-wing political religion, Trump’s followers have found ‘salvation’ through a leader who is simultaneously ‘like them’ but is also a type of semi-divine prophet whose example they aspire to imitate or emulate.”

This was an excellent article and I encourage people to read the entire piece. I quoted parts that I thought were most representative. Needless to say, these quotes echo what I have been saying for years now: the majority of Americans are trapped in a country lead by a minority of f***tards who will gladly kill themselves — and us with them — because they don’t care and, apparently, the majority doesn’t care all that much either. This is what has become of America. Traitor trump is the Everyman of America. It is the mirror, stupid! Mark my words, morons. Unless and until the majority rises up to exterminate the MAGA moron, RepubliKKKlan, and evil evangelical f***tards of the highest f***ing order then nothing is going to change. America will continue to be a country whereby the minority rules over the majority. If I’ve said it once, then I’ve said it a thousand times before. These people are a disease in American society and, like any disease, the majority should wish to cure it. Sadly, liberals, progressives, and dumbass Democrats have yet to realize that these people cannot be reasoned with or converted; they must be eliminated! We need to start striking back more forcefully than calling these people “deplorable.” F*** me! They wear that pejorative as a badge of honor. They know only one thing: violence. So, I say let our violence reign! Let loose the Einsatzgruppen as the cure! Welcome to trump stupid America. We’re all trapped! America cannot survive when at least 40 percent of the citizenry is abjectly retarded. Kill me now! The stupid hurts! Mark! My! Words!