How many times do I have to keep saying it? How many f***ing times? Allow me to repeat myself — again. Rise up, LGBTQ community! Rise up! Prepare to fight for your lives — literally — for they are coming to kill you! To what am I referring? Read this from Axios: “A federal judge in Texas on Wednesday ruled that the government cannot require a Christian-owned company to cover HIV preventative medication because it violates their religious rights under federal law. HIV PrEP — which is more than 90% effective in preventing the transmission of HIV — is recommended for adults who are at high risk of getting HIV, which includes men who have sex with other men. The plaintiffs in the case — six individuals and two Christian-owned businesses, Braidwood Management and Kelley Orthodontics — had argued that they should not be mandated to offer coverage of HIV PrEP because they did not want to encourage ‘homosexual behavior.’” Of course! I expected nothing less.
First of all, when I last checked, straight people contract and live with HIV, and I assume straight people would appreciate being on PrEP if they are in a straight relationship with someone who is positive. So, this is not necessarily a “gay only” problem. But people want it to be, so whatever. I guess citizens don’t care if government and corporations impose their morality in the bedroom — for the gays. Second, we all know the genuine underlying motivation of this lawsuit (and others like it): Let the gays die from AIDS. They’re just one step away from barring the ACA from having insurers cover drugs to treat HIV. Just watch. That will become the next “religious” exception. Indeed, Christo-fascists and evil evangelicals pray for it! And, of course, RepubliKKKlans and conservative judges are more than willing to oblige helping make their dreams come true. Naturally, a case like this should immediately conjure the following question: What would SCOTUS do (WWSD)? This should sound familiar to Christian nutjobs with the oft incorrectly answered (lived) and misunderstood WWJD trope. Christ-on-the-f***ing-cross! If I have to see one more WWJD rubber wrist bracelet! They really don’t exist anymore because I think fake Christians (all Christians) finally realized that donning such a piece of hypocrisy-wear hurt their feelings as they had to frequently confront the disconformity of their actions with the actual teachings of Christ. That is, of course, if they were cognizant of their hypocrisy in the first place, which I assume is rarely. I think Christians would rather not have to act like Christ; rather, they prefer the vengeful God of the Old Testament. Living that reality is much more fun and hurtful! There is a reason why Jesus was spurned in his day. Nothing has changed 2000 years later. Different era, same Homo Erectus. But I digress.
So, with this verdict having been rendered by a Texas judge, WWSD? Answer: Completely uphold the ruling, thereby giving every company license to discriminate against the gays (and everyone) who wants PrEP. This country is trending so far and so fast hard into a dysfunctional democracy ruled by religion that it’s going to be impossible to reverse course, especially with a federal judiciary dominated by Christo-fascists who are hell-bent on upholding and imposing their Christan morality on everyone else. Remember, Judaism and Islam are not legitimate religions to Christo-fascists. So rise up, gays! Are you willing to kill or be killed? They are coming for you. Remember that! Welcome to stupid America!