
Remove These People from Society — for Good!

Should people go to prison for life for being f***ing G.D. morons or jerks or jerky morons? Hell f***ing yes! This is particularly true for airline passengers because hundreds of others are negatively impacted in almost every instance of people misbehaving on a plane. Here is the latest example from The Hill, “A JetBlue flight from Las Vegas was evacuated after landing in Los Angeles on Thursday after reports of a suspicious package on board. At around 2 p.m., authorities said a disgruntled passenger who missed his flight made a statement saying his luggage ‘contained a possible bomb’ aboard the aircraft.” This guy should go to jail for the rest of his life, least of all for essentially making a bomb threat, if only off-handly. It does not matter. And I say extend this punishment to every other unruly drunk passenger and a**hole who thinks the world revolves around them. Does such a harsh punishment fit the crime, you may ask? Of course, not. But that doesn’t mean taking these f***tards out of society is no less warranted. I have no doubt that the vast majority of these people deserving to be jailed are RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, or QAnon kooks. So, it’s a win-win for everyone when more of these a**holes can be eliminated from the general population. Welcome to stupid America!