RepubliKKKlan, Christian Family Values

No one wants to be told how to live their lives. No one! Most will, however, tolerate some must-dos such as buying car insurance, getting vaccinated, paying social security payroll taxes, and so forth. Unless, of course, you are a RepubliKKKlan or Christian or likely both (mixed in with QAnon kookery) because if there is one characteristic — one necessary attribute — that undoubtedly describes these groups of self-selecting morons, it is a deep-seated desire (demand) to tell others how to live by their fanciful, arbitrary, and arcane rules only to break those same rules themselves regularly and automatically, without any sense of irony or moral inconsistency. Hypocrisy is routinely embraced, yet it is utterly unrecognizable among these f***tards. It is all part of the mental defect that afflicts such people who look at the RepubliKKKlan Party, Christianity, and QAnon and determine, “Yeah, I want to be a part of that hot mess!”

Where am I going with this? Matt Gaetz, of course. I don’t need to quote any particular news article even though those stories abound, for the generalities of the allegations are, no doubt, all true! And they portray perfectly every aspect of the RepubliKKKlan Party. Only a RepubliKKKlan and QAnon supporter would, himself, be a sex trafficker of a minor — of course! Only other RepubliKKKlans would either support and condone or remain silent, thereby complicit in his guilt by keeping him in power. This, of course, is all built on the alter (model) of traitor trump. RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons who preach white nationalist Christianity (evil evangelicals) values love their lying, thriving, adulterer leader, traitor trump. Because, of course, they do. Whatever! This is the new, dominant strain in America. Mark my words, morons. America is doomed because of its stupidity and inability to purge this disease from society. Welcome to stupid America!