RepubliKKKlans Are Economic Terrorists and Americans Love It!

From CNN, “The fight over raising the nation’s borrowing limit underscores a reality for Democrats as they are in the midst of their highest stakes moment for President Joe Biden’s sweeping legislative agenda: thrusting a potential default into the mix may have devastating consequences. … Moody’s estimates nearly 6 million jobs would be lost, the unemployment rate would spike back to nearly 9% and stock prices would plummet by one-third, wiping out about $15 trillion in household wealth. … Faith in the US debt — the linchpin of the global financial system — would be tarnished, perhaps irreversibly.” And they also report, “The House of Representatives voted to pass legislation on Tuesday to prevent a government shutdown at the end of the month and suspend the nation’s borrowing limit, setting up a showdown with Republicans who insist Democrats should act alone to stave off a looming debt crisis. The party line vote was 220-211 [of course]. The bill now faces an uphill battle in the Senate. By attaching the debt limit suspension to the must-pass funding bill, Democrats are essentially daring Republicans to vote no and spark a shutdown. It’s not yet clear what Democrats’ plan B would be if the effort to avert a shutdown and suspend the debt limit runs aground in the Senate, as it appears is on track to happen.”

What does all this mean? In short, RepubliKKKlans simply do not care if they destroy America’s full faith and credit and the economy. The past four years (but really longer) have made painstakingly manifest that RepubliKKKlans would rather see America in ruins if they believe it will give them a political advantage. And RepubliKKKlans are correct in their assessment because in America’s infinite stupidity, of course, voters would blame Democrats for trying and failing to avoid debt default more so than RepubliKKKlans, who are intentionally obstructing. Whatever! I give up with the stupid!

This is the same ole, same ole where people love the stupid political party as RepubliKKKlans continue to embrace traitor trump. They! Don’t! F***ing! Care! And, apparently, Americans don’t care either; obviously, Americans want and love the carnage because this is still a country of f***tards who now think traitor trump should be given a second chance. RepubliKKKlans are still the party favored to win the House next year and retain control of the majority of state legislatures. And ruinous governors like Abbott and DeSantis will keep getting reelected because that’s what these people want — it’s what people in states like Texas and Florida love — out of control COVID, anti-masks mandates, people freezing to death as the power grid fails statewide, elimination of constitutional rights, more voter restrictions, conceal and carry without a permit and training.

Sure, dumbass Democrats often and easily evince incompetence, but their intentions mean well in the doing, whereas RepubliKKKlans literally have no problem killing their own constituents and would rather see America’s economic collapse instead of helping Democrats fix the budget and debt crisis — a debt crisis, mind you, that entails money already spent under traitor trump’s administration. Never mind that Democrats have always helped RepubliKKKlans raise the debt limit in the past. Oh, no. Never mind that! Never mind, RepubliKKKlans love to spend money, too. Oh no. Never mind that! It’s always, and only the Democrats who are seen as the drunken unfunded spenders, although RepubliKKKlans spend without paying for it, and tax cuts are not a pay-for solution. No, no. RepubliKKKlans want the dysfunction, and they love the impending crisis, hoping it leads to carnage just as they loved the disastrous reality show that was the traitor trump presidency. Yet, RepubliKKKlans keep getting reelected because this is a m*****f***ing G.D. stupid country of the highest f***ing order. Welcome to stupid America, where morons keep electing the terrorist party. And no one cares! It never ends!