RepubliKKKlans Are Retards

A quote from Politico reads: “Meadows said. ‘He [traitor trump] told me this morning, “We’re going to fix it [health care].”’” OMG! Seriously?! How f***ing stupid is this country? So, traitor trump is going to fix health care just like he’s “fixed” everything else? (Of course, he wants to destroy health care first.) He’ll fix health care like he “fixed” the North Korean missile threat? (They are still building.) NAFTA? (The new version of NAFTA has not been ratified yet, and therefore has not taken effect.) Trade with China? (We’re in a trade war.) Our trade imbalance? The deficit? The national debt? (All of these are worse under traitor trump?) Tax fairness? (The rich and corporations got richer after the RepubliKKKlan tax legislation.) Government regulations? (Welcome to a free-for-all and reckless environment for businesses to take advantage of the public trust.) Wall?!?! (Mexico is not paying for it.) Paris Climate Agreement? (We are literally the only nation in the world not in the agreement and does believe in global warming as a matter of national policy.) The Supreme Court and federal judges? (We’ll see what people think of how well he fixed the courts when they start losing their personal freedoms in favor of business and minority rule.) And I could go on. He hasn’t fixed anything. He’s only made the important things worse. Welcome to stupid f***ing America, home of MAGA morons and idiots everywhere!

Moreover, from CNN, “Of the 11 states in which 30% or more of the under-65 population has some sort of pre-existing condition, all 11 were won by Trump in 2016.” What else is new? The dumbest people on Earth elect the dumbest president we’ve ever had, and now they will suffer the worst of any if ACA repealed. Welcome to stupid f***ing America!