
RepubliKKKlans’ Legislative Terrorism

Allow me to set up the context first. According to NC Policy Watch, “North Carolina’s legislative session opened Wednesday with a controversy in the state House over a proposed rule change that would allow Republicans to call snap votes to override Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper’s vetoes. The House rules adopted as temporary on Wednesday no longer include the section requiring advanced notice of veto override votes. The legislature has a full slate of important issues it’s going to consider this session, including more curbs on abortion rights. House Republicans are one vote shy of a veto-proof majority, meaning they can override vetoes if all 71 vote together and not all Democrats are in their seats. A three-fifths majority of 120 House members present and voting are needed to override vetoes. The 50-member Senate needs 30 votes to override if all senators are there. Republicans have a veto-proof Senate majority.”

This is legislative terrorism by stealth! And only RepubliKKKlans engage in such chicanery. How do I know that only RepubliKKKlans do this kind of sh*t? Because dumbass Democrats are not clever enough to think of and enact such insidious rules. This is what happened: The typically conservative state of North Carolina has a Democratic Governor, and during the midterm elections, RepubliKKKlans lost their veto-proof majority in the state House by one vote. So, what’s their remedy to overcome their loss? Try again in two years to win back enough seats by better advocating their citizens’ concerns and desires? No! F*** the voters is their usual concern. Instead, RepubliKKKlans want to rig the veto process by calling for a snap roll call when, you know, a Democrat or two is late to show up to the House floor or has to go to the bathroom. In this way, RepubliKKKlans can restore the supermajority required to override the Democratic governor’s veto. I keep telling you f***tards. By hook or by crook, RepubliKKKlans will implement their minority legislative wishlist (anti-abortion bills and assaults on other rights) despite what voters want because they’re f***ing RepubliKKKlans.

Oh, well. Americans get the government they deserve and desire, for Democrats repeatedly don’t vote in enough numbers consistently enough to counter RepubliKKKlans. It is no longer good enough for voters to elect just enough Democrats. No! If citizens don’t overwhelmingly elect Democrats, then RepubliKKKlans always win. Mark my words! Welcome to stupid America!