RepubliKKKlans on Traitor [T]rump: Silence

From Axios, “‘The image [of the Irian space center crash] … is almost certainly highly classified, experts said, and bears markings that resemble those made by intelligence analysts.’ … Trump said: ‘I just wish Iran well. They had a big problem. And we had a photo. And I released it, which I have the absolute right to do.’” Where’s the outrage from RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons over traitor trump literally spilling state secrets? It doesn’t f***ing matter if he has the absolute right, he should have not done it. There was absolutely no point in doing so except to confirm to our enemies America’s capabilities for spying. This is un-f***ing-believable! Now, if the “black man” had done it then I have no doubt RepubliKKKlans would start impeachment proceedings. Since this is a trump stupid country, RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons suddenly condone everything the traitor does. This country is so f***ed up because it is so f***ing G.D. stupid. Beyond stupid, actually. I seriously have no idea how it manages to function on a daily basis given people elected the dumbest person on the planet to be president. Welcome to stupid America. Just when I think it can’t get any dumber, it does.