RepubliKKKlans Pass Anti-Voting Rights Laws and Dumbass Democrats March — F*** Me!

This is not the 1960s, idiots! And Al Sharpton is no MLK. From Reuters, “Thousands of protesters rallied in Washington and other U.S. cities on Saturday to demand protections for voting rights, aiming to pressure lawmakers to pass legislation to counter a wave of ballot restrictions in Republican-led states.” What a f***ing joke. These marches are nothing more than dumbass Democrats “wishing” and “hoping” something changes — as usual. All talk (or walk) and no action. On the other hand, RepubliKKKlans have already taken decisive, redoubtable action to ensure that their party denies people their right to vote in order to retain power. So, once again we have dumbass Democrats really doing nothing of substance to save America’s democracy while RepubliKKKlans actually do things to destroy the country’s voting processes. And Democrats wonder why everyone else thinks they are feckless morons that people only reluctantly vote for as the lesser of two evils. Welcome to stupid America — home of one political party that wants to destroy the country and the other political party is stuck on ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I give up!