
RepubliKKKlans Win on the Debt Ceiling — Again

This CNN opinion piece nails it: “At this point, even if Biden finds a resolution and works out a deal that allows him to claim success and move on, he and the Democrats have lost. We’ve seen in recent years just how far the GOP has been able to move the goalposts and lower the bar as to what is considered acceptable in American politics. As a result, Democrats will keep finding themselves in a deeper and deeper hole, operating in a system that Republicans seem hellbent on breaking. In the face of this reality, Democrats will also find themselves spending more time simply trying to keep the nation afloat than tackling the pressing problems of our era. Unless Democrats take tougher steps in the future, such as pushing for legislation that eliminates the debt ceiling once and for all, they will keep finding themselves in this bind, struggling to keep their footing in a world where one party still plays by the rules and the other is willing to do whatever is necessary — and at whatever cost — to achieve its objectives and retain power.”

Bingo! Bingo! Bingo! Only Democratic presidents have to negotiate on something that RepubliKKKlans would otherwise get a free pass, and Democrats are completely incompetent even to consider fighting fire with fire. This! This is why voters are fed up with the feckless Democratic Party because they’re just so f***ing weak and get walked all over endlessly. I cannot improve on this article any further. Welcome to stupid America!