
Revisiting the Thesis

Occasionally, I revisit my writings — to find, most frustratingly, typos and garbled thoughts (thanks for nothing, Grammarly) — and think to myself, “Wow, that’s a lot of f***ing b*tching from one person.” But I must remind myself that this is my therapy. If tens and tens of readers want to commiserate with me, then all the better. Then I think to myself, “Wow, does this writer sound conceited, basically calling everyone a f***tard all the time.” It is this point that I must qualify my perspective. To be sure, 40 percent of Americans are f***ing G.D. morons of the highest f***ing order. Full stop! I make absolutely no apologies for this claim (truth). Indeed, the vast majority — if not the entirety — of the 40 percent are exclusively RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks. I will concede dumbass Democrats and myself wander into stupidville, but only temporarily and occasionally, unlike 40 percent who are always stuck on stupid. (And I will concede that I am wrong half of the time, right half of the time, and neither right nor wrong a third of the time.) Because I view this benighted percentage so dimly, I tend to generalize the f***tardedness to the whole population, which may or may not be appropriate. I contend that calling all of America stupid is deserved because of the 40 percent who are the hard-core traitor trump supporters.

Allow me to defend my point by referring to the well-known bell curve for grading. Anyone who went to high school understands that getting 40 percent wrong (60 percent correct) on a test or paper is a D-, which, although “passing,” is not the achievement with which one should be complacent, unless, of course, you are one of those morons. (Even I’ve “earned” a D on a test — once.) Indeed, outside of high school (aka everywhere else in life), a D of any sort is failing. Certainly, no one will graduate college with a 1.0 GPA. You’d be on academic probation and fail out of college long before being allowed to graduate with that GPA. In fact, anyone who went on to graduate school will find that having a 2.0 GPA means academic trouble. Life doesn’t reward and will chew up and spit out — so to speak — such underperformers. These people, my friends, are the aforementioned RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evile evangelicals, and QAnon kooks who attract life’s failures. Why else do you think traitor trump can lure the hoards of aggrieved morons who feel life is so unfair to them? So, to collectively “grade” all of America on the same curve means that a 40 percent stupid country does, indeed, define the whole as a country of f***tards. Welcome to stupid America!